What is up with you Germans? I summon Germans. What's going on with rapefugees these days.
What is up with you Germans? I summon Germans. What's going on with rapefugees these days
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bump. How is the public feeling about Petry?
When are you guys going to brexit/trump
We won't. We'll die for the team, to show y'all the destructiveness of multiculturalism, PC culture and """"""moderate"""""" islam
i live next to a refugee home and absolutely nothing happens. i was kind of hoping for regular fights and the eventual fire but i guess peace and quiet is fine too.
i heard they werent as docile in the neighboring town though
Based Deutsch Alter. You will be missed.
>land of the nazi party overrun and killed by exactly what they feared most serving as an example to save the rest of europe
it's like a sad anime plot ;w;
for team WHITE
As was to be expected she is demonised and trash talked by the media.
The propaganda TV channels (publicly funded and state run) are doing barely anything else then complaining about the AfD.
No matter what the AfD does the next day we will hear how bad they are and that all their voters are neo-nazis.
And it works, pushing the AfD so far into the right corner has probably guaranteed that they will never get any real power.
They will fade into obscurity within the next ~5 Years.
The same will happen to any (non ultra-left) Party that criticizes mainstream government policy too much.
wait for next election in September or smth next year, get 25% AfD.
Thats the plan, else just hope for them to leave
burn it down in the middle of the night
>unironically electing a leader without children
I dont understand why any country would do this
(((Elites))) and their shabbos goys...
Deutschland better be ready for another bloodbath. They goddamn need it.
Not so much.
Only minor happenings these days.
t. guy from a country whose president licks imam asshole while muslims wage a war against them
Did your government submit or report on summary of financial statement in connection with refugees?
I mean cost and benefit.
Merkek wanted them workforce in Germany for car industry in the first place. Do they actually work for them?
few of them really are. qualification isn't good enough to start at a DAX30 corporate.
Do you put them in specific area? or they are free to live wherever they wish if they got a job?
I think i've heard that from the 1.5million refugees only 100 or so are "working" in DAX companies
It's cold outside and they aren't loitering around so much right now.
Shit happens, goy. Unimportant tribal muzzies need to be genocided soon.
Although I am proud to say that I am not Pisslamic nor a christard.
Not also a member of the Church of Scientism, too.
>Do they actually work for them?
My local newspaper recently reported that here in Hamburg (2. biggest City in Germany) out of the 44.000 people who arrived 120 found work.
Considering that there is a lot of Infrastructure (Big Shipyard and Airbus) here these numbers are quite terrible.
I dont expect that many refugees are more educated then a 10th grader here, so I doubt many companies would willingly employ someone like that.
Althoug,h the government is pushing for more refugees learning trades, but very few are more qualified then a below average German.
no, they are required to stay in a certain area to prevent hotspots
Why have not your government take into account of their costs to have? All costs such as education, food, housing etc would have predicted massive costs rather than incomes.
It takes much time for them to learn German in itself.
Why do you do this stupid? Wise people like Germans could have stopped her right?
atleast for the first while, after a couple of years they are free to look for a job whereever they wish. of course this limits the ability to move freely on the labor market but it's really a constraint to prevent hotspots of refugees.
I actually disagree. Never in my life (and I do politics for around 20 years now) I´ve seen so many people critical of
- the media
- immigration
- the "Altparteien"
Furthermore I`ve never heard so many, not only very critical but also plainly racist statements by normies as in the last year.
I`ve been saying for years that the only thing that holds us Germans back in reclaiming our souveranity is the "Nazi Keule". As far as I can see more and more people simply ignore it as it has been used to often.
Crypto-Jews and their even richer Jew bosses.
And that Germans have been mindgucked for 70+ years...
your genes will live on in America and the rest of Europe
Do you assume they seem happy staying in Germany?
Have you talked to them whether they wish to return Syria if the war stopped?
A part of me is sad about whats happening over there with the refugees. Its mind boggling that over a million migrants landed in your country adn are just sitting in their own shit.
I mean we have illegals here but its not like the Jews just decided to drop that many of them in a short amount of time.
The other part of me wants to see this get out of hand so maybe a good amount of young men and their neighboring allies will finally do something about this infestation.
>Do you assume they seem happy staying in Germany?
They probably are. The government care more about them then our elders.
>Have you talked to them whether they wish to return Syria if the war stopped?
