Christianity must govern the world.
Christianity must govern the world
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Agrred, but not with this weird-ass "Pope". Ratzinger is still Pope, too. Very weird situation.
Middle Ages were super cool, man. Christianity didn't rule supreme, but more than now. It all went to shit after the French Revolution.
Just learn some history, undo your shackles and praise Jesus.
This guy is a usurper plain and simple. Emperor Palpatine is the real pope until death
The pope is the spawn of Satan and isn't fit to be the head of the Catholic Church, let alone all of Christendom
I smell rebellious spirits
repent, heretics
Come on, man. Don't be like that. Even Italians and Bavarians (hardcore Catholics) hate Francis..
I smell heresy
Im a Catholic and I do not like Pope Francis.
he is Satan's agent.... or he knows the end times are upon us and is doing all he can to save as many souls as he can.
>not Christianity
christianity is garbage and must crawl back to its hole and never come back.
because he appeals to the enemies of christendom with his unconventional ways, but that's the point. have a little faith, the vatican is on some high level political shit
after WW3 and all the atrocities that come along with it he'll be able to say 'I tried to help the immigrants catholics dindu nuffin'
God must govern.
Christians must serve God.
The pope (Protector Of Pedophiles Everywhere) is not a Christian. The catholic church is non-Christian.
They even say abortions are okay now, just ask your priest for forgiveness and murdering babies is A-okay!
All catholics are going to burn in hell unless they repent.
Nah brah, Sharia ftw.
>unchackle yourself from a blue-pilled existence, only to re-shackle yourself into worshipping a book of which whom's gospel is that of fallacy and overtly un-subtle man-made morals, wrapped up with a clear message of anti-intellectualism and silencing of dissenting opinions
Cardinal Robert Sara would make a good Pope
you know you have no argument when you have to reach back 700 years
this is where I agree with the constitution, honestly
having church and state separate discourages opportunists to use the church to gain power
it should somehow be given more power to ensure moral and social integrity
kill yourself
he's a Jesuit, they're like the Elite Special Forces of the Catholic Church. He knows what he's doing, trust him.
He's lulling our enemies into a false sense of security, and before they know it they'll be bowing to Christ again.
>s-stop making fun of my religion you b-big bully!!!
The Christian is a babyback bitch, who would've guessed.
not a christian
you're a bluepilled faggot if you don't realize how integral religion is to a functional society
Religon needs to stay out of politics
Jesus must rule.
Organizations of men can take a hike.
Especially those steeped in the occult.
good christ cuck. keep worshipping a jew on a stick.
>(((pope))) Cuckhold I
I agree.
No its not. it needs to stay out of super power and emerging superpower politics. Let the people with real power be objective
Whole point of Christianity is that everything can be forgiven, everyone can repent, everyone can be saved. People have always been able to be forgiven for abortion, this isn't some new thing the Pope is just pulling out of his ass.
that's not how power works.
If you sin willingly then you are not saved and you do not know Jesus. Read the bible some time, leaf.
Christianity is a religion for everyone, therefore a religion for no one.
Lets be honest, Christianity was great when it was European.
ur an actual retard if you think that politics can be mutually exclusive from religion
seriously fucking retarded
Shut the fuck up.
We're the ones who ruined the West with our shitty ass revolution
But he supports Islam
Once that Anti-Pope cuck compared the Disciples to ISIS fighters...I knew that KEK was truly my new God.
You sin willingly, then you repent willingly and try your best to stay on course. Jesus died and rose so that our sins don't damn us to hell. Literally the whole point of Christianity is that everyone can be saved, you go read the bible m8
You'd seem like a lot less of a retarded faggot if you didn't couple that statement with a picture of "make Europe Muslim" Francis.
Tell that devil spawn to fuck off and then we'll talk
>being a Christcuck
Enjoy worshipping someone's wife's son.
But not that "Pope"
Yes, but not with an antiChrist as a head.
