Mad Dog secretary of defense confirmed

Have fun getting drafted for the/2017 US-Iran war burgers

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>Not wanting to deploy and kill mudslimes.

Were coming to liberate Sweden next Achmed.

Their professional military is more than enough to handle Iran.

Have fun getting send back to Shitstainistan when Europe starts following America's example, you Muslim filth.

Under Mattis and Trump, you can't draft me if I volunteer first.

I want to see him draft the SJW loonies as cannon fodder, just for shits and giggles

Murricans wanting to go to war to serve their kike masters so much

>Massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture during the last 1.400 years may have done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The consequences of intermarriage between first cousins often have serious impact on the offspring’s intelligence, sanity, health and on their surroundings.

>Hillary and Obongo support ISIS and want war with Assad/Russia


>Mattis thinks providing weapons to ISIS rebels is a good way to fight back against Iranian/Russian proxies working for Assad in Syria


Sup Forums in a nutshell, absolutely no logic to be found everywhere, bottom tier edgy memelords

>Being this retarded
There is not a draft in the US anymore dumb ass.

Hopefully we get to liberate Sweden too.

source my dude

Ask yourself?

Will there be happenings and will SJW's be upset?

That's the entire thought process for any Sup Forums decisions.

>Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.[51] He has criticized Barack Obama and Donald Trump for their view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[51] He has cited the importance of the United Arab Emirates and Jordan as countries that wanted to help, for example, in filling in the gaps in Afghanistan.[52] He has criticized current defense strategy as giving “the perception we’re pulling back” from US allies.[52] He stresses the need for the US to bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.[53] In 2012, Mattis argued for providing weapons to Syrian rebels, as a way to fight back against Iranian proxies in Syria.[54]


then why are we threatened with a $250,000 fine and 40 years in prison if we don't sign up for the draft when we turn 18

Kek no

It's the women's turn to be drafted bro, equal rights mannnnn.

>Have fun getting drafted for the/2017 US-Iran war burgers
America doesn't need more manpower than its professional volunteers to liberate Iran from mullahs.

>wtf I love UAE and Saudi Arabia
>fuck Iran desu

>wtf I love UAE and Saudi Arabia

the guys that fund ISIS?

yep, as i said, Sup Forums in a nutshell


Fuck off mohammed. Stop posting under the swedish flag

>fighting against based shias and Baschar instead of Saudi Wahabi dogs
Sunnis are subhuman degenerates



Iran is an eagle-nest pham
Tehran itself has 900m elevation difference from lowest to highest point
Thats to get an idea of how steep the mountainous terrain is there
If you think they had a hard time getting around in Afghanistan wait to try there against a competent army with a huge manpower reserve and modern weapons

Forgot map

Kek, this. I believe you also have some kind of foreign legion option, don't you? Purely out of curiosity, of course..

He is Swedish now


Well, at least he won't be afraid of sending US Army to Ukraine and Crimea to bully Putin into submission.
So maybe Trump isn't that bad. First Goldman Sachs as TresSec and then this. Trump as POTUS might be just as good as Hillary after all.

We're not going to war with Iran. That's a DNC talking point designed to obstruct Mattis' confirmation hearing.

Stop being ridiculous clowns.

No. Once a muslim always a muslim. They will never be Swedes

Iran is a real country hijacked by a crazy regime, not a collection of crazy mountain tribes. They can be defeated like Nazi Germany.

You wish. He will just bully the Balts into paying more for NATO.

Dear god, it's Commander Chaos!

>We're not going to war with Iran

LOL to that. You do realize that the GOP is not heavily influenced by the israely lobby, it actually IS THE ISRAELY LOBBY. You guys are going to do what your jewish masters tell you and they really dont like Iran.

That is not how modern warfare works. Unless you have the best of the best when it comes to countermeasures against cruise missiles and precision bombardment, giant manpower reserves will not help anything but undertaking opportunities. Remember Iraq? With their entire command quickly destroyed, the majority of its not even that backwards army was destroyed without ever seeing actual battle.

jokes on you the Air Force thinks I have ADHD and I can't be reenlisted

>In 2012

The Draft and the selective service are not the same thing.

