why is it okay to kill black people over shoplifting
Why is it okay to kill black people over shoplifting
Why not?
it's always OK desu
>I can't breath
This is why.
Because they shoplift with a gun
Stop breaking the law stupid niggers.
Youd want to kill niggers too if you had to share a cou try with them
10/10 would chop off that qt3.14's hand if she shoplifted
Because it's legal to put down problem animals.
Look at how her cross is hooked. What the fuck
Black people sticking a gun in a store clerks face is not shopliftng Ivan.
Because they break the NAP.
its not
what they do after is what gets their retarded asses killed
if you have a weapon of any sort - could be a #2 pencil - and you dont comply with dropping the weapon, you get shot
if officers didnt practice this, they would all be dead within a week
if dumb nigs knew the law they wouldnt need to get killed
Armed Robbery and shop lifting are two very different things
>why is it okay to kill niggers over shoplifting
>I can't breathe
>Nostrils aren't covered as well
a нy пиздyй из фopчaнa oбpaтнo нa двaч
just look in their eyes. these people are so fucking clueless. they have truly been convinced that they are the victims and have an inability to take responsibility and look at things critically. subhumans, man
>usa isn't a racist country
Retard ITT
crime and punishment am I rite
idgaf, Ill take the qt though
If they entered private property and are stealing privately owned goods, the owner should defend what is his. And yes, up to and including shooting a nigger for his thieving ways. That and it acts as a deterrent to other niggers.
Being racist is better than being led by Turdo or being Sweden
>caring about niggers
I think you've forgotten where you are.
Because nigger lives don't matter.
I'd like to kill people for stealing in general. I feel like food is the only thing that is acceptable from a moral standpoint to steal.
I'd kill a nigger over trying to steal anything if I could. A sponge, a coffee mug, a shit I left in the toilet, literally anything.
Can someone explain why blacks have low inhibition and can't into delayed gratification? I'm assuming it's because their ancestor's environments didn't naturally select for planning like winters in Asia and Europe would.
Thanks for proving my point, USA is a racist country.
>a shit you left in the toilet
Never change Nip.
"People" may require a review
The same reason it is ok to kill white people for shoplifting.
Thieves should all be fucking hanged.
better question: why is she so perfect
because they are worth less than the value of what they are stealing.
Canada is a soon to be failed multicultural experiment. Fact.
It's the duct tape over her mouth.
looting is not the same as shoplifting
White facial structure/eyes but dark skin? Only explanation I have.
>Thanks for proving my point, USA is a racist country.
You're saying this like it's a bad thing.
Why should it be ok to break the law if you skin color is black? Why is it ok that 11% are responsible for 50% of violent crime?
Why is it ok to call for dead cops in a blm demonstration? and then when someone kills cop in the name of blm why is blm still ok?
It is not, until they resist arrest and are a threat for the police officers and the bystanders.
Yes, force is the only thing they understand.
the burden is on you to prove that it isn't.
>Two young black men were caught shoplifting as I left Wal-Mart today
>They were nonviolent and sheepish instead of violently nigging
>Live in rural part of Florida panhandle
Blacks are always retarded but most country niggers at least try to be people.
Yeah, we have a lot of racial tension in leaf land...
>think all people from one race are the same
>not a pure imbecile
Because niggers are inferior. Honestly, I feel bad for any country that has even a small population of them living there. It's like they don't have a conscience and they don't understand right from wrong. If they start to demand that they be put on a pedestal,like when they want the right to not be shot when they fuck around, just tell them to fuck off. If they try to escalate and act up, then shoot them. They are sub-human and have no concept of civility.
>kill black people over shoplifting
GOD, that is one beautiful nigglette. Anyone got a name?
I don't know, it's your country, you tell us.
>I can't breathe
>Leaves tape on mouth to further impede breathing
>It's because of white people
Need you really ask?
>As if niggers only shoplift
You haven't been around enough to know how they are. They are loyal only to their own kind and don't feel bad about ruining someone else's life. They are a savage race and every community they inhabit goes to hell in a hand basket. The poorest white communities have less crime than the richest black communities.
