You're allowed to travel back in time 8 years ago and have a conversation with your former self about politics

You're allowed to travel back in time 8 years ago and have a conversation with your former self about politics.

What do you say?

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i'd fuck my own ass and rape myself because i'd be underage

Don't visit Sup Forums

kys so you don't witness the migrant invasion of europe

Bet all your savings on Donald Trump becoming President in 8 years

Teach myself how to worship a frog god and how it influences life on a global scale.


bash the fash


This and Brexit.

>Bet everything on trump winning the election as soon as he announces it and the odds appear on betting apps.
The odds were fucked when he first announced it. It was like 250- 1 wish i fucikng jumped on it even when it went to like 20-1

Nothing, I wasn't born then

show him how corrupted lefties are

then tell myself bet all my fucking money on trump in 2016

>Hitler did nothing wrong, now sit down and watch this:

i would talk to my older self which would be 16 years old.

"fly you fool ss long as it is still possible"
"dont forget to bet 30k$ on trump in 2016"

Don't go on Sup Forums, you'll never be happy or stable again.

I will tell myself nothing because I can't talk so instead I will just give myself a gun with a note telling me to kill any sub-humans from then until now. Oh and also to put more money on trump 8 years later.

You were right, it was the Jews fault.

BET IT ALL ON OBAMA, THEN BET IT ALL ON TRUMP. Also try and stay out of Syria. If you have a chance, tell Muamar to watch out for Hillary.

tell him to question feminism

Leave Califoria.

Stay on course.

And when 2014 comes and we'll raise some money for the family, I hope my father will call me useful once...

Would sucking my own dick be considered gay or masturbation?

You'll get more pussy on the Obama train, so just play along for a few more years

"Time travel exists; nothing matters. Kill yourself."

gay since you're sucking another physical body off

It's possible to suck your own dick, you know. You just need to be either very flexible, have a long dick or a combination of both.

>8 years ago I was a bluepilled centrist Democrat working for the Obama campaign and thinking we were going to make the world a better, fairer place
>now I'm a hopeless Nazi accelerationist who hates women and minorities and just wants the suffering to end

It's gonna be a long and unpleasant talk.






Here again.

Make it so I can tell myself like 10-15 years ago.

Fuck only 8 years.

>ok you little shit, listen. I know you are one dumb fuck who couldn't care less about politics and even though Merkel might sound reasonable now, she will fuck you in the ass later on real hard. Learn how to speak, learn how to have a reasonable discussion. Know the weaknesses of your enemy. You might be the last chance this country gets. Don't let me down. And don't think I won't notice when you slack off.
>And now go forth, my little Führer.

"Start saving as much money as you can and bet it all on Donald Trump being President in 2016. Yes, THAT Donald Trump. No, I'm not high".

Yeah, but if you go back in time to suck yourself younger self off. You're still sucking a dick separate from your own physical body. So it's pretty gay. Though I will concede it's not gay to suck yourself off.

All in on Trump.

Never visit Sup Forums, stop playing video games, do better in fucking school.

Also, the greatest event in American politics since the Kennedy assassination will happen in 2016

I'd tell myself to bet a fuckton of money on trump winning when the rates where good

>trying to alter my past self which could potentially end up with me rejecting the path I have chosen

I think not.

a nigger is going to ruin everything, but it'll turn out good later
when donald trump runs, bet on him
that's all

I'm not sure I could pass up the chance for self-cest, though I'm biscum so whatever.

I say, "Make America great again."

How will you decide who takes it in the bum?

>not betting on him in the ohio primaries with half of your savings

69, bruh. I'd wreck my own ass otherwise.

>TFW you're too thick and have actually been turned down because of it

I'd go back, and sit down to a drink with me.
>"Wow, so you're really me, huh?"
>"Yep, and I'm here to tell you something important."
>"Okay, shoot"
>"In 2016, Donald Trump will be President, take all the money you have, and save it, all of it, then bet it on him to win, just do this, and life will be great again."
>I hand him a lockbox that says not to open until Election Day 2016, he'll open it on that day, and be greeted with a MAGA hat, a bottle of what we were drinking, and a thank you note.

you have come a long way, senpai

Trump will win

Bet money that you don't have because you'll make hella bank

Invest in gold immediately after school. drive trucks instead of going to college, sell gold immediately after crash. sit on cash while continuing to work but at part time. put down entire savings betting on Donald Trump during the primaries when gambling services said his odds were 250/1 against. win.


