What do you think of my neighbor's car?

What do you think of my neighbor's car?

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Idk who that bill guy is or that fred niche, or who leon toystory is but eryone else is pretty on fleek

So he thinks just putting the names or comedians and authors as a bumper sticker is acceptable huh

Way to not get his car stolen. He clearly lives in Detroit. Poor bastard.

I think you should graffiti a swostika on it

steal their wheels

Utter moron, Nietzsche isn't compatible with Bernie, BLM, or even Tolstoy (though you can enjoy and benefit from both, I suppose). But the fact he has fuckin' comedians on his car means he has a shallow understanding of real thinkers anyway.

Looks like there's a broken tail light...
>you know what to do, Sup Forumsice

>He clearly lives in Detroit
>Rhode Island plates

Add a Trump sticker.

You mean to tell me Detroit isn't in Rhode Island? Nah I made a dookie.

wtf that my car , you don't have permition to post it online

take a crowbar and smash all his broken taillights

from his bumper stickers i'm guessing he's a nigger, so 2 days later he'll get shot trying to get the lights fixed

>all his broken taillights

i just mean "all his taillights"

>6 digit RI License plate
>Post 2000 volvo


i like your red hat better

Whenever I see "Black Lives Matter" posted on anything, all I take it as is, "Please don't fuck up whatever the thing is posted on, black people."

also having the wipers stuck halfway

I think it needs a new paint job.

hale hortler


fucking kek

smash his



Hayle hodler


Nietzsche and tolstoy? What the fuck they don't go together at all

Nice spastica

he would be in the closet pegging himself to it

You probably shouldn't post their license plate.

>next to all those leftist faggots and niggers

>retarded self professed leftist radicals think they are advancing their cause in 4 years by painting Trump supporters as Nazis
>Satirical memes start to take shape mocking the obviously fake reports and confirmed false reports
>Wake up and see

>ground deep into the paint on your car

Im not sure anyone but us is going to be able to truly appreciate the humor involved in this.

The guy is probably a cuck. No big whoop, lots of people are.

lmao stop being so fragile stormcuck, it was humor at the expense of your biggest idol, get over yourself.

Patrice and Dave Chappelle are based so this guy can't be all bad. Unless he's one of those cucks that laughs just because DUDE WHITE PEOPLE LMAO

He's not a true cuckold until he gets one of these.

Bust out his nigger loving hipster faggot windshield and tail lights

He'd probably be interesting to talk to, your neighbour is redpilled on everything except BLM

shiggy diggy

You must be confused, youre posting on Sup Forums right now. We are National Socialists by majority, with smaller Traditionalist, Libertarian groups and a small number of Conservatives, with the rest being simply troll votes and leftist lurkers.

Don't like National Socialism, then go back to Plebbit and talk about abolishing the white race through communism again.

Holy fuck that's perfect.

Always thought this was just a MEME... Its fucking real!