>PowerPoint makes us stupid
WTF I hate Gen. James N. Mattis now

As the Glenn Beck of PowerPoints, I disavow our soon-to-be Secretary of Defense.

>You do realize that the GOP is not heavily influenced by the israely lobby, it actually IS THE ISRAELY LOBBY.
>trump is the GOP
>the GOP totally wasnt against trump

Syrian rebels are not isis.
But i do believe its a stupid idea tho

Nah. You're just troublemakers and anti-American agitators. Trump did not campaign on going to war with Iran, and so we're not. Disagreements between Presidents and cabinet officials has occurred in this country since the fucking Washington Administration.

Here's what you should do. Stop trying to fearmonger us, and get to work fixing your own dying nation.

>kike masters

You're supposed to say "the Greatest Ally", Sven. Unless you want to end up in one of these secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe. Remember when Trump said that he would bring a lot worse torture than waterboarding? Trump is also very friendly towards Jewish people so he won't tolerate such blatant anti-semitism on the internet. Next time you will address the Chosen People properly.

They are not Isis but their leaders have no problems beheading a 11 year old boy

>Syrian rebels are not isis.

>attacking Iran
lel, no matter how stupid they are that won't happen. The country almost three times as big as Iraq, with Afghanistan tier topography. Trying to occupy it would be a financial suicide not to mention that it would be doomed to fail.

kill yourself


A lot's changed since then

The shart in mart damagecontrol in this thread

>Syrian rebels are not isis.

justinian needs his belisarius

>came from humble beginnings as not part of the political caste
>got a boost at a critical moment due to a relative, who was not that important but just important enough to give him a kick off
>has a strong wife

sound like someone?

trump is justinian. Following this he will restrengthen the empire and ensure it lasts another thousand years. There will, however, be wars, and riots. Justinian had to slaughter an entire stadium full of unreasonable protestors.

Hehe, U R Gay

>Have fun getting drafted for the/2017 US-Iran war burgers

What to remote control drones patrolling streets in Tehran.

Sounds fun.

I blindly volunteer to help mattis is any war he deems neccesary. Fuck a draft we dont want those faggots we need warriors who want to be thrust into battle.

Even if that would be true... they do similar shit .. what does that tell you about them? They are just as much of a problem/garbage.

Iraq is here for scale

You can forget about cruising in tanks and quick strikes

Cucky McCuckersson

Dumb shit the USA wold completely destroy iran

Bush didnt campaign on going to war with Iraq, son.

Also note that there is no reason for Trump to just gift eastern europe to Putin. Why would he? But Putin could offer that he will let Trump invade Iran, or even support him. from a russian point of view, thats a perfect deal, because they get eastern europe and they get to watch how America fails miserably in Iran. For the US its the worst deal possible, but your great dealmaker will not see this.

>Mad Dog
Where did this nickname come from?

Trump isn't Bush. Bush was a weakling led around by the nose by his inferiors. Trump has never been that way. Trump has routinely defied his underlings when he disagrees with them. It's part of the reason we elected him. He has his own independent judgment and he has demonstrated that he is not afraid to part ways with his underlings when he feels it prudent to do so.

As for Eastern Europe, I don't care. Eastern Europe is not ours to "gift" in the first place. Europeans in general are little more than fractious tribes that have been fighting one another over tiny irrelevant swaths of land for thousands of years. It is none of our business.

Deal with it yourself.

>restrengthen the empire and ensure it lasts another thousand years

Didn't the Empire lost quite a lot of territory to Arabs soon after - all the remaining African provinces and Syria as well? Really makes you think.

Are leftists trying to meme a Iran-US war into happening?

You know it wouldn't happen right?

Even Putin bitchslapped Erdogan into a little puppy when he acted up against Assad, and Erdogan isn't even a Putin ally.

