Is religon real? Is god and heaven real?
Did god create us in his likeness or did man create god in their likeness?
Is religon real? Is god and heaven real?
Did god create us in his likeness or did man create god in their likeness?
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Both. Meme magic is real, which means it retroactively affects reality.
Yes, yes, yes, no.
How do we know for sure?
>Is religon real?
>Is god
>and heaven real?
>Did god create us in his likeness
>or did man create god in their likeness?
All the evidence is in the bible
Nobody knows the answer yet.
Faith, spiritual humility and scriptural study.
Follow these guidelines and you will know God.
Not an argument
basically telling me to delude myself
Theres no further evidence? Records? Science?
There's this for one, though its mainly for showing Jews
If you read the bible you would see that it's structured as a record, and less like a story.
Besides the Bible, science, physics, nature, natural patterns, and quantum physics/mechanics proves a creator. A good indicator of a creator is higher consciousness and higher thought in humans. A completely useless and unnecessary trait in humanity if evolution were true. A human's natural desire for aesthetics and the invisible like time, probability, past/present/future, and infinity is unnecessary and impossible for evolution. Those concepts are beyond the need for survival and beyond the reach of the earth therefore beyond the reach of evolution.
>Is religon real?
yes, their are religions in real life; whether or not what they believe is real? unprovable.
> Is god and heaven real?
the Christian god and heaven? no one knows
>Did god create us in his likeness
doubt it
>did man create god in their likeness?
more likely as the earlier religions always depicted their gods being human like complete with emotions.
Thats spooky as fuck. Were the Romans in on these instructions?
religion is an ability.
god is the concept the ultimate person.
heaven is a state of mind.
dying feels like having your body turned into a rainbow and crushed through a kaleidoscope while being electrocuted while infinitely expanding into geometric spaces, boundaries, shapes, etc. it goes on like that for basically a really fast eternity.
eventually there's something that stops you from expanding past a certain point, when i saw it, it looked like 7 angels flying in a ring around 5 candles. that might have been a trick. i don't know. anyways as you expand into that limit, it goes dark like sleep.
after you're all asleep, you wake up a slow eternity later as you start to dream, it's like, the potentialities of sense and personality and motion and thought begin unfolding, there's nothing there, just the idea that something could be there. it's like rolling dice, probably. eventually you're born. or maybe being born is just an idea that only applies to this world, and you enter other universes in a different way. maybe being born was just a one off idea and you're something else. i don't know. maybe it's all different every time.
it's just fucking crazy and i think that we conveniently forget when the craziness gets to a certain point.
t. i was shot in the head.
Trying to prove religion using the tools of science is a useless effort.
If you understand and accept the scientific way of thought, you can't accept all the magic stuff in religion.
If you believe in religion, natures laws are ranked below the power of your god, so he can break them at will without leaving a trace. His existence cant be proven.
So it comes down to a choice you made before the argument even starts.
>Besides the Bible, science, physics, nature, natural patterns, and quantum physics/mechanics proves a creator.
or evolution and adaption to environments
>A good indicator of a creator is higher consciousness and higher thought in humans.
you pulled that one out of your ass eh? its been proven that animals are just as conscious as humans, we just have different ways of expressing it
>A human's natural desire for aesthetics and the invisible like time, probability, past/present/future, and infinity is unnecessary and impossible for evolution.
hahahaha, no.
our species was good at pattern recognition, thus we ordered everything along those lines. Everything we do has to be pattern orientated. We see nature as being chaotic because it doesnt follow the same rules as our brain
Daily reminder that religion is a mental illness.
>not believing in God
>letting the atheist jew control you
Daily reminder that atheism is a mental illness
>Is it real.
It's as real as any other belief system out there. If it helps for you to get through life by believing in the Christian mythology, or praying to Odin or Allah, or enjoying the thought that when you die you will be reborn as the protagonist in a 2D anime-world, it's all equally valid and none of it is a bad thing.
Wait, we not supposed to have casual sex with Jewish women?
>Christians try to convert people so that they will be saved and go to Heaven
>Atheists try to convert people because "Science says God isn't real"
Atheists have no morals
by that token the Islamists are doing us a favour by holding a knife to our throats and say convert or die as they think that converting us saves us.
morals are implicit in every species.
Hitler went to hell
He could not truly repent all of his sins of murder because in his heart, he thought he was doing good
But Christians don't threaten conversion or death
I never recall a time when a species apart from humans has become self-aware on the planet, and has developed extensive technology to help them survive/ live comfortable lives. You shouldn't be quick to get angered at something that goes against your view, whether you acknowledge it or not, humans are the most advanced/ self-aware species on the planet.
