seen on plebbit. potential fix?
Seen on plebbit. potential fix?
Seems fine to me. Although more experienced Sup Forumsacks can probably have fun with this one.
Meh it's fine, we're never not going to be the villains in the mind of the normies so anything that equates the marixists with us is a good thing.
Mark should be Asian. Also like how the Skin Head girl and the Sjw girl have the same hairstyle.
Are you all fucking retarded? Patri-Archy is literally a crusader against social justice bullshit and you're sitting here calling him a "normie" because he acknowledged that racism exists.
>Fucking terrorist!!! Stop fucking goats and exploding al day!!
Sick bantz
This comic is bluepill pretending to be redpill
The things in "right wing racist" never fucking happen whereas "left wing racism" is government and corporate policy as well as the conventional state of mind for most young people - It's not balanced at all
>seen on plebbit.
Great, when are you going back?
He's redpilled, this comic is just culpable deniability.
>Women dating a black guy is completely statistically likely
Oh wait no it's not
>Implying that someone would hire 50% blacks if he wasn't obliged to
You know your precious president posted on Reddit but couldn't even bother with this dump, right? You should go to /r/the_donald. You'll love it.
half the shit on the right wing panel almost never happens, whereas for the left wing it's fucking everywhere
>everyone who's right wing is a white nazi
Nigger I never said that I found something wrong with the comic. Just that other Sup Forumsacks may have some good shoop ideas in mind.
>allahu aktarts
I think you're onto something.
secret autism litmus test
>literally a crusader against social justice bullshit
definition of normie. Everybody hates SJWs its the lowest hanging fruit possible.
>acknowledged that racism exists
Its called having an in-group preference and its a good and natural thing, cause its ultimately beneficial to you and your kin.
Marxism and social-justice bullshit on the other hand is self-destructive and praises non-beneficial things, it encourages everyone to appear as sick, weak and degenerate as possible, its literal slave morality.
>You know your precious president
I didn't vote for him, nigger. Trumpgens were full of constant crossposting and mobilefags so it's quite clear who was behind all of the shilling for him.
I was hoping that you vermin would crawl back to your hole after he won, but it has just gotten worse.
The horseshoe theory is fucking idiocy. The left and right wing could not be more ideologically separated, segregation is probably the only issue they agree with
I fucking hate middle of the road centrists. A true moderate is someone who considers each issue independently and formulates their own conclusions regardless of the prevailing winds, not to ride a balance between the two
>le both sides are bad meme
No, niggers are bad.
Middle column, second row.
There should only be whites working. Bad fix
>right wing racism on the left
>left wing racism on the right
most right wing racists agree that neo nazis are a scourge to authoritarianism and fascism though
They have tans.
Dont h8
Are skinhead women even real? I don't think I've ever seen one.
bumping for edits
I had. Most of them are whores looking for rough sex in heavy boots and free beer.
>normal section
>still a black dude
ok, well see there is the problem
I think Mark is like ambiguously "could be white but also could be non-white" as opposed to the other two boyfriends
And yes it's really scary how the haircut fits both, but the wire glasses are an A+ touch
Honestly if I don't have an exam tomorrow I'll just remove the watermark on the bottom and share it
1st panel in the middle would be white-white couple as thats the most statistically likely couple for whites.
2nd panel in the middle will be mostly whites with like 1 brown person at most as thats the most statistically likely outcome.
>Most of them are whores looking for rough sex in heavy boots and free beer.
If this is all it takes I know what I'm doing this weekend
You don't even need the middle column.
The hands in the bottom corners.
My edit would be:
Panel 2: black woman with kids
4: change the window to a stock chart with the arrow going up, up, up.
5: replace all the people with the white ones from 4, and the same stock chart.
6: stock chart going down.
8: normal Muslim exploding or at least in a suicide vest.
14: the guy from panel 15 is there yelling "you're a white male"
15: same guy yelling "are you fucking kidding me?"
It's like you all forgot about carl the cuck
It's not a comic it's a cuckmic
its reasonably accurate, but both sides are not equal. everyone understands the left panel is racist, but the right panel is presented as reality by the mainstream left.
It was here first you cuck.
Right wing racism doesn't exist.
Racism was invented by the left, nurtured by the left and exploited by the left for the sole purpose of furthering the leftist agenda.
Leftism IS racism. PERIOD.
template if anybody wants to have a faff
>people of color only
It's real
That's just average Russian woman though.
There's nothing wrong with racism tho?
That's Aids Skrillex dummy
>Both normal and left-wing are white women dating black men
Self hating cucks should be executed immediately after the non-humans on the day of the rope.
Basically, most right wing people don't want a gf with a degenerate haircut, don't separate people and don't scream at black people ever, while leftists literally do all the time at whites kek
>forgot about Carl
Is this a new meme
i mean im pretty sure thats supposed to be aids skrillex so i doubt it
Exactly I want to fucking slaughter these people the way they openly show pure disdain for us I look forward to the day the streets run red with their blood