They are (for the most part) not from syria and didn't flee any war.
these halalnimals like German pussy, pockets full of euros, and to spread Islam further on.
of course, if the German GOV is sane, they wouldn't be accepting them in the millions
fuck Islam. Long live Deutschland and her people
there are a few of syrians who are leaving germany right now. of course one should not underestimate the bond an individual has to their homecountry. there will be some who are going back once the war ends but in my opionion the majority will stay. from my own experience I can tell you, that the syrians I've met are very nice and thankful people. I cannot tell you wether they like it here or not, it's a whole different life over here, they try to get used to it.
They dont deserve the right to be heard.
Those men never had a country. They were cowards who left when shit was tough.
Our media is full propaganda mode since the refugees appeared.
Only now they start to print articles that point problems out, for example that 20-30% of the refugees never have been to elementary school.
Last year every single refugee was hailed as a doctor or rocket engineer.
So if they won, what sort of actual plan would they implement against refugees? Just deport refugees? it is gonna happen huge riots.
My village integrated them pretty well never talked to one cause they look dumb as rock, few months ago one rapefugee cut himself and almost bled out
Even if they get 25% they need a partner for a coalition, they only good point is that it will get harder for the other parties to get a majority.
If we are lucky we are going full Weimar as soon as the economy goes down.
Wrong. I want Europe to survive and remain white.
They did take that into account. But bottom line is that Germany can more or less afford it, unlike other Euro countries like, say, Greece or Italy, so we took the most refugees, along with other wealthy countries like Sweden. Ultimately, the decision was between helping them or letting them die, and a lot of people weren't willing to do that.
The real problem is that our government, as well as other Euro governments, haven't reacted to this sooner, because it was extremely clear it would happen from how the situation was over in Syria.
Never speak that evil book title again.
The shit Germans must have expirienced after the war, when Soviet gooks raped and pillaged German women and children.
That shitty XP points when Germany had to be divided by the (((powers that be))) just to keep her down and to keep Europe in line with ZOG whims.
And now (((they))) are flooding the continent with halalnimals...
Get fucked, Hebrews
Can confirm.
I easily redpilled my parents, who are both Gutmenschen (century old german word for cucks).
Statements against the government and islam are generally met with silent agreement or open approval even by complete strangers and older generations of immigrants.
This isn't exactly a new development. Since NSDAP-led germany the german population generally distrusts governments and their media pawns.
I suspect that most germans would not stand with the government in case of a civil uprising. The police would assist in the beginning, but could easily be turned against the gov, if the uprising proved to be powerful enough. Military would sue the government if they were ordered to interfere.
There is a VERY fertile ground within the german population for a coup, but it has gone largely unnoticed by the government and media, as they managed to delude themselves into a false sense of invulnerability by constantly droning out any criticism.
We are not currently at the point were a single event could spark a war, as Merkel's incompetence has proven several times over, but it's slowly building up.
In Japan, we have 1.5 Muslim population.
I have never seen crimes they ever commuted except Brawl between Turks and Kurds.
I don't even what they do live for themselves.
Due to their small community we still dont have any complaints on them.
I think they are relegious, so if the Germans treat them fairly, they will not have hostility against Germans.
I heard that terrorists happened in France had taken massive racism and discrimination and forced to live in no-go areas, which led them motivate on extreme belief to join in ISIS.
That`s pure bullshit.
As someone with german blood, you have my blessings, Germany. May you become nationalist and uncucked in the near future.
This triggers Sup Forums, but it's correct.
sounds like bullshit to you but which part?
So, what are you going to do then?
Are you gonna kill them all?
I dont think the refugees would accept your egos, even if ultra right wing own your government.
>I heard that terrorists happened in France had taken massive racism and discrimination and forced to live in no-go areas, which led them motivate on extreme belief to join in ISIS.
They are no go areas because the Muslims are there.
Their religion is inherently violent, they do not face discrimination besides what they do to themselves.
all is not lost, friend
The no-go areas are for the police and the natives because of the huge muslim population in those areas who enforce their own laws there...how the hell are they forced to be there if they set those areas up by themselves.
Jesus Japan you are fucking stupid, accept a few more and you will see what is happening here right infront of your nose.
>What's going on with rapefugees these days.
They are raping.
Somali man aged 26 raped an 11 years old girl - but is he guilty? Child marriages are normal in Somalia, maybe he wasn't aware its not the case overhere
If mainstream reports about rapes, it is always with a huge amount of apologetism for the perpetrators. Leftist female judges set them free afterwards.