RELIGION, noun relij'on. [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind.
White man is created in god's image, niggers are created in satan's image. When god created the void, it became populated by chaos and nox. Later followed by Kronus and the titans. These archetypal forces are from which humankind emerged. Mankind are the descendants of the Annunaki, the Adamic race. Whites came down from heaven to save creation.
Hitler waged war , how is hitler any diffrent then someone in the old testament like king david
>threaten people with eternal torture
Christcucks, everyone.
>religion real?
How is that even a question?
>god and heaven real?
Yes and no
>Does christianity describe God accuratly?
>Comparing monotheistic belief systems that have broad interpretations of God to a polytheistic belief system that has no historical evidence suggesting any of those deities ever walked the Earth (Odin).
At least bother to learn some basic theology, philosophy, or learn about different religions. What you just stated is filled with a load of crap, I could understand an opinion saying x isn't true because of y, as long as it's true, but trying to compare multiple variables at once and somehow implying that's proof that x doesn't exist is moronic.
Christians don't follow the old testament sillygoose
>isn't aware of other interpretations where suffering is the equivalence of being under the presence of God
Nice one.
Tell me more my Turkish friend
>Threatening people with drifting around in nothingness for all eternity
Atheists, everyone
gross misappropriation of facts. this is joke, yes?
>I never recall a time when a species apart from humans has become self-aware on the planet
weve done tests- the Mirror test is where you place animals in front of a mirror and if they react to their image not in a way as they would another of their kind they are self aware. Weve done it on fish, dolphins, dogs, cats.
We also did it to sub saharan niggers and they werent self aware.
>and has developed extensive technology
as i said, were good at pattern recognition. If using a stick helps us we see the pattern and more likely to use that stick again in the future. Other primates do this. Rodents do this too with switches that if pulled gives them a reward
>humans are the most advanced
i agree
>self-aware species on the planet
Should have used this
>trying so hard to convince others of how nothing in life matters
Religion is real. As far as the god's they worship? That is largely unfalsifiable so it's a worthless question
Yeah they follow the New Testament where Christ returns to slaughter the armies of Satan and kills so many people that their blood rises as high as a horse's bridle.
You know, the book where Jesus Himself tells His Apostle's to sell their clothes to buy swords and that He didn't come to bring peace, "but a sword."
You know, the New Testament where Paul says "If I have done anything worthy of death, I refuse not to die" which means there are things worthy of death and Christian governments should enact the death penalty for them.
earlier on they did. Only in the last few hundred years have you guys calmed the fuck down
if you can imagine it, it exists inside your mind. This alone is proof that it also exists within the limit of "infinite." I can imagine God. God is real.
If that is what you interpret as making another species as self-aware as humans, then you're an idiot. Self conciousness/ awareness is also inclusive of things relating to the existence of our species and attempting to answer how we came to be, along with acknowledging our surrounding environment and attempting to gather as much information as possible through scientific inquiry.
Humans are also capable of questioning the existence of things that are outside our tangible environment (i.e. space, the universe, etc.), unless you want to elaborate and convince me that some species are capable of being "more" self aware than humans in relating to their existence, and gathering of information.
>Armies of Satan
>A sword to split families who had heretical beliefs
So what are these things worthy of death?
I dunno, the extreme ones might be registered as a Terrorist Orginazition this time around
My goodness, your knowledge on the bible is hysterical, you can't specify chapters/ scriptures. At least know where you're getting those from, also, multiple interpretations exist (this is important because not all 1 billion + Christians believe in the same thing in regards to the bible, specify the sect/ denomination, also. while you are at it make sure to know where you are getting your sources from)
>If that is what you interpret as making another species as self-aware as humans, then you're an idiot.
why the anger?
> Self conciousness/ awareness is also inclusive of things relating to the existence of our species
dictionary version:
> self-a·ware·ness
>noun: self-awareness
>conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires.
so by that definition animals are self aware, they can feel pain, they recognize themselves in reflections, they have motives and desires.
what YOU described is a pattern seeking species, aka- humans and other primates. sorry thats not the definition of self awareness
Not angry, you are an idiot if you believe other species are more self-aware/conscious than humans.
In my explanation I said both self awareness and consciousness.
For what purpose would the Romans go through with that? What do they have to gain?
Matthew 18:6
>But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
by that definition most animals are self aware as they can see they are individuals of their own respectives pecies. Maybe not insects with their hivemind mentality
so they are self conscious and self aware.
