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My coworker has a Neo-Nazi tattoo.

its plain as day, a big stylized 88 right on his neck, we work for a large supermarket chain so I doubt he would have been hired if they knew what it was or what it meant, I mean the manager of his department is a fat black woman for gods sake.

so my question is, do I ask him about it or just leave it be? I'm still fucking baffled that no one figured it out,

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come on goys, i need advice.

on the one hand I want to talk to him (he's antisocial and weird as fuck), I'm sure we could get a could political discussion going.

on the other hand he might think I'm trying to blackmail him or something and go full 1488 in the workplace

When you see him carrying groceries walk up to him and say:"Any more than that and you are stronger than superman". It should make him feel more at home to talk to a leaf.


contact a dentist before hand you dumb mother fucker.

"But Im a Grill" just you wait dumbass.


Take yourself to a gas chamber immediately, chaim. Neo-nazis are a myth created by (((them)))

why should I? I'm blonde hair blue eyes, same as him. its just a really odd subject to breach in the workplace. Honestly I'm just curious as to how the fuck he managed to get hired without anyone noticing it


Go up to him, begin with "Gas the kikes," and see if he finishes your sentence for you. If he does, you'll know it's meant to be.

if you're here, you should know what you can slip into conversation without being like "so that hitler fella was pretty swell, eh?" as for the paranoia, people are usually more relieved than suspicious when they find out someone may be likeminded.

You could try to approach him in a non-confrontational way and drop comments that lead him to believe that you are a fellow nazi.

As you are stacking groceries you could mutter "Man, this is a job for untermenschen" as a form of gripe.

If a kid pushes over a stack of grocies you could confront the kid, so your co-worker overhears, with "What do you think this is? Adlertag?"

Or maybe just a pleasant smile and a greeting. "Happy Kristallnacht, friend!"

maybe he was born in 1988

ITT : beta bitch talks to some random fucko with nothing to lose and gets his life fucked over for taking Sup Forums off the computer.

>Inb4 your found in some ravine in 20 years time.



Neo Nazis and skinheads are very real you dumb motherfucker.

instead of rejecting the jewish lies about WW2 they go the completely opposite direction and accept it as fact and circlejerk about how cool it was. so they're dumb....but still redpilled on some issues im sure

Just start whistling the Horst Wesle lied


Alternately something you could try something more tuneful.


and SO incredibly violent towards each other.

Just casually bring up politics and slowly but gently probe him. DO NOT reveal your views, if he is one of those retarded neo nazis you don't want to get essentially chained to him.


Pick only one, kike.


This or just smugly grin and give him an approving nod.

Why are you faggots so scared of this guy?

OP's on his side.

most of them are cock suckers so he'll probably like that

that's sort of what I'm worried about. but i'll give it a try.

I'm not just gonna walk up to the guy in front of everyone and say "THIS GUY LOVES HITLER"

I just figure its better to talk to him about shit I actually find interesting during breaks rather than just sitting there in silence

He is probably criminal trash, I would recommend not bringing up the subject with him.

Take him under your wings and show him the way of never disclosing your power level in public. Otherwise he's going to have it a lot more difficult in life than necessary. Start by getting him a turtleneck for Christmas.

>implying it doesn't sound like OP already wants to suck his dick.

this guy is going to smell the faggot a mile away and body OP


Not scared just saying adult life is nothing like when you are a child this is not recess at a school.

>kikes invention

Keep trying m80 m8

are you saying they're all controlled opposition?

Yes I'm aware that their numbers and influence are greatly exaggerated and used as a sort of boogeyman, just like the KKK, but I'm not really sure what you're trying to say.

Another approach is to use one of the neo-Nazi code phrases that they use to identify each other when they are not wearing Nazi regalia.

One of them is "When the Sons of Aryas arise.".

Tomorrow belongs to me
The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The branch of the linden is leafy and
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise,
Tomorrow belongs to me"

Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!

Just play dumb and ask why he has the number 88 on his neck.

holy shit just fucking Sieg Heil him.

and yet you're still here, on Sup Forums, posting in my thread


Pick only one, nazi.

this is probably the best way to go now that i think of it.

Tattoos are for untermenschen. If he doesn't know this, he's no nazi

Say Trudeau is ruining your country and see what he has to say. Or maybe just say to him when no one else can hear, "I'm surprised no one said anything about that tattoo, lucky."

>OP has a chance to actually meet another Nazi IRL
>"Ooh, don't, he might be a criminal! I bet he's a bad guy!"

Fucking grow some balls, Jesus Christ

that why i said NEO nazi or skinhead, white niggers basically. I still find it fucking funny that he works with a negress everyday and she apparently has no idea

You tell him "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and go to work, that will put him on a good mood.

make a jew joke

>Antifa from Melbourne are shitting up this very thread.

Was ist das Kameraden?

Why were the jews lost in the desert for 40 years?
Because one of them dropped a penny.

I worked at a Supermarket chain with a black feminist, afrocentrist head manager. They're cunts. Chances are, she knows, but probably keeps him low on the totem pole out of spite. If he's above a bagger, I'd be surprised.

its some low teir shitposting im afraid

Fucks sake.

And he sounds like an ex-con. Don't say shit about the tattoo. Redpilled people don't get obvious visible tattoos like that because they know exactly the reaction it will cause.

Aryan Brotherhood members who want to show allegiance do, however.

I work with a lot of guys like this, they don't want to talk about it, for various reasons.

this dumbass, it's going to be a prison tat

there are serious autists above saying to bring up all this relatively obscure and actual nazi shit when this guy was just in a prison gang

I would not recommend saying anything lol

What about bikers? At the supermarket I worked at, some big guy with a stalhelm-esque helmet had a big red SS on the side. He wasn't a skinhead, though, as he had hair and a long chin beard. Friendly guy, by the way. Bikers in my town are friendly.

what did the jewish pedophile say to the kid?

"wanna buy some candy"?

thats possible yeah. it would be the cleanest looking homemade tattoo I've ever seen then.

the dudes covered in tattoos, all look professionally done,

Just say "Fourteen"

>the dudes covered in tattoos, all look professionally done

Then he is almost certainly a devoted neo-Nazi, just be careful of how you raise the issue, because obviously not everyone wants to be outed as a neo-Nazi in public, especially not at work.

I am a member of a neo-Nazi group two cities over. Get there and back by motorcycle so that it doesn't interfere with my day job.

My tattoos are only on the chest and shoulders and only my Kameraden and the girls I fuck have seen them.

Need to keep a distance because of my job as a line manager at a factory owned by Jews.

This guy is probably right. It's quite possible your co-worker isn't even all that racist and just joined a prison gang to survive. And if he gets it removed and they find out, he will be killed


The one two doesnt rock tats as hard anymorw and they wear clover with the triple six not 1488


Non-USA VPN dude, to protect me against the race traitors of the NSA, FBI and CIA.

I'd upload the pizza I just got but its too fucking tasty.

where does law come into the equation ?

take a look at this post.

exactly, He could become unstable and lash out at you because he is a degenerate.

>Blackmailing a nazi who puts a 88 tattoo in his neck

Genius, be sure to post results


don't reveal the secret

I only wanted to see OP get rekt senpaifamilam

Confront him about it and then blackmail him into letting you suck his nazi dick every day from that point on, otherwise you will tell the manager on him and get him fired.

>>Blackmailing a nazi who puts a 88 tattoo in his neck
>Genius, be sure to post results

Top Kek! Was aiming for the same. Love to see some fucking "Leaf Cuck" strung up by the local membership of the Aryan Nation.

Good 14/88 Mate!