South Africa General

Let's have a politics thread for SA. How do you feel about #Feesmustfall and #Sciencemustfall and what is the reason for black youth disruption as of late.

How are you fairing and what's your plans for the future?

Ps. Also looking for a ex SA norskbro on here.

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yea how about you move out of SA, it's already lost

Love most of you guys. You know which ones. Stay alive Slingshot-bro


Would like to, but immigration law is tough and I can't just move to a country with no plan...

Slingshot, that's a new one, thanks leafster

It's completely fucked, everything here.

Wherever I might turn my gaze, there is darkness.

This morning my neighbour told me he saw a nigger in my yard around 2:30, he woke up when the dogs where barking but didn't see anything. I think he will try to come back in the next few days so I'm gonna stay alert and try to see if I can get him. Fucking niggers can't leave a white mans property alone, I'm scared he'll try to poison my dogs or something.

Do a good degree and get the fuck out as soon as you can. My half sister finally got out after almost 10 years of trying. I believe in the rest of you fuckers as well.

How bad is SA? Is it completely overrun by zulu niggers or what

Like 4 of my cousins have been murdered in past 6 years. Plus one of my mum's close friends whole family being killed in their farm. Cunt's fucked.

That's my plan, STEM but they're trying to destroy the universities aswell, would like to contact a sa bro who's studying in Norway atm to hear how he managed that

Murder capital of the world I think, and rape, and child rape. But could be worse...

A few days ago, here in my town, a young white kindergarten teacher was raped in front of her workplace.

She was early and waiting for the kids to arrive.

In Afrikaans, she said: "Ek het nie meer trane nie."

It translates to: "I have no more tears."

It's horrible.

Why would people live in such a place

You willing to take me as a refugee?

Born here, wouldn't be my first choice if I had to choose x)

It is a beautiful country though

Holy fuck. I know we're full, but I'm sure I can squeeze an SAbro into my house

>Tfw SA's can't apply for refugee status even though they're just as in danger as people in Northern African countries that are pouring into Europe.


Yesterday there was a robbery right across the road from me of a G4S money transport truck right outside Pick n Pay. Made off with 2.3 mil and two guys shot...hate December since crime rates shoot through the roof

It's fucked.
My parents left SA in 1981 and came to Australia and I'm forever grateful they did

If you have a hot sister

Saffers are cancer, stay in your own fucking country and don't come here

>implying she'd fuck a nip

I guess you're content with shitskins, paki's and pole's pouring into your caliphate instead.

You again


Pole's are even worse than Saffers (and that's something)

Even Niggers are better than Poles/Saffers

why did white south africans stay in south africa? This shit was obviously going to be rhodesia/zimabwe 2.0.

go die in a hole

ja, hartseer ding is bloemfontein is nog een van die veiligste groot stede

Because they have the foresight of a baboon.

>go die in a hole

Go die in a bath

We have some japan fans in SA, but I think they're a bit more rare than America.

Most talk about Thailand since its cheap and can actually afford to go there.

Did an Afrikaaner rape your great grandmother in the Boer war. Why the fuck are you so salty.

yarpies are a bunch of arrogant faggots

go suck some paki cock

we were a warning to you bongs, yet you didnt listen

fucking idiots, you just imported them


As ek hoor wat aangaan in ander plekke wil ek onder n klip spring.

Ek was vir die eerste keer in 10 jaar beroof... en ek werk in die kak deel vd stad.

Dalk my baard.

He's either a Paki, or a NEET witout a life. He makes anti-South African threads and posts everyday. That's all he does. Just ignore him, obviously a child.

Most rhodesians where first or second generation immigrants, so it was easy for them to go back where they came from. We have been here for 350 years, where would we go to, you can't sell all your stuff and leave because the government made it illegal to take too much money out of the country, also a $1million house here is a massive mansion where in other countries it might be nothing, we can't afford to go anywhere else.

Well I don't think emigration is the first thought. Plus as a culture our motto is "a boer maak n plan" (a boer makes a plan) so most tried to.

That and the fact that SA is far away from the rest of the world, it's not like Europe were you can just hop to the next country.

That hasn't detoured people though, 2003 saw a high immigration to Australia, Britain and New Zealand.

If some have annoyed you, I'm terribly sorry, there are always cunts.

Unfortunately my ancestors did not have the honour of fighting in the boer war and putting them in concentration camps

Nah, he's a brit that went to a mechanic interview but rejected it, then was surprised when the owner bad mouthed him.

Don't know why you'd be surprised by a mechanic who's a cunt...they're known for it


My dad is Rhodesian, He can still obtain his British passport on ancestral grounds.

I am one generation too late.

I am not a soldier or militant individual. I'll probably die first in the coming war. But At this stage I can only stay to fight. Most of my family won't be able able to leave, and I won't leave them to vend for themselves.

The real reason Saffers don't emigrate is because if they did, they would have to work, and working hard is an alien concept to them.

They'd also have to clean their own house, make their own bed, possibly even do their own gardening.

My parents did the same but to NZ, God bless. the whole extended families moved over now. They couldnt believe how boring our news was and how low the crime rate is.

>tfw my Ancestors killed Boers and blacks
>tfw i enjoy beating up boers and blacks when i was in high school.

Are you black?

>They'd also have to clean their own house, make their own bed, possibly even do their own gardening.

no, if i was i wouldnt be asking

You must understand SA whites are not like European whites. European whites are hardworking. Even worse are SA blacks.