Get away from me with your Ad hominem attacks
>or evolution and adaption to environments
Evolution is impossible but adaptation is allowable. The famous fruit fly experiment proves this. Fruit flies live, grow, and die in 30 days. In one year, over 12 generations live. They conducted experiments where fruit flies were exposed to Xrays and the frequency of mutations occured. Mutations occured and future generations were born with these mutations. However, some of these mutations starting giving birth to normal fruit flies all over again and in a matter of time future generations were all back to their original state.
Thus proving that evolution is not allowed by DNA. DNA can detect errors and repair itself generations later. DNA WILL allow adaptation but not evolution. DNA will allow a dog breed to be faster, be taller, longer, different colors, smaller, smarter etc, but it will not allow a dog to grow wings and fins or become a cat.
>its been proven that animals are just as conscious as humans, we just have different ways of expressing it
No where near the level of humanity. Animals have concept of mathematics, reading/writing/advancedlanguage, gravity, physics, science, time, quantum theory/mechanics and infinity. These abilities is beyond the concept of survival and beyond the earth therefore evolution cannot reach such a level.
>our species was good at pattern recognition, thus we ordered everything along those lines. Everything we do has to be pattern orientated. We see nature as being chaotic because it doesnt follow the same rules as our brain
And you're the one accusing me of making things up as I go along.
>"would be better for him to have a"
Not literal
Adam is the atom to Eve's electron. God's work is inherent. Everything in the Bible is the truth. Proof is in what we've achieved.
160 IQ user here.
This is an interesting topic which I have devoted many years of thought and attention too. I've spent the majority of my life attempting to discern fact from fiction, discover the nature of reality, find answers to the eternal questions that haunt humanity.
I believe I am one of the only people alive that has found most probabilistic answers to many of these questions.
I'm not going to share what I've come up with here though.
Anyways, as to your questions regarding God, heaven, etc. God most likely exists, just in the sense that an all encompassing being/creator is highly likely.
Despite what the scientific community, etc will tell you, a logical case can be made for Christianity as a whole, and this is coming from someone who was an atheist most of their adult life.
Essentially, it boils down to faith.
You just avoided the dictionary definition the term self-consciousness and you are attempting to redefine it to fit your narrative.
There's a difference between insulting someone and trying to utilize it as an arguement, and calling someone an idiot + providing an explanation.
Yes, and his name is Allah and Mohammad was his prophet :^)
>160 IQ user here.
>doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too"
>tee hee I'm not telling
>better for him
Meaning that it is better for him to suffer a horrible death than to face the consequences of turning a child away from Christ.
This means that it is a mercy to execute people who wish to commit heinous crimes.
>Animals have concept of
*Animals have NO concept of...
>I'm not going to share what I've come up with here though.
plz enlighten me
>Evolution is impossible but adaptation is allowable.
weve seen it in species with a high turnover/low life length rate. Animals change to adapt to their environment. The two are interwoven together.
>Thus proving that evolution is not allowed by DNA.
>but it will not allow a dog to grow wings and fins or become a cat.
thats the most stupid thing ive heard all year. Why not say the same old line0
>These abilities is beyond the concept of survival and beyond the earth therefore evolution cannot reach such a level.
Like i said, we are good at pattern recognition, other species show this too but were the best at it. Thats our one saving grace in this world and why we didnt go extinct like a multitude of other animals have done in the past.
Were weaker than other animals , less fit than other animals, cant take swings in termperatures as well as others can, we have less rebust immune systems as other animals have. But we see order, we see patterns, that's our thing.
>And you're the one accusing me of making things up as I go along.
have fun
>man "created" God in his likeness
>man's likeness includes such things as miracles and transfiguration
We created lots of things. God is not one of them. We put more faith in our hands than we do in God's. The only god being created by man that has man's likeness would be a giant maneating vagina with bazookaguns. Come to think of it. Man is of the glory of God. And woman is of the glory of man. Maybe I am on to something here
Religion is for children and cucks. Embrace the void.
>“But whoever misleads one of these little ones who believe in Me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung about his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of temptations! For it must be that temptations come, but woe to that man by whom the temptation comes! Therefore if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life lame or maimed than having two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than having two eyes to be thrown into the fire of hell.
The moral is to resist the temptation to sin
170 IQ user here.
This user is an idiot don't listen to him.
I'm a really smart guy and I don't have time to give proofs here but just trust me I have a 170 IQ and based on my probability matrices (which have never been refuted) Marxism is the most perfect belief system on the planet.
God doesn't exist, but pretending he does is the only logical possibility.
I'm not going to share what I've come up with here (none of you would be smart enough anyways)
You can tell I'm smart because I used 3 returns on every sentence.
