Fuck me, my sides have not been this far in orbit since election night.
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn that guy is a beast
Thank you my friend, this is some next level brother dean shit.
I'm not even religious and I love this shit.
Same, I like this guy sticking it to those idiots.
Not sure if I wanna get too much into it, but I think abortion is sick. I understand sometimes it's necessary, but the only instance of it being allowed all willy-nilly is keeping the darkie populations down. That's all pro-choice is good for.
Hahahaha holy shit
How is he trolling them? They agree with him.
I'm kind of torn on this issue. On one hand, abortion is a very personal decision to be made by a soon-to-be mother and the gov't has no say in it to begin with.
On the other hand, fucking degenerate 16 yr old qt sluts shouldn't be bumping uglies if they can't be responsible or have no means of support
Should be like poland. Abortion only allowed if its confirmed fetus is retarded or deformed and will have a shitty life if alive or if ti risks the life of the mother.
that was absolutely priceless
Wait is that the same guy who worked on badselfeater?
Well at least hes still pissing people off.
Women are retards and should have no involvement in abortion. It should be up to the father alone.
hes literally louder than all of the others combined kek
You kinda sound like a retard there yourself mate. Dont have kids.
Holy shit, those uncomfortable faces.
me too bro
after all these years i still don't know what the correct stance is
why are lib chants SO FUCKING CRINGEY?!?!?
high test always stands out.
>Abortion only allowed if its confirmed fetus is retarded or deformed and will have a shitty life if alive or if ti risks the life of the mother.
Doesn`t that automatically qualifies as every Pole ever born?
Really makes you think
Not an argument
Most abortions are by niggers so...
Abortion should be illegal for everyone except subhumans
i actually know this which is why i'm ironically pro-abortions.
we should subsidize abortion clinics and offer free abortions to disenfranchised minorities lol
i call the initiative: Affirmative Abortions
what's funny us that progressives will be anti-abortions when they realize it's basically niggers who get abortions and the way the centers are built it's almost like they're near high-nigger-concentration areas to lure the niggers in.
but, for me personally, like deep down, i don't know what to unironically support.
>muh abortion is acceptable because it kills niggers
>who cares about niggers killing niggers lol its okay if they do it
every fucking time
Has anyone posted this on r/Conservative yet? I could use that sweet, sweet karma.
You have to leave friend
Well, Reddit killed r/The_Donald so I have to shitpost here now except for dropping the occasional Redpill on Reddit once in awhile Senpai.
We've already set things in motion, whites better start fucking and having children or we will lose the south
Those are conservative 100%, though.
Stop watching anime and have white babies.
absolute MADMAN
Spot posting my face
The most basic and main role of the government is to protect its people, why should someone be able to kill a unborn child just because? Should they be able to kill a just born baby?
The choice is made when people had unprotected sex or fucked it up despite having all the options we have nowadays
But, there should be exceptions, like if the mother is in danger or is product of rape, and the tax payers should not be funding abortion clinics
There are companies who pay mothers who can't afford to have a child, who make the paperwork and take care of the mother and to give the baby to someone who CAN'T have childrens
This is fucking funny
Jesus, hear them chant, it's literally emotionless, almost robotic
it's weird
Almost got stuck in my head
I think ironic protesting could actually be the way.
Absolutely based
Oh look, reddit is here!
>abortion is a very personal decision
>gov't has no say
If you can't apply government force to stop killing, then what role DOES government have?
>greatest country on earth is still debating about christian sharia
It's retarded not to allow abortion
Babies have very limited rights. If they can't survive outside of the mother even with the best possible medical care, then they have no rights at all, in fact they shouldn't count as individuals and should be able to abort freely.
If they are close to being able to survive outside the mother, with a lot of medical care, then it's a borderline case and special restrictions should be made, such as the mothers health should be in great jeopardy.
Mothers life should always be prioritized.
Just imagine, if it was a man that gave birth, there would be no issue, abortions would be legal everywhere.
Think about it.
And no, I'm not a gay feminist, I just speak the truth and try to remove the stain of religious indoctrination about the sanctity of life from your scumbag minds.
people that value human life are scumbags? fuck's wrong with you.
You're literally so degenerate that you don't understand how degenerate you are.
Absolute madman
is he /ourguy/?
This is still my favourite
>if it was a man that give birth
great argument Sweden
>writing my sign
>"STOP TR-oh shit i don't have enough space.."
Did you make this fampai?
We need to find more Trump protests and use some easy chants. For example, I'd continue with this guy:
CHILDREN! (clap clap clap-clap-clap)
TOP FUCKING KEK this is literally a real life South Park character
Seriously, why even bother with such a shitty sign?
Like what is he expecting to happen? Someone will read it and go OHHHHHHHH okay we gotta stop trump!
I don't understand normies
Just hearing his screams of "kill the children" fade in had me dying.
You have that fat numale stalking him too haha
it seemed to me that he was there to back him up incase some white trash wanted to get nasty
nevermind, he's chanting along with the rest of the cucks
Its not about choice. Its about running away from your choices and removing any choice of the life u created will ever have
What did my sides do to deserve this
based af
Good man, literally doing God's work
>Immigrants make America great
And u act like means to support outweigh murder. How about kys faggot
Not everyone chooses to be pregnant.
Oh wow. Cite miniscule pregnancy by rape stat and justify murdering thousands of babies daily. Ok.
And drunk fucking after bringing a guy home isnt rape. Its regret
>sven pls
Just noticed one of the signs saying
Funny how protesting comes before reason for these people. Didn't they want Hillary in the White House? Didn't they campaign for the establishment candidate? Now this argument literally boils down to "Trump isn't hiring the wrong people". The butthurt Trump generates is so powerful it makes his opponents protest their own cause.
i dont thing they had to blame de soldiers, but the elites that promote war
This guy is great. We need more people like this.
>I think abortion is sick. I understand sometimes it's necessary, but the only instance of it being allowed all willy-nilly is keeping the darkie populations down
Why is the IQ of this board so low
top fugging kek
>Rip off their arms!
Top kek.
What is wrong with abortion?
I really don't see any problem here, because the developing infant have not created consciousness yet, so basically it's just a junk of human cells.
>Prove me wrong
Can confirm; have autism and downs
>your scumbag minds
The ironing intensifies.
doesn't matter, it's going to be conscious if nobody kills
Because they don't have the balls to tell their wifes son that they don't want to be faggy little protestors. People go along with abortion because they are sheep.
finally one of these pro life christfags with a sense of humor
Why do u group pro life with christfags? Not mutually exclusive by any means
>this woman at the start
holds up dead baby sign
top kek