Give me one good reason why Kanye West shouldn't be elected president in 2020

Give me one good reason why Kanye West shouldn't be elected president in 2020.

>tfw imagining the media shitstorm of kanye + a second trump campaign

The whore of babylon would be first muh lady.

Fuck that noize boyz

Putin would have his media fabricate that he's autistic, our media would confirm it.

One nigger fucked things up enough. Pretty sure a second one won't fix it.

He's a nigger

MKUltra agents are turning him into a vegetable because he was about to expose Pizzzagate.

Why are you so racist, user?

He's crazy and he's a pro-black black man.

>the kardashians

It's fun. You should try it.

>Give me one good reason why Kanye West shouldn't be elected president in 2020.

1. Kanye.

Why not?

Never thought I would see the day for a beaner to reject a fat ass. I don't like this new breed please bring back the old ones

He's a nigger and makes shitty music.
Back to Sup Forums dipshit.

>not wanting a black white supremacist president
>i shiggy diggy

Normies get so triggered and but hurt when they see thebkardashians and kanye
Their clothes are worth more than what people make in a year.
Oh the salt would be enormous

>first lady Kim K

you know what. Kanye 2020

>Liberals try to find their answer to Trump
>Try to choose a populist that appeals to minorities
>Hurr let's choose Kanye
>Bernie loses again in the primaries
>Cucked Whites get redpilled on niggers

>Kanye loses all 50 states to Trump

He's a nigger.
Nobody is going to support your pet Nigger. Enough of this gay ass meme.

1. he sounds like a retard
2. hes a fucking diva and acts like one (theres a million articles backing this up)
3. he married into a freek show
4. he'll do anything for cash
5. due to mental issues he spent a week in the hospital
6. America isn't ready to elect another dumb nigger

Kanye is a spectacle. Usually he makes mediocre music, but every once in a while he writes something really good.

He literally just went insane, if people were on Hillary's case for coughing, then this should disqualify him outright.

Like what?

Come on throw me some garbage "music"

Because he's an idiot who promotes thug/nigger culture. Speak english you stupid black cunt BRUH. BRUH.

Fuck kanye nothing good can come from from him or any black celebrity in power.

trump's second term you fuck. 2024 sure.

he'd save the country from economic ruin and make it more prosperous then it's ever been.

I like ye, he'll lose the dem nomination, run as an independent, and split the Dem vote, securing another Trump victory.

god damn could you imagine if trump were the first to win all 50 states in an election? at least I assume it'd be a first.

Kanye West has accomplished more in the private sector (ie the real world) than any Democratic politician. Prove me wrong

That's just it. It'll be a full-on meme war. White, right-wing memes, meet black, left-wing memes.

Because Hollywood is currently wiping his memory and re-bluegill ingredients him.

because (((they))) are brain washing him. watch he will be calling every one goys when he gets out

>makes shitty music
>Hasn't listened to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

The fuck is wrong with you user?

Oh, are you one of those "muh Beatles" fags or "muh baroque" or some shit? I don't think you'll care what I say because you'd prefer to be in an overly-exclusive musical tastes club.

He's pretty redpilled for a groid. He's not articulate enough to express it coherently, but he's aware there is an (((elite group))) which manipulates the media and tries to build a narrative for the masses to follow blindly.

Didn't he just get out from being forcibly committed to a mental health facility?

Day of the rope is nigh

Black apologists will not be tolerated

>god damn could you imagine if trump were the first to win all 50 states in an election?

He probably already did if you only count legitimate votes. I wouldn't be surprised at all if 10+ million votes were fraudulent there was just no visible real-world evidence of hillary support.

>almost all of this is trump

No user, it'll be far better.

The Democrats will fuck Kanye over an appointment Michelle or some generic bitch who will toe the party line, causing Kanye to run independent.

Memeing aside, Kanye as a third party could probably win Illinois, and fucked the Democrats in every other state where the nigger population is over 10%. As in, Trump taking places like Maryland.

mfw lefties vote for him, then he turns around and builds 2nd wall behind the first one.

Is 'normies' nigger talk for 'whiteys'?

He's already dead. Kek told me.

Spoken like a true Kangye

I mean he got a majority of the counties/country but sadly those 30 something shillary got countered his majority. I'd love to think he'd have all 50 states though, that'd be the most perfect thing ever, see an all red country.
Hell, just seeing commiefornia red would be great.


I have a boyfriend who has a SERIOUS foot fetish. He always tells me I need them to be smellier, your feet are not smelly at all and they smell good. I will go to the gym and then come home and he finds them a little better, but still not as smelly as he wants them. I have tried wearing multiple socks and tricks like that nothing is working, ( I know this is stupid, most people try to make their feet smell good and I am trying to make mine smell bad). I was devastated to go on and find that he was bidding on ebay for used women's shoes and he was going to pay over 100 bucks on these other women and their shoes! I am so pissed, but that is another issue... So that really made me realize I need to get my feet stinky and FAST. I feel like half of it was my fault because I can't get them to smell the way he wants them to smell. Oiy I never thought I would be having this problem... THIS IS A SERIOUS QUESTION SO I NEED PEOPLE THAT ONLY HAVE SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE... Also if you would like to add some advice on how to handle the situation of him trying to buy over 100 dollars worth of other women's used shoes (titled: Nasty, trashy, slutty used heels) that would be great as well. For him shoes are like porn, I think I rather him have a porno then someone Else's sweaty shoes though...

Agree. Kanye has already said he thinks Trump was a genius, so he'll emulate aspects of Trump's campaign. At the start of Trump's run he told the GOP if they fuck him over he'll run third party and fuck them; Kanye will do the same but to the Democrats.

They'll either nominate Kanye or have him steal the nigger vote

So I was right, you just want to be in an exclusive club. Fuck off you ogre.

Nah fampie, it was voluntary.

Washington won all 13 states. No one's done the clean sweep since.

Stop deflecting with what music I like, you're the one who likes Kanye. Faggot.

You might think you've hit the scene, you haven't

I also give him some of my shoes to play with for fun, but I took those away when I found out about the ebay thing and had to stop the transaction from happening.

he's a nigger. we tried that already.

You just described your current President you fucking moron

he was brainwashed already

He's a fucking retard and wants inequality for whites

What's Obama got to do with this?

kanye is a mentally weak artfag
his wife's family made bruce jenner chop his dick off
kanye knows it's only a matter of time before they drive him to do the same

Kanye is rich because he talks into a mic and still had a nervous breakdown because life is too hard for him. No chance in hell for him.

kek speaks

My sides are in orbit

Yeezy jumped over jumpman.

Seems like he's more than qualified.

Well, Sup Forums?
Where are your legitimate arguments?

We already have a President to run in 2020

He will be 22 in 2020. Think about it.

>implying he'll make it through Trump's celebrity purges

He's a nigger. That's breddy much it.

As a counter argument, you could name one country run by a nigger that isn't shit.. it's ok. Take your time

>Implying Trump won't be shamed to the point where the GOP will be forced to primary in 2020

Still nothing? Need more time?

He just want you to smell bad so that you won't attract other guys.

I'd rather see him as SoS in 2020 with Trump