Germany planning to deport 500,000 illegals in 2017

Flüchtlinge ohne Anspruch auf Schutz in Deutschland sollen nach dem Willen der Innenminister der Länder und des Bundes künftig schneller wieder in ihre Heimat zurückgeführt werden. Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) sprach nach einem Treffen mit seinen 16 Länderkollegen am Mittwoch in Saarbrücken von Einigkeit, "dass wir im Bereich der Rückführung, sowohl der freiwilligen Rückführung als auch der Abschiebung, besser werden wollen".

Dissens gibt es aber weiterhin in der Frage, wie die bis Jahresende 2017 voraussichtlich bis zu 500.000 "Ausreisepflichtigen" zurückgeführt werden können. Die unionsgeführten Landesregierungen verlangen weiterhin Gesetzesänderungen. Als Sprecher seiner sozialdemokratischen Kollegen sagte Nordrhein-Westfalens Innenminister Ralf Jäger (SPD), neue Gesetze seien nicht nötig.

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Illegals are migrants or what? And don't fucking lie to me Hanz. They're there to replace you this is fake isn't it. I need more Germans to confirm this because I'm kinda getting erect at this thought but I'm really fucking doubting it. CDU is full of shit. Never trust a commie whore.

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>a few days ago it was 1200k
>only 500k now
next week it will be 50k


>>a few days ago it was 1200k
>>only 500k now
>next week it will be 50k

Half are getting asylum or subsidiary protection, the other half do not and have to leave.


what did you mean by this

>Dumb germans will fall for this and elect Merkel again

Give it two days, and then they wont have to leave anymore.


>>Dumb germans will fall for this and elect Merkel again

Actually, if the CDU runs on the promise to deport 500,000 illegals in 2017 and we are only voting end of September, then until then they need to have deported about 250k to 300k. Otherwise, their plan has failed and the AfD can say they let 500k people stay without having a right to stay and might just win big.

>dumb germans will elect merkel again
She would win again even without these promisses


>yfw schwarz-rot-grüne Regierung vs AfD Opposition next year
The meme market will explode, lads

>She would win again even without these promisses
The question is whether the Union gets 40% plus or not.

If they really run on a platform of deporting 500,000 illegals in 2017 and actually manage to get close to 250,000 by the elections, I can see that the AfD will lose big and the Union win big.

But those are IFs that are essentially hypotheticals. They will not manage to deport 500,000 so fast, even though it would be nice if they tried.

they say deport but they mean import, we have about 3-5k shitskins waiting at our borders, we are just waiting for germs ok sign

Don't believe his lies, they cannnot deport them because they wouldn't be safe in their home countries.

They are trying to jew some votes nothing more.

Kek, erstmal Gutmensch spielen und die ganze Scheißwelt hier einladen, dann merken sie so

>oh, es sind ja Wahlen nächstes Jahr!

und dann so: schieben wir alle wieder ab :trollface: Und wenn die Wahlen vorbei sind:

>wir öffnen wieder die Grenzen! In 4 Jahren haben wir dann eh nur Neudeutsche!

Nicht darauf reinfallen, Bernds! AfD ist die einzige Wahl!


Sollte die Kappe nicht MACH DEUTSCHLAND WIEDER GROSS heissen?

Yeah.....I'll believe it when I see it. Our government claimed they would deport 80.000 Afghans. The Afghan government said it refused to take them back and that was it. Our cucky politicians backed down (and even continued to give them aid money). Another example is when they tried to deport thousands of Moroccan "children" who live on rape and armed robbery. The plan was that if we didn't recognize West Sahara they would take them back. We did, and they still refused to take them back.

You're gonna be stuck with them Germany. Welcome to the club. Enjoy it.

Germans deserve so much their better than their current (((government)))
Can't believe some people would sell out their entire nations for a few shekels... fuck 'em. Europe is the greatest continent on the planet.

They're all white Europeans.


h-help me

Is that the face of the German national team's striker after scoring a goal kek, that nose is unforgettable

They'll probably deport the real Germans.

>have to leave
>have to
Sure according to German laws they have to, and I'm certain that any German would obey those laws to the letter. These are not Germans however. These people couldn't care less about the laws and customs of some Kuffar country. They will stay and there is NOTHING you can do about it unless you forcefully round them up. They will just go underground for a couple of years, living with their distant relatives until they can apply for asylum again.