Top kek

What ethnicity are you?


There was a UK poster that was the son of 2 hotnots or kaffirs that went to the UK in the 90's, he always posted anti SA stuff because he has no national or racial identity like all the other hotnots. His post where very similiar to this current faggot.

I agree with the expats are always cunt, every person I've met that lives there now cant stop talking about how much better it is in their new country and how shit we are, and when they are there they wont stop posting how much they miss south africa.

prod or cath

Say it loud, say it clear, white SA niggers are welcome here!

>Mfw Geert is winning and one of his policies is helping SA Dutchies


Putting my money on him!

Souties are pussies

I get a change to talk to him in a month or two, I'll bring it up and see if his argument is still the same.

Why not just kill yourself? I mean if you cant move out you are stuck in that hell hole and will eventually get murdered by a nig. Id rather die than deal with nigs 24/7

>His post where very similiar to this current faggot.

I'm an Ethnically English, UK born poster.

Just because many people think you are cancer, doesn't mean we are all 1 person.

You talk to an elect? Who are you? O-o

Even if our position is only recognized by someone in Europe, it will be enough. We don't wan't to flood your country. We just need an official voice somewhere.

>How can white men even compete?
It's rather laid back here Tyrone

It's not that uncommon for people close to politicians to post on Sup Forums. I've spoken to a few MPs myself

Enjoy your war against Iran soon.

>We don't wan't to flood your country

This is absolute bullshit

Haha it's an option but I'll pass on it for now thanks bud. Maybe follow Hitlers footsteps if needs be.

Are you the mechanic boy though? Because I have a few Anglobros that aren't as salty as you.


Koos, you are funny today.

spotted a mudnigger. Fuck off ahmed

>Are you the mechanic boy though?

Yeah, I'm that same one who posted the greentext. Since then I've even got another, I'll post it this evening in my next South Africa Hate thread

I'm part of his youth team, I talk to people about PVV and go to gatherings and speeches.
You wouldn't flood us, we need you and you need us, you can keep your culture and we won't hate you for it.
There's a lot of misconceptions about your existence in SA but we'll be able to work it out and teach other people the truth.
I'm already doing my part despite it costing me SJW friends, I just don't care anymore.

Oh, sup man. Sure I'll try and keep an eye out for it. But hopefully this time the reasoning is a bit better. Sorry mate

any of you SAbros having fun in a way? making your encampment, watching out for nigger invaders.

how clear is the line drawn there, though? is it now open that whites hate the niggers, and the niggers hate whitey? are you allowed to open carry and defend yourselves without a nigger commie putting you in jail?

PSA>Australia is not full if you're a yarpie

You'll do a really good deed if you do this man, we cannot forget our brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe.

So when are we gonna MAGA ?

Make Apartheid Great Again

Thank you for your actions and efforts. It is comforting to know we have people like you in Europe.

I have seen many exchange students from Europe come here with the SJW mindset. Many get very disorientated once they see what is going on here.

Hey guys, somewhat related: Pls join

Third ZAgeneral in a week

Anything you want to tell us?

One question I always ask Afrikaaners but never get a response is why don't you shift to Orania?

I hope you and your family stay safe out there

thats like living in gloriavale but a non religious version

As an american who has researched it it is the equivalent of a super-gated community

Plus socialism

Our company CEO is going back to SA for some business, he left yesterday. Had no idea shit was goin down over there

it's inland and not on the coast

this is a problem

Rubbish organisation

Bells and smells. No cultural value at all.

Fair enough. What would have been a better alternative though?

Racial tensions are high, it's a strange atmosphere honestly. Like we interact like normal in most cases but there's an underlying tone

Most whites and black groups won't start a war for no reason, but there are alot of them with inner hate.

Like the rest of africa the unknown lies in the townships, and what they're intentions are since there are so many. But with movements like the EFF rallies you can see it.

There's also alot of racial double standards. A white can compare them to monkeys and all hell breaks loose, while a black can say kill all whites without a flinch.

>what's your plans for the future?

I'm going to sit back and watch apartheid 2 happen as the ANC stops playing games. Democracy is going to be straight up dead in a year or two and the ANC will start openly using troops against rioters to put them in camps.


The EFF aren't going to be a mainstream movement, even if they somehow manage to be all they will do is either (a) give the ANC a reason to void democracy or (b) cause the country to fracture as foreign firms eject.

Yeah but isn't it only really gated against not dutchies? Figured Afrikaaners would have an easy time shift in if they weren't fuckwits

Im staunchly anti socialism but it can work in a small community just fine.

Gloriavale seems pretty comfy and considering SAers other opinion, cultural enrichment, I think it's a no brainer

Truly a nigger paradise

It's a great way to meet people and gather information on different opinions. Plus an eye opener to opportunities in case of unfortunate events

Sorry if it's a bit frequent

There is a KAPO class of whites in South Africa. They obtained all the benefits of the old regime, and they enjoy the economic freedoms with the new. Powerful whites with white guilt and self-interest (or white guilt as a front to their self-interest). These whites help hinder a nationalism or civil political identity among whites.

Otherwise we do have good intentioned organizations like Afriforum and Solidariteit. But they are more legal and welfare orientated.

Truth is we are still shell shocked and indoctrinated since 1994. The younger generations will have to form the new identity. They will experience the punishment they don't deserve and hopefully be able to stand up against it.

The older generations will probably die in shame and powerless.

In short. We don't really have an alternatie at this moment.

Thanks mate.

That's too bad