Campaign for Hillary, she's gonna lose if you're lazy.


and with brexit, i knew i should of put money down on him

this, while feeling kinda jelly I'm not the other me

Go to usa and copyright MAGA motto!

This. I only made 20 bucks. I could have made so much more.

I'd say something like
>"Get the fuck off the internet you underage fag

Fuck off, Serbia

You're entire nation is a shitpost second only to my own

I gotta have a word with you, leaf

You are right about everything. Don't doubt your views, just keep them out of normiebook.
The Great Uncucking of the West will begin in 8 years.

Hey man, you were right about the Muslims as a teenager, you can skip that whole bit where you leaned towards the liberals.

Enjoy your ignorance while it lasts.

fck niggers

Dude kill merkel.. no matter what even if it costs your future and live which it will.. just fucking kill her.

>user then spent the next 8 years having sex with a plethora of African Americans

I'd suck my own 14 year old dick and then make fun of myself for being a humongous faggot

>"Stop beating it to anime you fag."

>about politics
There are much more important things I could say.

The Earth is flat


Redpill him (me?) and tell him to bet all of our life savings on Trump winning 2016

Only about politics? Well, I guess I'd tell me to bet as much money as I can save up on Trump in 2016.

Forget about politics and study more


"Deus vult."

Oh man, 8 years ago I was still more left than right

I was always against illegal immigration though, wrote a paper against it as far back as middle school. Seemed retarded to me that we weren't even enforcing our own damn laws. From there, I'd have a lot of explaining to do.

After that, I'd tell myself to stop taking Latin and start taking Russian ASAP. Fucking major in it in college and double major in Business Management.

And lastly, I'd tell myself that it's a blessing to be a white male, that whatever my personal beliefs, Christian values form a strong society, and that I really should make friends and go after girls more. Just don't get married.

buy bitcoin.

nothing because politics are not important on a personal level unless you are a politician or a party member

Present myself with 2 options

1 will get you laid

The other will get you mad dosh

Dosh is obviously bet on Trump the minute he announces

Laid would be to stop being a little bitch, being a feminist wont get you shit and start lifting, christ. "Also Donald Trump usurps the Presidency and rules with an iron fist in 2016. Its more funny than frightening trust me you'll never laugh harder."

I used to cross dress when I was 12-14, I'd tell my past self to stop that immediately and then tell him to bet on Brexit and Trump winning, but don't tell anyone else because butterfly affect n shit

can I pass down lottery numbers?

Your flag looks like a cross made out of 2 sausages lmao


it's the fuckin jews!

>What do you say?
that I want to travel back 12 years and be allowed to have a conversation with myself about investing against the housing bubble and derivatives.


Please, don't ever start browsing russian /po and /pol.

Also, buy dollars with all the rubles you have and you're good.

Conspiracy theories are not far from the truth as well.

That is a wonderful webm

Don't drop out of university.

Go to the gym, it's the cheapest it will ever be and pussy is everywhere in this town. Leave your computer on to mine bitcoin when you're not in your room.

That girl Anya wants to fuck you.

Don't worry about politics, just be aesthetic and make money.

>"Don't ever go on Sup Forums, it will make you miserable and depressed"

>You are on the right track, buddy. Dont falter.

Don't vote for Merkel! She's evil and will turn on her country.

"Get off your lazy ass and vote for Sverigedemokr- wait, you're 13, aren't you? Shit. I'm drunk."

8 years?

Don't buy that AR just yet, obama doesn't do shit about them. Wait until they're half that price.

Also, orange is the new black. You'll know when you see it.

Hey, I'm glad I caught you on here while I still could!

I'm you from the future, sorry about the American proxy but I have no time to explain!

you have to re enroll into uni now! Stop missing days in the gym, you won't be strong enough to save Anya if you don't! Also, Jenna will give you herpies, just punch that cunt in the face when you meet her.

If you dont get more bitcoin ill kill you myself

You will get an opportunity to work in parliament. Don't. You will regret it. It's soulcrushing work for the most marxistisk people you will ever meet, and the pay is mediocre.

Go to PwC like you're planning to. At least you'll be compensated fairly for being a whore to other narcissists.

Future me, on his lunch break in parliament, counting the minutes until I can go home.

In 8 years you will be able to stop hiding your true opinions from certain people.

"Start learning Russian, the 1944 dream team is getting back together again"