>retard racists do not know how much homogeneous society is bad
Retard racists do not know how much homogeneous society is bad
Was it bad 100 years ago?
Don't you kinda.. get bored of making the same exact thread 3 times a day? Learn a trade and get a job, dude.
OP stfu already, this thread has been open so many fucking times
I browse Sup Forums at least two hours a day and have for two years (yeah yeah I know >newfag) and I've never seen this thread
Guess I need to step it up
Explain why tanaka
>homogeneous gooks = Aryans
don't make a post like that without elaborating faggot
WTF that makes no sense. Explain yourself.
ugh you again, werent two nukes enough?
I've seen a variation of this thread at least 10 times over the past month or 2
You call him Tanaka. hahahaha
kim is his name,
fuck off you bougie cosmo and/or expat
just kill yourself you frustrated coward
you have a class to teach andrew
You need to nuke yourself.
t. English teacher
>its a jew pretends to be gook thread
Buttmad idiots.
america is a state of mind. why're you so down anyway nipfag? you're a industrious nation that has for the most part earned everything it has got. you've essentially achieved the maximum given your meager resources. so cheer up, like this guy.
you have to go back kimchii boi
I am fluent in Japanese, if you're a Japanese user then begin a conversation with me in your language and we'll see who is trolling who
Which part of Japan has the easiest women?
Asking for a friend
You don't know >tfw being nip poster? Liar.
Your place is here. Go back to Korea
Just got off work too, eh fellow English teacher?
>when your culture is such a shining example of homogenous traditional society that people are hired on the internet to disparage it
Osaka, and kansai in general
look at this buttmad^^
hi, kim!
a troll would not make so many threads, you are a crazy bastard, that is really frustrated.
Mental breakdown
Come on OP, you dont have to suffer for much longer, just find a high place and jump.
Not even a bad troll, just cringe worthy
I find that hard to believe, it's always with the same pic
>racists are legitimately stupid.
Who knew?
Is it usually only around this time of day?
I'm usually asleep by 11 pm mountain time so if it's usually this time of day that explains it
I agree. Even in homogeneous society there is discrimination. If you diversify, there would be less discrimination.
its one thing interbreeding with an intelligent race regardless of color (even though black is stigmatized for good reasons > nigger appeal)
another seeing your people vanish from the face of the earth, being outbred by lesser ... because they got no sense, no values and no standards
> these shitskins will ruin everything