Are we the darkside Sup Forums? Cause it seems like we are the darkside, or at least gray.
Is Sup Forums Jedi or Darkside?
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This is the third option.
We are against globalism what do you think suits Sup Forums more? A intergalactic empire or a small rebellion.
dark side
Yep. Gray are basically lolberts. They are so few in number and do basically nothing.
We even manipulate routinely here, embedding shitposts into the mainstream.
>Crashing this Republic
we are the wookie
just mis-understood and trying to reclaim our homeland
the empire did nothing wrong
>legally elected to power
>united a fractured galaxy that was at war
>put an end to a corrupt democracy being controlled by criminals and lobbyists
>pushed crime to fringe planets on the outer rim
>only took up arms against those that were a direct threat to the sovereignty of the empire
>did not impose the religious views of its leaders on the citizens of the empire
>only taxed the citizens a flat tax of 20%
>in return they provided a police force, military protection, and investment in infrastructure
never forget, the empire was on the right side of history and the rebellion were just terrorist cells fighting a religious war
the empire did nothing wrong
>legally elected to power
>united a fractured galaxy that was at
Palpatine was the leader of both sides in the war tho.
We are the rebels but like Luje, slightly aligned to the dark due to emotions
Emotional Lefties are the dark side
Logical conservatives is the light side
the republic was corrupt and palpatine drained the swamp
also its important to realize the jedi wanted to kill him because he was a sith and they were intolerant of his religion
it had nothing to do with his political actions. They were basically space muslims
they never wanted balance, their idea of balance was destroying the dark side.
Sup Forums will never be grey Jedi, they are always biased to one side
Therefore pol is ironically the light side unless your a storm fag and
>>reeeee nugger
then your just as bad as the lefties
When you put it like in the pic obviously sith.
Also Star Wars is a movie and not applicable to real life which is nuanced.
daily reminder that the grey jedi code isn't canon
No, the Jedi did not want to kill Palatine
but to only arrested him but
Palatine gave the order 66, kill all Jedi
Also Palatine wanted to destroy the destroy the confederacy by turning in into a fascist empire
that gray jedi in general aren't canon*
it's Palpatine you autist
No the grey Jedi is supposed too be the one
the one is supposed to bring balance to the force
We are Anakin. Prophesized to bring balance to the universe, yet we succumbed to the darkness, amd we will destroy it, while being comfy and watching the destruction on streams
It ok , Im on my cell phone and it auto corrects instead of Palpatine
If there's no light side or dark side, then what are you keeping the balance of dumbass
Except that Anakin does destroy it in the end. He kills Palestine, not Luke.
Thanks iPhone.
on what charges? having a different religion? mace dindu attacked him in his chambers and got what was coming to him
the jedi were the warmongers
>sperg out because he didn't spell the fictional characters name right
>he's the autist
Sup Forums is the shitty alien in the background
Sup Forums and the inverted version of it (Tumblr) are so obviously dark side.
I think your phone may be Jewish.
The whole point was for the chosen one to bring balance to the force, the dark and the light are two sides of the same coin. The chosen one would utilise both
Star Wars is Jewish propaganda, no reason to compare Sup Forums to propagandized fairy tale versions of right and wrong
> le 9fag :^)
>correcting someone mispelling a word 3 times in a row
>sperging out
idk why i even respond to you spiderniggers anymore
@0:37 they were going to arrested Palpatine for treason
Betraying one own country...aka being a cuck
Sup Forums is Jar Jar Binks, spouting unfunny bullshit, hated and not taken seriously, but actually manipulating everyone behind their backs
>none of you faggots have used Palpatine's dank first name
>not wanting to say Emperor Sheev
The Jedi were totally cool about actual child slavery. Anakin Sykwalker did nothing wrong.
looks like self defense to me
basically they were trying to rig it the same way they are rigging it against trump
You don't know the real story of Jar-Jar.
Don't pretend we might be the bad guys. It's not bad to like Hitler and want to preserve your race. You know what we're up against
no the guy was a bastered
"As Plagueis privately searched for the key to eternal life, Sidious manipulated galactic politics, culminating in the blockade of Naboo by the Trade Federation. In the wake of the political crisis, the Galactic Senate voted to elect him as Supreme Chancellor, and around the same time, in accordance with Bane's Rule of Two, Palpatine murdered Plagueis and usurped the role of Sith Master.