Does this include the ones who you force onto other EU countries but ultimately return to Germany?

>Germany right now and in the near future

Also, >They are trying to jew some votes nothing more.

Basically politicians turning coats (not rly tho lol) and trying to get the popular vote.

Hold still, Sven...
A real, never-ending Swedish midsummer awaits you on the other side...

Why the krauts always expect us to speak german and understand them ?

Deport where? Back to shitland or back to where?

>Ralf Jäger
Fucking muslim-loving red tick! Of course he says no new laws are needed so that he can keep his beloved terrorists.

Only yesterday he said you can't automatically ban Isis recruitment clubs just because the same persons are members of it that were leading already banned clubs.
However that exact same fact didn't stop him from banning right-wing political parties!

The reds of the SPCDU are what really brings this country down.

Does this mean they're going to open breeding grounds in Texas and the midwest?

>win again without these promises
What? How? Are the Germans not getting tired of crimes and cuckoldry? If it were up to me, there would be nightly culling of migrants.

underrated post

On the day after the election, nobody will remember this.


Merkel just outright told the base of the CDU to suck it up and deal with the illegals because she said to take them in and she won't change her stance on it, no matter what.

They could actually easily change the legal hurdles that prevent deportation if they wanted to, they just have zero intention to do it. They've been trying to turn Germany (and the EU) into a second America for quite a while now and part of being a second America is having a large amount of illegals that can be exploited by the industry.

They ignored all the NGOs and other corrupt shitters involved in refugee topics for years, there is no way our spineless politicians would be able to cut around the whole industry build around illegals within less than a year and start wide scale deportations.

If they actually run on this promise it will backfire on them.

>import an estimated million fugees per year
>we'll get rid of a few, vote for me again goy :^)

Is Merkel this dumb?

She is but the Germans are dumber

>Is Merkel this dumb?

She held a video conference with her party base and was surprised when instead of being showered with praise she had to answer to fairly angry people.

So yeah, she is. That bitch is a completely delusional cunt who thinks of herself as empress more than as chancellor.

Don't you fucking let them fool you, Hans.

After reelection they export 500,000 and import 3,000,000.

This. Which is why she, unfortunately, will most likely be re-elected.

We do have a good opposition party, but they lack a charismatic leader to propell them into relevance. Germany lacks a Trump.

I don't know how much is being manipulated in our polls but it seems like Merkels popularity is increasing again.

It don't understand where these people live that keep voting for her (besides our 20m pensioners).

right, and how many of them are forced deportations and not "expected" self-deportations?

>Merkel does abso-fucking-lutely nothing
>her approval ratings increase

It's manipulated. There is no reason why it should increase, the situation hasn't changed at all.

You had the best leader once.

Or more people than we think suffer from dementia.

But somehow thats how Merkel works, if her popularity goes down, she waits until it recovers.

Nope. No trust. Never again.

Never, never, never, never ever again.


Or you know, that one german guy...

>actually manage to get close to 250,000 by the elections
And how are they going to do that? Where are they going to put them all? That's around 1000 people per day. Good luck with that.

I doubt they'll get around to more than 3000 people.

>And how are they going to do that?

They won't. That was the whole point of his post, if they run this as a campaign promise to win back voters from the AfD it will heavily backfire because they simply cannot do it and will show once again that with them, the only possible future for Germany is to become another Caliphate.

I can't believe retards actually fall for this

>right, and how many of them are forced deportations and not "expected" self-deportations?
Most are voluntary departures which are encouraged with German taxpayer money. Which I think makes sense.

If it were me at the helm, I would offer every fucking illegal and all legal Muslims 10,000 euros if they left right now. Make it 20,000 if they agree to campaign at home that Germany is a racist shithole.

It's almost like there's an election in 2017

Stop being a lazy tard, Pierre. I can read most Italian and Spanish on here, too, and I never really studied those languages.

Scandis are outta their mind, though.

>And how are they going to do that?
They will do 100,000 this year, so it is not entirely impossible to ramp that up to 250,000 in 9 months next year. It is a question of increasing monetary incentives to leave, decreasing any gibmees for illegals to stay (illegals with negative asylum requests get gibmees in GErmany...) and ramping up the deportation forces.

I keep hearing "they can't do this, they can't do this".
Well, they can and they should. Only a hundred thousand or so are actual refugees from Syria or Irak. The majority of our shitskins is from actually safe countries like Afghanistan, Marocco or the Balkans. They've been here for years. And if they haven't found a job till now, that means they never will and they have failed to integrate. All reasons to send them home.