>Tfw I know 18 people who left the catholic church permanently because of Pope Francis
Everybody who believes the actions of one man singlehandedly tear down thousands of years of theology don't belong in the church anyways.
Catholicism is not Christianity. Catholicism is literally the antithesis of Christianity.
out out out shill!
The only pope I'd ever accept as the leader of a Christian world would be Palpatine
Francis must govern the end of a shotgun with his mouth while governing the trigger with his toe
I think the rulers during the Enlightenment were doing pretty much fine.
>"722-COVADONGA, how may I help you?"
>"We've got an infidel faggot at IP address [censored]"
>"Please hold on sir all of our exterminators are currently busy"
I hope you are right, guys
separation of church and state is a meme and a bad one at that.
it's like you have never even read the Leviathan or the social contract. fuck right on off you idiot
this looks comfy, is it a vidya gaem?
i-is this real
Meme magic
>Not calling him by his superior first name
>Not wanting Emperor Sheev
Why even live?
>the social contract requires that everyone believes that there's a dude in the sky who shakes his head when you masturbate
Even if it did, that makes the social contract shit.
Christianity is not clear or complete enough in its instructions like Islams. And it's full of hypocrisy.
That's why it's dying.
No, you are definitely the one who needs to read the bible. Fuck off with your heretic liberal bullshit.
If you are going around sinning willingly then you were never saved to begin with.
you dont trick me satan
>Christianity is not clear or complete enough in its instructions like Islams.
Protestantisms fault.
The Catechism of the Catholic church and the many papal synods and writings pretty much solidify 90% of the rules, with 10% being a little loose due to technology.
example of the 10%, organ donating. Because you were supposed to be buried as a whole body, mainly to be a stance against Viking funerals and cremation in general. But now organ donating is a good in and of itself so the rules debated.
I agree. However, the pope shouldn't.
comfiest game ever made: original Diablo
the new testament is quite clear. that sis what christians follow. jesus ushered in the new age of chritainaty. the OLD testamant is fucked up
It's not dying, unfortunately. Many atheists are brainwashed cucks/cunts who aren't having children. The population projections see an increase of Christianity overall, it's just that Islam is increasing as well. Within white countries, Christians tend to be the only whites having kids over replacement. We redpilled atheists simply must focus on keeping atheism relevant so that the christcuck's kids reject their religion.
>jew on a stick
>"we are all one with christ adopt africans"
>doctrine is explicitly antiracial
>catholics vote democrat
>nonwhite catholics breed like rabbits
White suicide: the religion. Hitler tried to fix it up with Positive Christianity but no one bought it. The cuckery runs too deep.
>Christianity was at its most powerful when it was an encompassing institution with societal control over conduct, celebrations, and how exactly to worship
>Now it's full of vagaries about universal brotherhood and peace and is fucking irrelevant
>Islam is, in every permutation, an encompassing institution with full societal control over conduct, celebrations, and how exactly to worship
>it's the most vibrant religion in the world
People love order, shock
We need to Make Vatican Great Again.
that's not what the social contract is at all and this is how I know you haven't read it and you are a dumb child
carry on Chavo
Ok so you're a bible thumping baptists faggot. I'm not saying there's a license to sin, I'm not saying confession is a free ticket to sin all you want because hey, we're all saved in the end amirite? Saying people who sin can never repent and be saved is the heretic bullshit. Guess what fag, you're a sinner like the rest of us dirty fuckers so according to you, you were never saved to begin with either
>comfiest game ever made: original Diablo
False. Commandos II exists.
>We redpilled atheists simply must focus on keeping atheism relevant so that the christcuck's kids reject their religion.
Oh look the kike is twisting my words, and is bearing false witness against me.
If you are in the catholic church and supposedly "saved", you don't get an abortion accidentally kike. It is willingly committing murder, so no, they are most definitely not saved, and never were.
I do not sin willingly. It really isn't that hard. Jesus didn't say "I got this senpai, go and sin all you want." he said "GO AND SIN NO MORE".