As Chancellor of the Republic and Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine orchestrated the outbreak of the devastating Clone Wars ten years after the Naboo Crisis. He himself headed both the Galactic Republic and, secretly, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The public leader of this splinter faction was former Jedi Master Count Dooku, Sidious' second apprentice as Darth Tyranus in the wake of Maul's presumed death on Naboo. As billions perished in the war, the vast majority of Republic citizens rallied behind Chancellor Palpatine, giving him enough support to amend the Galactic Constitution in the name of security and transfer most of the Senate's executive authority to his own office. In 19 BBY, following Tyranus's demise, Palpatine revealed his identity as Darth Sidious to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, telling that the dark side teachings that Plagueis had pursued could help Skywalker to save his wife, whom Skywalker had foreseen dying untimely. A failed attempt by the Jedi High Council to arrest Palpatine ensued, and Skywalker pledged himself to Sidious's teachings as Darth Vader. All members of the Jedi Order were accused of treason and betrayed by their clone troopers to the point of virtual extermination. Without the Jedi to oppose him, Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the first Galactic Empire, bringing an end to the Republic that had stood for over 25,000 years. "
>>He started a lot of unnecessary conflict like >>Hilary Clinton for his self interest.
Which side has more feminine penis
The political purpose of Star Wars was to re-brand Roman virtue as muh evil. Thanks, Jews.
The Dark Side is strong, ordered, and just...and doesn't discriminate based on looks.
The Light Side is a creepy murder-cult.
to be fair
tatooine is a far out planet outside of the republic
The Jedi were not cool with child slavery, it was out of the reach of the republic
We are going off the premises of the image above.
That passion ignites the darkside etc what the libs do all day with muh culture and muh rape
>i put it like that
Those are their codes, the image just puts them next to each other.
9fag pls
Light vs Dark is about alignment/philosophy of individual force users. It shouldn't be conflated with galactic politics, Palpatine's personal ambitions or his methods.
Pol is clearly dark side, which promotes strength, ability, individuality and liberty. The light side is collectivist and egalitarian.
>the bad guys.
The dichotomy in their code means opposite. Trump is passionate, that already makes him a Sith or Gray.
This, though it is arguable that the empire's woes were due to its leader enforcing the rule of two. Basically this made a weird situation where no one would climb the ranks, he should have been killed by someone further down the pecking order a long time ago.
Passion is basically the whole key here and what made Luke basically become a Gray Jedi. The Jedi were fanatics but not passionate.
this is the best thing I have ever seen
i'm sorry I gave you shitmy autism has revealed itself over this
You cares
This. Mild kek
This makes too much sense.
Thank you good Sup Forumslack
>The realization that Sup Forums is Bluepilled
>merkel hand signals
Daily reminder that the Empire was good :
-The society is a patriarchy, women are just accepted for competence
-Love the aesthetic, minimalist and ascetic, basically it's brutalism or classicism
-Repression on any degenerated artists
-Human supremacist, btfo aliens and droids you don't have any power here
-aliens are considerating as niggers that will chimp out and cannot govern themselves without the humans
-transparent mercantilism without any intervention of the state on the trade, the corporation have to allow the empire to take money from them to finance programs made for the greater good, there is no inflation and economy prospers
Sith. Sup Forums hates jihadists.
This. Sith are openly competitive whereas Jedi are passive-aggressive. Their ranks are pathetic.
yes that agreeable, but the ideals of the sith are self-destructive, its pretty much keep killing and hating each other until you get to the top and prepare yourself for attempts to kill you. No real cohesion.
Well not really, it's about accepting your part of humanity and using it to be a weapon, not an ennemy, it's just the films and comics made them all psychos for no reason except having a clear opponent.
You had a few siths that were good and cared about the population (Darth Marr I think)
The Sith =/= The Empire
Originally the Sith would have had more separation of powers due to the infighting. The First Order is the result of non-Sith Darkside.
Not all systems are the same for the Darkside.
You sure about that Satan?
I tip fedora to both sides.
There is no Death, there is only the Fedora
The Fedora shall set us free.
The sacking of DC.
The greatest Sup Forums achievement
The Sith are pure excellence and meritocracy. Struggle, self-improvement, ambition, dedication, lust for power.
Jedi defended corrupt, beaurocratic "galaxy globalism" entity that tolerated slavery, criminals, cartels.
Empire was a humanocentric, xenophobic hierarchy.
If this wasn't written by fags, retards, SJWs and untalented imbeciles (the dialogues and battles are pure cringe) it could have been a majestic series.
In the end, it is a "colored people and womyn beat the white guys and blow up their shit".
Empire + Chiss + Mandalorians.
ideological Sup Forums = the dark side.
contrarian Sup Forums = the jedi
Brutalism is socialist/communist aesthetic.
you guys realize that we're the good guys right?
Oh you are right, my mistake, I was talking about fascist architecture