No matter what your political beliefs are, can we all just agree that this man got completely BTFO'd?
No matter what your political beliefs are, can we all just agree that this man got completely BTFO'd?
Wow these mexican intellectuals really make me think
>mexican american twice deported, thrice convicted, magical, pot growing, paraplegic, hamster to anus technician predicts electoral votes wont go through
This mere warlock cannot fathom the power of Kek
Hey dudes, Mexican warlock here, thanks for the free advertising.
tfw psychic Chinese monkey is more accurate
>double doubles
>Chinese monkey more intuitive than Mexican warlock.
What did they mean by this?
He is not wrong until Drumpf is actually sworn in.
Don't count your chickens.
psychic spies from China are real and the Red Hot Chili Peppers were trying to warn us all
he put his faith in liberal faggotry. treasure trolls are known to do that
he's not even a real wizard
he put his penis in a vagena
Eternally stumped
He's not president yet, Drumpfags, just wait and see
You're in for quite the shocker, I'll tell you that much
Or did he?
Sorry to say this but Hitlary will be elected President.
tfw New Zealand Warlock
Are you selling that monkey Australian friend?
What you gonna do? Shipost on Sup Forums? Cry about it on twitter? Make suicide posts on Facebook? You millennials can only whine and cry.
How do you become a warlock anyways.
Checked em
>mein face when
Keep talking, alt-right shitter. I'll see you on December 21 :)
The amount of delusion is astonishing.
>Haha shes gonna win, sorry lol
>Trump wins
>B-b-but h-hes not gonna win
You have regressed from "bargaining" to "denial". Not really surprising I guess.
he lost to superior magick
2 days after Trump is confirmed President?
no you have been b8ed. your the reason these faggots keep coming here, its their feeding trough
what the fuck, i hate mexican warlocks now
>call someone retarded
Go be a degenerate somewhere else, faggot. We both know you wont do anything.
January 21 2017
>Mexican warlock
>730 ilvl
What a fucking loser.
Lots of sodomy.
you have to fap 50 times a day, actually make it 60 just be sure.
Yes. He was consulting with some stupid ass demons. Satan/Moloch really got BTFO by KEK in the spirit verse or something.
But yeah it's funny no matter how you look at it. Everyone was joking about him too and he looks like such a fool.
PRAISE KEK. He stood no change. Meme magic TRUMP pathetic third-world shit magic.
i didn't know warlocks existed outside of fiction
The ides of March are come.
Soothsayer: Ay, Caesar; but not gone
Sorry, you rolled a 1.
Shit i think i fucked up
>mfw niggas don't know about baba steve
I'm 19 and this is my first election and voted trump.. I took the red pill early around 2012 pol election year and been Watching Alex Jones since 2011
No kill me, I'm not one of them
Revelation 2:9 (KJV)
"...and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
meme magic > bean magic
Is it just me or is everyone's meme feelers telling them that Trump is popular in India? I've seen so many little things in posts that suggest this.
Wait... isn't this the bridge-keeper from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Yeah, he's been out of business, what with the the lack of people going into Mexico to answer the questions. The wall will only kill his chances more.
Build bridges, not walls.
He is very popular here because its mildly fascinating to watch a foreigner act like an Indian (not shitting on streets, just political behaviour)
FYI we had recent elections in a state called Assam where they were literally transcribing Trump's policies as campaign promises (build wall, get bangladeshis out etc)
Are you fucking serious?
That's fuckin amazing.
So you are telling m,e he acts like the typical Indian politician?
Jesus Christ.
Of course he won't be. He's the executive dictator. Mike Pence will be the acting president - sort of like a vice CEO to Trumps MAGA corp.