Seriously Firefox?

Seriously Firefox?
You too?
I thought this was the one open source browser where I will be safe from the SJW vomit.
All I ever fucking wanted was an ability to use the internet without constantly being guilt tripped about my white male privilege.

>having google as your home page

microsoft edge master race

Actually, this is the start of FireFox uncovering the deep, dark truth about how those Third World holes in the ground they're championing aren't too keen on women's education.

donations will plumed, I was send a mail asking for donations, just after making a purchase in amazon, talk about data mining and spying.

Fuck them.

Creator of Firefox was conservative but then he left if I recall.

Also this is only semi-related but does anyone else using Firefox have this little pinwheel on the loading screen when switching tabs? It's only on my desktop and I want to be sure I don't have a virus.

If you don't like it, feel free to stop using the Internet altogether.

Yea I have it too its normal

either get a better pc or stop having 1000 tabs open

What other browsers are there? Currently with Opera. Chrome feels buggy.

typical lefty trigger bitch, what you said is not to the case, got upset cause you "work" pumping this feminist shit?

Go write your buzzfeed clickbait

Pale Moon

I imagine that is largely related to Islam.

Oh wait, that's racist now, nevermind.

>if you dont like the propaganda we pump, them cut yourself from information altogether

we know that trick you worthless garbage.

>I thought this was the one open source browser where I will be safe from the SJW vomit.
If anything, it's the only one where you wouldn't be

That's what I use but I don't like the latest update that removed the web tools like Javascript console and HTML inspector.

>muh sjw boogeyman
cry more, crybaby

Palemoon mustard race.

When will BSD or Gnu or even linus himself make a better broswer?
Lets also ignore javacript and force world to ignore it
ada gnoga
all better alternatives
not even getting into facter furnace and picolisp and awful chicken scheme racket web

Vivadi's for patricians so I don't know why I'm telling you about it.


Use brave you fucking cucks

Brave nothing else, brave is a f2f former CEO who shot done with cuckry

> Creator of Firefox was conservative but then he left if I recall.

Someone discovered he gave some of his personal money to some anti gay right politician. A few years later it surfaced, the backlash from his employee was do bad he had to quit, he basically got bullied out of his position for his political beliefs

Are you fucking kidding me? We're at the point where the edgetard's alternative has an edgetard alternative?

It's a fire Fox former CEO running it


How's the RAM usage?

>I thought this was the one open source browser where I will be safe from the SJW vomit.
Is this a weird form of Czech humor? They're famously SJW, that Eich episode probably reached normie news.

>no Sup Forumsentleautist has RMS posted yet about FSM

I know one of you fuckers are here.

just installed on debian testing 8.6 looks good sofar

about half firefox here on debian

vivaldi wont render or
does open youtube fine
looks buggy

Is there an old fork of Firefox from before they started copying Chrome that supports HTML5 video?

I don't use Twitter but people are linking to it here more and Pale Moon can't run the videos on there.

Pale Moon actually introduced support for videos from Twitter etc in a recent update.