Why should we constantly help people who spit in our faces and talk shit about us all the time?

lol. You have no clue son. A judgement is based on information. What information Trump is going to get access to is not controlled by him. They made Bush believe Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, and they are going to do the same with Trump. If he refuses to cooperate they will simply impeach him and then Pence will do everything they want. Easy as that. You do not realize in what kind of deep shit you have brought your country into.

I, as a german, love every second of it, because a failing USA is the single only thing that can keep the EU alive.

>Trump is too stupid to see through these things
>Trump didn't protect around this by building a divided cabinet of establishment and anti-establishment factions to check and balance each other

Just fuck off. If you're not even going to pay close attention to this transition to understand what Trump is doing, then stop commenting on it.

Friends dad was an obgyn who went to work in Saudi for the money in the 90s. He commented on how common genetic abnormalities are there because of inbreeding. Professionally he enjoyed the freak show because he got to see all the really rare fuckups firsthand that barely if ever happened here.

Why do you want us to fight you and your people?

>You know it wouldn't happen right?

Of course it will. The Greatest Ally wants Iran to be destroyed, because Iranians are Holocaust-denying anti-semites, who hate the Chosen People. Trump is bff with Israelis, so he will be happy to oblige his friends in need.
After Iran Russia is next in line. That also explains why he is planning to expand the military. You don't actually think that all these new aircraft carriers and stealth jets will be built just to fight insurgents in the Middle East, armed with small arms from the 60's and 70's, do you?

>divided cabinet
>all of them neoconservatives and establishment plus the muslim hater and israel lover bannon
>no way they are going to lure him into a war with iran

yeah, keep telling yourself that.

>tfw i wont be drafted

the fuck is this

I don't think we have the fighting force even if every man woman and child joined the fight

the fuck is that

muh leg, but on the plus side i now have a place to hold more burgers

Are you the Terminator

what happened

>Didn't the Empire lost quite a lot of territory to Arabs soon after

This is how it went.

Things were going really shit and people were thinking it could be over
Justinian showed up and holy fuck things were more than awesome and better than ever for a while
Afterwards things started going back to shit, but it took a long time to undo how fucking awesome things had gotten.

getting there, 4 plates 2 rods and 12 screws, im more heavy metal, but at my rate ill be the TnigSlayer 9000

Belisarius' reconquests endured about 200 years. The goatfuckers didn't start to go full Snackbar until the late 700s.

Aren't you a lucky shit. But you still haven't told us what the fuck is going on in the first picture you pieceo f shit americansdcuafj afiuckkcka

either way slaying niggers of any breed is a contribution to society even if ordered by zog kikes
but tbqh fampai there wont ever be a draft again unless its full on world war 3


its called a vac pad or vac wound, sucks out dirt, glass shit etc to keep wound clean untill skin graph can be done

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
>tfw Mad Dog will usurp Trump

when and where do they do that?

Do you even have insurance or did the accident force you into medical bankruptcy?

well done you nigger

Did a leg wound from that crash get infected or something? Get well soon

>Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates


>"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

>"Talk softly but carry a big stick"
>Good one, but its not edgy enough. How about "Talk softly but be prepared to murder everyone"
>Thats retarded sir, it completely self-defeating, you are not talking softly or being polite
>Nah I will roll with this


jordan is p much a proxy state for the us

>Justinian showed up and holy fuck things were more than awesome and better than ever for a while
you mean the guy who expended the empire's manpower in multiple wars to try and recapture territories that were overrun that couldn't possibly be held by the depleted armies he left the empire with

>that reading comprehension
>Turkish Intellectuals

389,000 in medical bils, declared bankruptcy and got on obama care or health care what ever its called
>GDP so shitty they sold all their cars to buy spaghetti
kek, not my fualt the semi-truck driver was drunk and hydra plained
no but had blood clots which is worse, but im slowly walking now so eh not that bad,
but please based nips keep cucking the sand niggers from entering, you are one of the only countrys left that is almost all white

I probably would fight Iran it might be a true nation vs nation fight for longer than sadams joke of a military.