Because they didn't say "Hands up don't shoot"
>think all people from one country are the same
This. It's always OK to kill shoplifters
yeah it's Stupid Nigress
Are wives property and is adultery stealing?
They're not people u retard
Fucking this. I live in a pretty heavily nigger infested neighborhood. Last evening when I was walking home, I spot two niggers down the block who were coming from the opposite direction. I had my iPhone out in my hand and they stop and loiter near the building after they notice me. I promptly put my phone in my pocket. As I walked passed them, one says, "Yeah keep walking with your phone in your pocket." The niggers were ready to snatch and grab and were annoyed that I was cautious enough to keep my phone safe and try to shame me for doing so. Only reason they didn't try to rob me anyway is because I'm 6'3" and 250lbs.
>snatch and run*
Never relax around blacks.
So its okay to generalize an entire nation as racist, but its not ok to generalize an entire race as retarded. Teach me your logic canacuck.
>why is it okay to kill black people over shoplifting
because they were too dumb to stop when a gun was pointed at them and they were told to stop
Because of pc culture we are not aloud to have a proper open season on them so we have to come up with "legal"ways to cull the herd
why do blacks always pick the mulattos to represent them? Looking at ur pic OP
>1 post by this ID
For every >1 post by this ID thread we kill another nigger for shoplifting.
daily reminder that blacks are literally aliens
daily reminder that (((isrealis))) are reptiles
Maybe you're right OP. From now on, to promote cultural diversity we're going to incorporate punishment from many different cultures. If you get caught stealing, you get your hands cut off!
Its not okay to kill anyone for shoplifting.
Because they resist arrest.
because they're not people lol, are you joking?
it's like hunting deer, except they don't have soft antlers
Funny Guy here, watch out. We got a Funny Guy over here.
>why is it ok to kill black people?
Because their are niggers?
Any nigger being shot for shoplifting is only being punished for their previous or future exploits.
The solution is to rid society of niggers.
then take the tape off you dumb nigger
stop breaking the law, asshole
but she has green eyes, how can she be black? white women pls stop
Yes. They had it coming.
he was getting arrested for the shoplifting, its only when he tried to go for the cop's gun when he got shot.
niggs gonna nigg
>why is it okay to kill black people over shoplifting
Because the nigger attacks you with intent to kill, even if you give the nigger your money.
двaч yмep в 2009, пидpилa
Why is it ok for them to shoplift
Because it's okay to kill black people.
Did she died? Did he jailed?
Generalizing all of America over a couple online posts? I was born, raised, and taught exactly what it means be an American, and I hate niggers. So you're kind of right
>Did he jailed?
Despite opening the door with his shirt his master crime falls apart when he opens the register and takes cash with his hands as well as showing his fucking face so brazenly.
There's no chance this nigger doesn't have a record.
He would've been picked up about 2 hours later at max, hanging out at the same place he hangs with all his nigger friends and he wouldn't have even known which crime he was being hauled in for.
no but any shoplifter should be arrested
and if they resist arrest, the police officer or shop owner shoudl be allowed to escalate the force necessary to stop them
if a shop lifter keeps escalating the force while resisting arrest, the policeman should never say "ok its not worth it to arrest you over this, you can go"
how does one go about being the niggest of niggers I wonder?
everytime I see a decent looking breed I feel so sorry for them..
its like they are infected with a visible disease and know it
Breathe through your nose you stupid dumb bitch
>mob is going to loot my store
>shoot at their feet
>one nigger runs towards the store all "yo bitch you an't got the balls to shoot me"
>shoot him
>mfw I still have 28 shots left while the crowd freaks out and tyrone starts crying
pics or it iddnt happen
Why even put yourself in that predicament in the first place?
I think this is the nigger, and the white woman attacked was pregnant.
I'd love to ram my cock down her throat, give that bitch a real reason not to breathe
because they are black desu
You shot concrete and nobody got hit by the ricochet?
Any excuse to kill a nigger is okay.Killing a Nigger for just being a Nigger is okay. Niggers need to be eradicated or collected and sent to Africa, including anyone with over 20% Nigger dna.