>Trusting Texans
Trusting Texans
>how to fish
This smells like bullshit senpai
>How to spot a narcissist
While being full of them.
>How to survive a zombie apocalypse
Good luck being right next to Cali and having 70% of the population living in one county
Based PA, yet again.
>how to battle in Pokemon Go!
>state of only 500k
This makes me feel kinda sad
>How to sell beanie babies
Fucking kek
>how to get out of florida
>South Carolina
>How to get rid of Cockroaches
>Feels good man
But on a related note, those are called palmetto bugs not cockroaches fucking yanks
>How to make slime?
>How to find Kansas
They can't find themselves metaphorically or literally it'd appear.
>New Mexico.
You'll get laid someday, new mexibros.
>How to Google something?
>How to Google something?
>how to tip cows
>New Jersey
>How to stop Trump
.......I'm done. My old nice suburban neighborhood is probably filled to the brim with mexicans and indians by the looks of this.
>How to spot a narcissist
>A Narcissist in California
no way!!!
>how to impeach governor
Fucking kek.
>how to explain mansplaining
god dammit ny
>How to crab?
nice WA has the best of the west coast
When you push over an american female. Pretty dangerous idea. Friend got his arm crushed when the cow swung back forward on him.
More like
>trusting Arizona
This looks like some onion bullshit. Lold at several of these California and Florida in particular
It makes sense.
>how to get out of Florida
most accurate thing ever
>New York
Fake and gay
>new york
this shit has to be fake
what the fuck new york permanently cucked
I can explain: Immigrants.
>how to join illuminati?
step 1:go to Texas
So when do we nuke Jersey?
>how to spot a narcissist
Texan here. Does thou want to live deliciously?
This looks fake as fuck
>how to Google something?
>how to start a fire
They've started the fire.
>How to be awesome
Is this good or bad?
>how to stop drinking
Illinois....did you guys just get the internet or what?
>how to raise chickens
I contributed to that. You're welcome.
>How to spot a narcissist
>how to defeat ISIS
Masterrace yet again.
Arizonans want to join the Illuminati and Texans want to sell their soul, they should join forces.
Arizona was a part of the confederacy.
Anyone here know how to get rid of moles?
Asking for a friend
>How to quit
That was probably me.
I'm never leaving am I?
TIL I mixed up the location of Wyoming and Montana all my life.
>fbi internal feud
Lol literally gov't workers curious how gov't agencies do mutiny
>how to explain mansplaining
i am crying
>googling how to google something?
I'm hoping for a sequel to Hurricane Sandy desu. New Jersey is the worst state.
>Nevada is preparing for the inevitable Commiefornia invasion
why is nobody asking the real questions here
what the fuck are those jap mongrels in hawaii planning
y-you t-too
I can't take this seriously, or even laugh at it. The questions aren't complete sentences and the "?" at the end is making me cringe. It's 3:33 am
>How to Crab?
>How to get out of Florida?
>How to join the Iluminati?
>How to find kansas
>How to google something
>How to make slime
>How to survive a zombie apocalypse
Good to know that there are still people out there who ask the important questions in life.
>tfw Jew York
I hate this place.
No one even notices
>How to get away with murder?
Minnesota? It says "quilt"
>But on a related note, those are called palmetto bugs not cockroaches fucking yanks
Whatever they are they nightmares from the pits of hell.
I caught one FLYING in my house.
They are not supposed to fly this far north!
I beat it to death with a flyswatter while weeping in terror.
It did not die easily as it had landed on a pillow, which cushioned it from the blows I rained down upon it.....
I took it's carcass out into the street and placed a brick on it in order to ensure it's death and immobilize it should it somehow survive, and prevent it from returning from beyond the grave to wreak it's infernal revenge upon my household.
>sad Ted Cruz
>step 1: live in california
>step 2: go outside
I really hope an earthquake does hit us. I'd gladly die if the rest of the coast did too. Inland is 10/10 though, hope they survive.
It's a tv show or something
ND know about the slithering serpents in the media
>When will the election end?
>Why vote?
>Are you fucking kidding me?!?!
Pics of cock.
its an old Nigahiga video on youtube, he used to live in hawaii back then too so thats my guess
>how to explain mansplaining
well obviously you have to not be a man
otherwise you are mansplaining mansplaining and it causes an infinite recursion
>how to join the illuminati
Remove a step.
>Look in a mirror, you twit.
Hoosiers having' a laugh I see.
pennsylvania once again showing its superiority.
>Googling how to Google
Jesus Christ I love this state
>trump anti-semitic
wew buddy
what gun is that?
>tfw AL
I don't know whether I should be ashamed or-
God damn, that makes me proud
Consistently based
>that box with a smaller box cut out of it
This was my last how-to google. In California.
> how to calculate Bollinger bands
>Is Hillary a Lesbian?
>Marco Rubio shoes
>Bill Clinton black son
My fucking sides
thays the one that stood out to me as well. wtf is going on in south dakota
>How to stop trump
God I knew we were a cucked blue state but I didn't think it was that bad
We're the only ones trying to solve serious world problems. Are we truly the best state ever?
Fucking south dakota man. Fuckin weird
take a gander at NY