>AfD gets 25%
>CDU/CSU gets 30%
>Merkel is forced to form a coalition with Die Linke
>mfw when whole world turns right and Germany turns left
Pretty much, yeah. Unless they do a 180° (which they won't - the average age of CDU members is 60, they are too deep into the sunken cost fallacy to change) it is not a question of "if" they will be replaced but "when".
The only problem is that the "when" might be too far into the future.
German humor truly is the best humor.
We have 1.4% muslim population as well and no crime, but that's in large part because they're local converts, not sandniggers
We wont accept any further refugees, coz we know how is our cultural values are different from them.
And we can math and predict situation when our economic situation turned in recession.
It's really not.
I'm from Saarland, there are places that are no go zone already, if you get too close to the refugee place in Lebach there is a big chance to get mugged or beaten.
These people are as smart as potatoes and don't try to be decent at all, here in the more landly areas they are really hated gladly, my father had holocaust guilt at first, but I managed to redpill him and now he hates them too. People in my town are strictly against getting sandniggers here.
The prices for housing are so high that only young leftists with rich parents can live there in isolated student rich parents blocks, and of course they want as much diversity in their cities as possible.
Also avoid Frankfurt Offenbach under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.
It was sandnigger castle even before "wir schaffen das happened"
I hate our politicians so much...
>workforce in Germany for car industry
Mwahaha, for car industry. One can want them for car industry in Germany only if he works for Toyota.
Does anyone want your cute BMW assembled by those 5-time-a-day-praying fucktards?
San nigger, try to factcheck before trying for (you)s.
also Croat cops beat back when attacked by criminals.
Explain yourselves Germans.
The EU is the continuation of the German empire by other means. They will never uncuck themselves - they are the cuck-ers.
You seem to have no idea what the nazis were all about do you.
Your pic isn't far from the situation in west germany, especially in the ruhrgebiet.
You almost need a tank if you want to drive over the potholes in our streets.
The cities look like a bomb hit them (or 30years spd)
This part is utter bs:
>I think they are relegious, so if the Germans treat them fairly, they will not have hostility against Germans.
Germany has been treating them fairly. More then fairly even. It has been generous. And exactly this was the problem. I´ll explain the problem to you:
Muslims in Germany do not respect Germans. That`s a fact. They do not respect the german government and they do not respect the people.
That`s the establishments fault because immigrants could do whatever the fuck they want in Germany. If they misbehave Germans are afraid to criticize because they could be openly branded as "Nazis". That`s what most Germans have been afraid of in the past. Being branded as a "Nazi" is nearly as bad as being branded a pedophile. The german public is shizo about it. People lost they jobs, their status and their livelihood because they were branded as "Nazis" and most of them were not even Nazis! Not even close to it!
This happens not only on the top tier (politicians, managers, celebrities, media) but also on personal levels. That`s what Germans call the "Nazikeule" (The Nazimace/club).
So because Germans are afraid of speaking up against all the shit immigrants pull they do not get sanctioned.
These immigrants have no respect. But "respect" and "honor" is something thats really important in their culture. If you dont have it you are nothing. They think the german "tolerance" is weakness and they dont respect the weak.
If we had just put up boundaries or at least treat them as we would treat other Germans that misbehave like that I´m pretty sure we would not have those problems.
I have to go now but I lurk around if you have any more questions. I want to explain it to you in better English and with more examples but have no time right now.
Nothing much, they're mostly loitering around in public spaces, when they don't commit crimes
Normales don't like her, she's too smug
Never, we would fuck our economy, we are way too dependent on the EU
>Explain yourselves Germans.
no popular sovereignty, we are in shackles. Decades of brainwashing and social engineering does one more thing.
This myth really bothers me.
Everything Germany profits from in the EU was already achieved with the EWR. The move from EWR to EU has absolutely 0 benefits from us.
It's the same with the myth about the Euro - that we wanted to force it on other nations because we profit from it due to our exports.
But people don't know that we don't only have the highest exports, we also have the highest imports. All the materials for our exports have to be imported first.
Not to mention that it's well-documented that we were pressured into allowing the Euro, not the other way round.
Believe me, no German politician thinks farther than the next election, let alone some mastermind planning to reinvent the empire.