Despite what the republican community, etc will tell you, a logical case can be made for socialism as a whole, and this is coming from someone who was a Jeb! supporter his entire life.
Basically it boils down to seizing the memes of production.
I hope you aren't using the pattern recognition as a talking point about how other animals are as self-aware/ conscious than humans whilst stating that humans are the best at it.
>we are good at pattern recognition, other species show this too but were the best at it.
This is a straw man. You're attempting to misrepresent my evidence as "pattern recognition" as much as possible because YOU know that's impossible for evolution and random chance but it makes perfect sense for a creator. Pattern recognition is not a higher form of consciousness. What you are trying to do is MINIMIZE my premise into something easy you can manipulate into so that you can win. Sorry but I'm not falling for it. You lost this debate the moment you tried to pull a dishonest fallacy so you can win. The first to pull an attempt of subtle dishonesty or subtle fallacy in any debate loses.
You're a fool for trying to compare quantum mechanics/physics and advanced mathematics with a chimp sticking a stick down an anthole and figuring out that ants stay on the stick. Again, that proves me right because the chimp will only become innovative if it means his immediate survival. Mathematics, reading/writing/advancedlanguage, gravity, physics, science, time, quantum theory/mechanics and infinity does not provide immediate survival for a human yet we pursue these things even if we cannot perceive them and they don't help us immediately in any way.
Matthew 18:1-6
>At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
>And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
>And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
>Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
>And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
>But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
He is talking about the gravity of doing harm to children. Your quote is part of the next point, regarding temptation.
For their to be a first cause everything has to be made from nothing.
Fiat Lux.
>this is a strawman
>i never looked at that link you gave me, lemme reiterate what i said without evidence to back it up
okay im done with you then. You demand evidence but dont give any yourself. So i give you a link to over 5000 papers on animal and human pattern recognition and all you say is
I'm catholic but the idea that mary just said it was a virgin birth and jesus read the old testament, got the idea that he was the messiah in his head, and then fullfilled everything made more sense.
Here's what the Concordant Literal Version says. "Yet whoever should be snaring one of these little ones who is believing in Me, it is expedient for him that a millstone requiring an ass to turn it may be hanged about his neck, and he should be sunk in the open ocean."
>implies it should be done quickly
However. Christ never hurt anybody. Even with the money changers. I think he fulfills eye for eye and then some
Therefore the only thing you can make everything out of is nothing, meaning that, ironically, nothing exists even though it does and doesn't.
It's all imaginary.
All you did was type into Google "humans pattern recognition and animals" and left me with About 828,000 results. Way to go there, scholar. Don't even act as if your link even supports what you are trying to extrapolate. I can tell that you just desperately typed that in and hoped I wouldn't look through them. Some of them are about psychology, trauma and protein patterns. Nothing to do with the narrative you just tried to trick me into.
History (no natural atheist societies ever) and quantum physics (proved a god sometimes in the 60s iirc).
No we're simply human beans on a rock floating in space
Why doesn't polaris move?
>earlier on they did. Only in the last few hundred years have you guys calmed the fuck down
When did we? Strong Hollywood education there.
>dat picture
Being gay is fun
Because there are a hundred trillion galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars each. Something's not gonna move relative to us.
>Is religon real?
No, they are all written by a mentally ill person or a sociopath trying to control. It had its use, its not useful anymore.
>Is god and heaven real?
No. Theirs no sky daddy and he doesn't live in a magnificent palace waiting to look after you...
>Did god create us in his likeness or did man create god in their likeness?
He doesn't exist so... no.
Theirs a weird psychological phenomena regarding likeness. I could describe the same person to two different people and both would create a close likeness but not exactly the same. Same is true for god. You build the character based on the information provided, ignore the differences of opinion, and your true individual god based on what ever you believe in is true to you. So i guess you build him in what ever image you want to.
Theirs just no room for a god in society anymore.
>Is religon real?
>Is god
>and heaven real?
It's a state of being, not a physical place you go to. Heaven is when find something so meaningful that your perception of time melts away. Hell is when your world falls apart i.e. You come home to find a note from your wife of 15 years that she's been having an affair for the past 8 and has eloped with them, watching your son be burned to death in front of you while there's nothing you can do, and becoming filled with homicidal rage.
>Did god create us in his likeness
>or did man create god in their likeness?
No you retard. There is no drifting for eternity, there is a hole in the ground where you rot
No. We rotate at 1000 mph. Orbit sun at 10000. The sun moves at 100000. The galaxy moves at 600 million and yeah it sits there for 7 ginjillion years