They probably deport the tired ones, exhausted by the raping and bring in fresh stock

Right wing:
>hate jews
>hate lgbt
>hate liberals
>hate atheists
>are conservative
>hate leftists
>only talk about their long gone glory and achievements
>everyone is shitting on them now
Mfw muslims are the exact same thing.
Fucking kek

It would be theoretically within their power to do so.

The reason they cannot do is is because every level of administration is infested with spineless cucks who are opposed by tons of NGOs knowing exactly how to play the courts and doctors who simply write everyone asking them an attestation that they are not fit for transport.

They would need more than a year to reform the system to enable it to do its job.

ill believe it when i see it but i highly doubt it op

seems more like a cheap bid to keep in power until after the election and they invite millions more

That is not the problem mah dude, if they win they will do what they promised but they won't win, cuckness is a disease here,specially in the west and north

>P-please v-vote for us a-again! Not for the evil AfD!

cdu and spd just want to keep votes

I think if they can fly American soldiers who are shot up or have lost limbs all the way from Irak to Ramstein to be operated on, then they can also put an Afghan with a cold on a plane home.

But I see your point.

>Be writer of children's stories
>Be third rate politician only elected for having a local famous face
>Give an 8 minute tearjerking speech about how people have started to distrust politicians
>Beg people to trust them again, because apparently, they've given us no reason for the distrust
>Dumbfounded when people outside your selected audience give you shit.

Desperate fools. Never again.

Just to make sure, Germany doesn't consider right wing Germans to be illegal do they?

>falling for Merkel's tricks again

wer's glaubt wird seelig mein maximal pigmentierter

Rejecting the other is merely the assertion of your own sense of identity. Muslims have theirs, and the right wing has theirs, but they're not the same.

Rather, muslims are an enemy we can respect for preserving their culture - and it's our duty to not tolerate such behaviour within the sphere of our own, just as we'd expect the same if the roles were reversed. And similarly, if we permit them to affirm their differences and trample all over what we hold dear, then the fault lies with us for tolerating this.

The principal failing of the West is the forfeiture of all identity in the name of liberty. If you stand for everything, you stand for nothing.

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Really, nigger?

Deutschland muss nicht groß werden.
Wenn es endlich mal wieder deutsch würde, das wäre genug.

The principal failure of the West (which makes it so easy for politicians to manipulate the population) is that they always seek the moral highground, even if there is none to be found.

I don't need any moral justification for saying that Islam should be banned and all Muslims kicked out while not demanding the same for Hindus, Christians or whatever else. Islam is shit, and nothing is forcing me to treat it the same way as any other religion just for the sake of some moral principles.

Sadly, the same is not true for most other people. Just look at all those retards citing the supposed Voltaire quote.

>planning to

That's government language for "will never happen". Mutti merkel, the barren sow, wants to keep all her sons.

The only way we'll be rid of the cunts is at the end of a gun. And that way we can also take a fair bit of communists with them.

Obvious lies before the election pls hans dont fall for it.

Bullshit, Merkel is just running for re-election

You're right, however, you're talking in general, muslims are cancer and i don't think anyone could disagree on this,but there is a 1% of immigrants that are actually not muslims, I'm not defending immigrants don't get me wrong,but you just can't generalize, europe has it's own culture for sure, but it's not any better than the culture muslims have, Christians burnt people because they thought they were witches,i think throwing the muslim trash in rehabs is way better and will make them useful, if they're still trash then shooting them would be a better solution than sending them back.
A community of pure conservative germans is also shit and people here keep talking about how perfect it is yet no one really tried it, people in the DDR were living in absolute shit and they were just waiting for the war to end.
Immigration started since the war ended and now it's just an overflow that germany can over come it.
It's just a matter of time, hans.

Dear Germans, this is a flat out lie by your current enslavers and replacers to stay in power.

>at the end of a gun
Heelaas not very likely.

One huge problem is the Lügenpresse. As long as being only slightly rightwing in public gets you discredited and may even lose your job instantly, there's no way to build a social consensus on defending out culture.
So when the tide turns, it will be abruptly on election day, because nobody can dicredit you in the voting booth.
It will be like after Trump's election. All the press who have been living in a commie bubble will ask themselves "How could this happen? Where did that come from?"