Everyone who actually had to interact with them would understand it. The fastest way to get that Muslim guy who bullied you in school to want to be your friend instead was to punch him in the face.
They don't respect anything but physical strength, but our government is afraid of doing that.
I don't believe you. Provide proofs. Because I seem to remember there being 29 Turks (or Syrians was it?) officially in Japan and two of them were arrested for rape.
>In Japan, we have 1.5 Muslim population.
1.5 what? You have one and a half Muslims in Japan?
>I have never seen crimes they ever commuted except Brawl between Turks and Kurds.
By definition you won't see most crimes actually being committed.
>I don't even what they do live for themselves.
Are you a real nip or trolling or what? Speak in English
>Due to their small community we still dont have any complaints on them.
So Muslims are ok only if they are limited to a small community
>I think they are relegious, so if the Germans treat them fairly, they will not have hostility against Germans.
If people are religious they will never do anything bad. Nice logic.
>I heard that...
If France is so racist why do these people choose to migrate there. They are also free to choose where they live. There are no internal passports in France. If someone moves to Japan and feels like they are being treated differently as a foreigner, would that be justification in your mind for them becoming a terrorist?
>I summon Germans
be careful what you wish for
That praying shit is a worse cop out than fag breaks
>guise i need to pray again, better go to the break room, see you in half an hour
>Believe me, no German politician thinks farther than the next election, let alone some mastermind planning to reinvent the empire.
Of course they do. For example, Merkel brought millions of shitskins and will give them citizenship. And they will vote for CDU in the future. And so will their kids.
You usnderistamate Mutti Merkel, Max.
the EEA mainly was about economics, the EU wants to create an European super state under German hegemony. If the elites would not benefit from this move, they wouldn't do it. The € was introduced to destroy competition in the East and South of Europe, and to buy raw material to a more than competitive price.
It is well documented how chancellor Kohl forced enforced the € "like a dictator" - his own words. You are clueless about the German elites' its not about 4 years terms in parliaments, that's not where most policy is made.
>we don't only have the highest exports, we also have the highest imports
Yeah but you still have a positive trade balance so that's irrelevant
>And they will vote for CDU in the future.
Shitskins vote for SPD since those promise them even more gibs than Merkel.
Please don't talk about topics you have no idea about.
jap i want you to read this
treasonous elements in America and Europe are in coordination with the (((Sup Forums bankers))), the (((NPOs))), and with Israel to massively flood both continents with Muslims and niggers for a new world war
(((they))) want to rule this world with the hq at Greater Israel [google it] in an overt way
what you see when the pisslamic shits and horny-as-fuck africans chimping on tv is but a small part of their CONSPIRACY for a Jew World Order
And Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong
But she miscalculated that 50% of her party hate her now, and that hardcoreconservatives will change their vote to AFD.
>replace your voters, and they will search for a new party that panders to them
>And Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong
He fucked up Unternehmen Barbarossa pretty badly
> either help the or let them die
That is the propaganda your media is spewing, the truth is these people migrated illegally into Europe and the officials in charge were incompetent. Those shitskins were never in any danger other than gerting bearen to death by border guards, if they let them.
She mainly made the mistake of thinking that just because there was currently no alternative on the right side of their party voters could migrate to, there never would.
Letting all those illegals in wasn't an attempt to import new voters, it was an attempt to to grab more voters from the SPD and Grüne like she had been doing for her whole political career now.
Only that this time she went too far and people just created a new conservative party.
>As was to be expected she is demonised and trash talked by the media.
Why in the fuck do women run most political parties in Europe? From the UK to France to Germany womyn tend to be the head of most political parties. Europeans are actually turning into a matriarchy in a non-meme sense.
you betta tell me, what AfD says about Poland
They wont vote for anyone in the next 20 years.
You have to be able to speak german let alone reading it before you can fill a ballpt paper.
And knowing the current state, most of them are not too likely to articulate themselves in the near future.
Do they have a dog?
Do they speak german?
Do they work?
If not you should be pissed as fuck you dimwit.
Write a letter to your cuck mayor.
the rule of mothers? Nope, rather the rule of old ugly bints.
as if voting would change the course of policy. It is about destroying the white middle class, which historically was the only force standing up against tyranny.
They are supportive of your policies regarding immigration. They often scolded the EU and German politicians for giving you shit when all you do is protect yourself and said the EU is trying to undermine your national sovereignty.
I don't think they care about Danzig.