Repent or burn in hell forever kike.
>White suicide: the religion
Are you one of those "special" people? Take a glance at demographics, adoption rates, fertility rates and such.
Yes we do
What are you talking about!
(((Nietzschean-pagans))) should govern the world you jew cuck!!!!11111!!
Jews turned the old testament into a consistent rulebook.
> the new testament is quite clear.
Not really clear and very communistic.
>very communistic
Run a duck test.
If the Christian kids don't reject their religion, that means they will be opposed to war. If they're opposed to war, when Islam takes their then superior numbers and eliminates the non-Muslim majority (us) the Christian kids will think of Christianity and never fight back. Because the Christian kids will be the majority, whites will never win the war against Islam, since the majority bent over to it and the atheist/deist/agnostic men won't be enough in numbers to defend whiteness.
>superior numbers and eliminates the non-Muslim majority
Non-Muslim minority, obviously. My bad.
>Repent or burn in hell forever kike
So you're saying if I repent I won't burn in hell? Well that's exactly what I'm saying dumbass. The Catholic Church is made out of sinners. It exists for sinners. Jesus hung out with the whores and prostitutes, the murderers and thieves, BECAUSE HE LOVES HIS CHILDREN. Remember that thief on the cross beside Jesus? He asked Jesus to remember him in paradise, and Jesus said he would. True repentance brings salvation. Obviously just going through the motions of repentance but not really meaning it isn't enough. You can be the most decrepit, vile, disgusting sinner on Earth, and up until the very moment of death there is hope for salvation. Jesus doesn't just fucking ditch you when you've sinned for fuck's sake
>If the Christian kids don't reject their religion, that means they will be opposed to war.
I'm opposed to waking up in the morning, yet I still do it. They just need a better attitude, not a nihilistic demon eating away their Logos.
>if they are opposed to war, islam takes over
You live in Spain of all nations, yet you spew such bullshit. Atheists are the worst fighters of all times, forcing USSR to reinstall religion to get troop morale up. There are no atheists in a fox hole. Atheism is when goy thinks like a kike.
It has since its inception and it always will.
I served in Afghanistan as Infantry in 2014 and I was the only guy in my section to bring along a bible but by the end of our 6 months every guy in my section would borrow my bible every once in a while and Id see them pray
Yeah, the vatican is fighting for us.
Stupid piece of shit.
Catholics will for a short time, but remember----Rome=Babylon. Says all biblical writings, but whatever; you need a human Confesser.
>There are no atheists in a fox hole.
I'd use this as a heads up towards Pascal's wager, but I'm not that cruel, am I?
1 Peter 5:13
Only if it'a orthodoxy providing the mainframe for society.
Not a papal monarchy.
Christianity is a cult based on weakness in the face of evil. It's the worst poison. If anything, the Jesus story is a parody on the cowardly and gullible retards that the Romans conquered. Jesus was mocking them with his acting routine at the crucifixion, and then there is his cucked father. They even call you Sheep! There is no nobility in being downtrodden. Only the slave can punish the master.
Christianity is a cult based on weakness in the face of evil. It's the worst poison. If anything, the Jesus story is a parody on the cowardly and gullible retards that the Romans conquered. Jesus was mocking them with his acting routine at the crucifixion, and then there is his cucked father. They even call you Sheep! There is no nobility in being downtrodden. Only the slave can punish the master.........Your shortsighted, your just dumb Sir.
>Christianity must govern the world
Christianity governed the Western world
at one time. That time was known as
the "Dark Ages". Guess why.
Because everything actually went significantly better than expected but propagandists in the French Revolution told you otherwise?
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
> Ahmed with the weak bantz
You're just butthurt you can't kiddyfuck and molest goats because Christians see it for what it is.
Because the Moors were actually running shit in Italy while the CACs were stuck fingering some Popes asshole.
Christian """""intellectuals""""", everyone.