1% of all the immigrants are not muslims?
Expect your government to send them out.

Not to sound like a cuck, but the government actually uses those to make the subhumans to integrate.
Fails miserably lel

There is a point at which you just have to accept that the effort required to salvage anything is in no way worth the potential benefit of doing so (which isn't even guaranteed).

That's not "the West", user. That's leftists, and they only seek the high ground argument because they have spent decades shaping the public consciousness to accept their insane rule system as "moral".

But I wouldn't call wiping out cultural identity moral. I'd call that the opposite of moral, and so did the UN after WWII. In fact, according to me, WE have the moral high ground, and we'd still have it if we'd machinegun every boat to come from Libya. But that's me. That's the thing about morality. It's very flexibile. Leftists don't understand that because they think morality equals their insane ideology. They also don't understand that muslims have different morals.

Don't forget: One of the founding principals of Marxism is that Marxism is the natural state of man. Yes, that does make it sound like a cult. But that means that Marxists believe that anyone who isn't onboard with their shit is either stupid or evil, because they deny their own nature. And yes, Marx specifically points that out. So all these Marxist idiots really believe that islamic morality is the result of socio-economic oppression and American meddling (Russian i.e. communist meddling is A-OK, though).

This lies at the core of their insanity. They literally do think we're all evil or stupid, and therefor amoral. It's Marxism's untermensch construct, and it's being used to make law and policy. Pretty scary, if you ask me.

>That's not "the West", user. That's leftists

I'd argue that the left was in charge for a while now and thus that statement is valid, but I see your point.

Also agreed on all the rest.

Confirmed idiot! The Spanish Inquisition over three centuries charged 150,000 people with religious crimes but only actually executed 3000. The KKK according to leftist idiots a Christian terrorist organization over 84 years killed under 4000 people. Isis in 2016 alone has killed well over 20,000 keep in mind there are numerous other active Islamic terrorist organizations. Islam has been in there equivalent of crusades since the early seventh century over 1400 years we've been dealing with this shit. The only reason the Christian Crusades took place was because of 400 years of Islamic aggression completely decimating the Middle East and even stretching into parts of Europe, all told over these 1400 years the death toll is estimated at 270 million. Death related to Christianity would worst case scenario hit around half of that. Keep in mind this is the 21st-century and they're still executing people legally like the dark ages for drinking alcohol, adultery etc.

Christianity no better than Islam! I hate all religion but that's about the dumbest shit I've ever heard


Are you sure you replied to the right post?

>If they really run on a platform of deporting 500,000 illegals in 2017 and actually manage to get close to 250,000 by the elections

Murkel / de Misery is all talk, no action.

Also: wasn't this called racist / nazi-talk last year by mass media? So Murkel and de Misery are racists/nazis now?

Murkel / de Misery would have to close down Ramstein too and stop the drone killings. Stop support terrorists in Syria etc. This will never happen, because they are all facists.

If kek blesses this post, I will become the next Führer and bring back ZUCHT UND ORDNUNG!

>Christianity no better than Islam!
LOL. Let me teach you basic religion, Chang!

Jesus preached love, didn't fight the Romans, was saved by God for his peaceful ways.

Mohammed was a warlord and mass murderer, preached war and died in the end.

It doesn't take a genious to see which religion is evil here and which isn't.



And CDU. And SPD. And the olive-green. And all the other shit.

>not an 88
Did Kek bless it or not?

>And CDU. And SPD
I don't know why they don't call it SPCDU out in the open. They're not distinguishable anymore anyway.

>Germany planning
Hahah. no.

There's no mechanism to deport asylum seekers and there's no government willing to take them back.

>Germany planning to deport 500,000 illegals
I guarantee the only "illegals" going back are white foreigners, not a single muslim.

Had a good laugh when Gabriel was thinking about stepping down from his offices so he "wouldn't have to pull any punches during the campaign."

What fucking punches? Your parties are one and the same.

>There's no mechanism to deport asylum seekers

We deported 100,000 of them this year you moron.
The problem isn't that we don't have the tools to do so, the problem is that no one who has the power to do so has any interest in deporting more than are coming in.

Sometimes I am really getting tired of this specific brand of retardation on Sup Forums. What is the point of making up obvious lies to shit on a country when there are already untold legit reasons to shit on it?

If you are not convinced then check out these sick repeating numerals!