Have you unlearnt racism yet, Sup Forums?
Have you unlearnt racism yet, Sup Forums?
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I can't get through more than a minute of this.
Is the slow talking for maximum brain-washing effect?
I just think it's annoying.
>unlearn racism
TOP KEK I was bullying niggers and poos at the tender age of 5.
Explain right now Canadians, what the fuck
Yeah, that's why I stopped supporting Obama.
>unlearn every life experience you ever made so you can make those same mistakes once again!
no thanks
wtf i hate racism now
>You thought you were racist...
>But it's against the law! We'll arrest you and shoot you if you resist!
>Lol, racism btfo!
> Prefer to hire people from your own country
> Race is the ONLY possible explanation for this.
> You are racist
> Be afraid to speak. You might go to jail.
>literally re-education
It's not racism, it's called being right.
>literally a blue pill
Our ancestors made life too easy and our population centres have forgotten how to live. Virtue signalling is viewed as good. Marxists took control of the school system years ago.
We are pretty well fucked desu.
B-but race is a social construct r-right?
>Its true, you do have freedom of speech in Canada
>but within reason
>racist comments or promoting hatred can get you in big trouble
So what Ive learned is you dont have freedom of speech in canada
Can anyone red-pill me on the 4000 job applications and the white-sounding names getting 40% callbacks
Not my flag. Cucknadians worshiping a fucking leaf. For the glory of England I will slay 1000 niggers and use em for sandbags against the mud horde.
come home white man, the motherland needs you
god save the queen
I think about this whenever I come across someone White who's age 30+. It's like, how can they not be completely racist just by being out in society for over a decade.
It's weird. Even a suburbanite HAS to have been repeatedly fucked over, burdened etc by at least 50 niggers by age 30.
What the fuck is this shit, seriously.
I for one will sign up for my reeducation camp with glee knowing that I'll learn to live with my original sin of being born a white cis male.
May the Hollywood popular religions have mercy on my awful soul, that is to say Allah, Xenu, the Buddha, and whatever Kabbalah magic is in charge for Ya-whey
It'll probably be a lot easier to unlearn racism once people stop blaming all their problems on white males.
But until that happens, I think hatred will remain quite strong within many.
>my original sin of being born a white cis male.
That is their whole fucking point. Ever heard the term "white fragility?" It was created by a bitch named Robin DiAngelo. Here are some of her words, and I shit you not:
>“Individualism also allows whites to distance themselves from the actions of their racial group and demand to be granted the benefit of the doubt, as individuals, in all cases......Individualism erases history.”
Read that quote over and over again. Let it really sink in.
Christ. At least the ghouls in fallout had the excuse of brain mushing radiation doses.
You haven't gotten angry yet, check out this "empirical research" pay for by your tax dollars:
>Students share folk beliefs that make it difficult for them to understand inequality, especially the harmful consequences of social practices they routinely engage in, are attached to, and take for granted. Four of these beliefs include: (a) harm is direct, extreme, and the product of an individual's intentions; (2) harm is the product of the psyche; (3) for harm to occur, there must be an individual to blame; (4) beliefs and practices that students cherish or enjoy cannot be harmful. We offer sociological ideas that counter students' individualistic understanding of social harm.
Read that abstract closely:
>"Students share folk beliefs..."
Colleges are teaching their students that individualism and individual rights are "folk beliefs."
Wanna get more mad? CHECK THIS OUT:
>Equity means equitable outcomes for all. It requires identifying and removing barriers and accommodating differences. Different treatment, rather than treating everyone the same, is necessary to obtain equal results.
Read that, and then read it again.
>Canadian freedom of speech
>We can't say whatever we want
>Freedom of speech does have it’s limits.
Leafs, explain yourselfs
The opposite is true.
Through daily contact with muslims and asians, I have become extremely racist. I didn't use to be like that before. But these people drive you crazy. They shouldn't be here. They're smutting up my once beautiful country. It's high time they leave, or else be killed.
These question are really difficult.
I really don't know which answer they want.
I thought Marcus had "unlearned" that racism doesn't affect us.
But that was somehow the wrong answer.
I guess that's what you get when you use double negatives.
Fuck this propaganda man. They have a discussion guide for teachers in there. Think about this. Some stupid liberal teacher is going to use this on your kids. Schools are getting dangerous for free minds these days.
We used to value freedom of speech pretty strongly here. Not these. Of course most of Europe doesn't have freedom of speech either you know.
>first thing they tell us that we believe everything we're told
>then tell us to believe in them instead
>How racist are you?
>a lot
Closed. If I wanted some valley girl sounding libtard to passive aggressively shame me I'd go to the local community college.
the eternal leaf
Fuck Marcus. Stupid nigger.
Can we swap all our faggot leftists and foreigners for any true sons of England left in Canada?
wait I thought according to SJWs all white people are racist, only white people are racist and there is no way they can ever not be racist.
Its literally hardcoded into us. Newborn babies provably prefer the faces of those of the same race.
Instead of complaining about this on a chinese comic strip forum, why don't we send the people who made this some good redpills on race/IQ and also race/crime? Preferably stuff that's scientific and academic.
At the very least it will rustle some jimmies.
I tried. I failed.
Whoa these guys are fucking bigots. Size shaming right off the bat.
By sending these guys good redpills you could actually have some impact.
Holy. Shit.
I wasn't racist before. I learned to be racist by growing up in a multicultural society.
"Some stereotypes are based on unpleasant facts."
They're fucking stereotypes for a reason then. Holy fucking shit, what is it with Liberals and completely ignoring facts.
>we don't have a fascist government
>they don't promote an ideology embraced by a minority to asphixiate many Canadians' political will
And then what do we do with these faggots on our continent? No, the only answer is to bring the last sane people in this world to the US and glass Eurasia.
>not my flag
>instead this ancient colonial flag that is super fucking busy is
lmao cuckboi, your a meme country. thats why your cucks.
This. We naturally trust people who are similar, which is logical from a evolutionary perspective. We need proofs to determine whether someone from another tribe shares our norms and values. Source: Influence, by Cialdini.
Fucking love Harmful Opinions. 10/10 would submit to AI overlord
How inclusive of them
Shit someone already beat me to an easy joke. Now I just feel stupid and gay.
Kek, your device got triggered
Have you unlearned freedom of speech yet? You have to unlearn racism first to unlock this bonus content.
>sane people
>to the US
Yes user lets all move to the USA to meet more niggers and spics rather than keeping the ancestral homelands preserved
I'm not entirely racist.
When am I racist?
When I see people chimp out, I call them niggers, regardless of colour.
When I see someone fucking over another in a business deal, they're a jew.
I used these terms not because of the race attached to them but what they symbolically stand for.
And I won't be called a racist for it while I continue to do it. If I see a white guy acting like the stereotypical nigger, i'll call him a nigger even if he's white as snow.
I dont give and actual fuck about race, but ill use classically racist terms to piss people off or label them, even if they are not a member of that group.
and another thing. Canadians want to talk like they aren't racist as fuck to anyone when they fucking hate white people, in particular the Sottish, Gavin McInnes of all people pointed this out when he talks about one of the leaf museums of their own history pretty much omitting the Scottish from their own fucking history.
Fuck leafs.