> Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
>written by a female on some shitty left-leaning website
>regular anti-porn threads on Sup Forums
btfo where?
she's right
i dont see the problem
Where 99% of this cesspool is impotent, or soon to be.
Today I will remind them
OP obviously a fagit.
>desensitized to real sex
>women lose their pussy power
>mfw jews lose control of their golem yet again
I almost never look at porn, my imagination is way hotter
claim: it is degeneracy. if you stay for a while on Sup Forums you eventually get cured
what does it matter if i'm never going to have sex anyway?
Good thing I only fap to 2D and my imagination
bad news OP
> Says the one all about cocks and sucking.
closeted much ?
my dick is turning black from over masturbation. should i seek help?
This is feminists that don't want to blame themselves for not being able to find men.
Porn isn't why men are opting out of relationships ,women of the current year are why men are opting out of relationships
feels ok man
it will turn to diamond soon after
No Jamal it's always been that way.
I really hate people that can't draw worth a shit
im white as fuck. little arab
show me your art
What is that
imagination is underrated.
All the women in his country are fucking shitskins and niggers, give him a break
Meanwhile, in opposite world:
>How fat and ugly (both inside and out) women are creating a generation of men disinterested in real life sex
>These disgusting 3DPD women are even causing an epidemic of erectile dysfunction due to men's brain not even recognising these things as potential partners
Men aren't being desensitized to sex. They want it just as much as ever.
It's just they realize the average woman could be a lot hotter if she worked out and put some effort into looking attractive.
The amount of women I see each day that would be hot as fuck if they just lost some weight and learned a bit about fashion and applying make up is staggering. They do them selves a disservice and guys know this.
>hasn't happened yet
>got a gf a month ago
>haven't watched porn since
Feels good man.
You've seen my art, and don't even know it.
No need to show you ye of little talent
Fuck it. I live in maryland, the women here are slutty for black cock, liberal as a motherfucker, and terrible human beings.
I signed up to be a wizard after my last GF cheated on me after an 8 year relationship and is getting married to the other guy after 3 months of being with him. I'm done. Salty as fuck and my heart is broke as a motherfucker.
>tfw im fapping right now.
i think my dick is gonna fall off
is this it?
The reddit SJW niggers need to get the fuck out of Sup Forums
Take your race baiting ass somewhere else
The rise and popularity of pornography means that your average woman sucks a way better dick than 20 years ago. And for that we can be grateful.
If they can still say for us to stay politically out of their wombs they can stop with the circumcisions and the tooth jobs. These things will never happen
If that was mine, I could still say it was better then then yours ,hell I've seen art on refrigerators better then yours
tru it sucks being white
I can cum to porn or imagination equally easily.
No slippery slope with porn for me, that's only a problem for weak faggots I'm guessing.
Yeah, it's never the woman at fault.
thanks for reminding me to check the empornium top 10 thread maker
The fuck are you on about? You salty I named the nigger? Come down to Baltimore and see the chimp zoo for yourself.
It's all I fucking deal with, all day. I live around niggers. Niggers "work" around my area. Niggers on the block, niggers in the street. I'm sick of Baltimore, I can't wait to move out West with my guns and whiteness.
This is the second time I've seen this topic in 6 hours.
Give it up, bulldyke. The reason men are desensitized to real sex is because in the Current Year women are fat, unfeminine, sexually selfish harelfish
Put on a lace bra, get on your knees, and start sucking with a smile, you'll be surprised how quickly "erectile dysfunction" MAGICALLY DISAPPEARS.
No. It means it's time for you to move to Scandinavia or Germany for ficki ficki.
>feefee happier
>you get a partner
>feefee happier (comparison with sex up to individual)
>no time constraints
>no refusal ever, everything's up to you
>no constant flow of money needed
>no clap
>no cheating
>no children and no payments
>no divorces and no alimony
>not as time-consuming
>you can always decide to change preference to sex, and "market value" of male with career is constantly high regardless of age will keep opportunities high
shaking my head famicom to be honest
Actually most of Sup Forums agrees with that. You should post it on Sup Forums or /r9k/.
Bet you $5000 you don't make it one more month without porn.
I'm with you bro.
I've been single for about a year now since my last.
Don't want another one it's not worth it.
Going to be a wizard and that's okay.
if you say so, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that
How many times are you going to post this today?
Go to Utah
If I were bet $5000 to not watch porn for a month I know the exact drugs I could take to accomplish that and would win easily
>being unable to take a joke from a swede
this is my fucking life
His country and functional erection, gone.
>I signed up to be a wizard after my last GF cheated on me after an 8 year relationship and is getting married to the other guy after 3 months of being with him.
Holy shit I'm sorry dude that sucks.
I understand that you wanted your art style to have a unique identifier ,but ripping off Fable/wow's over sized/blocky hands and feet is less unique and more plagiarism
Its actually true.
If you cant go for a month without looking at porn, or one week without fapping, you wont get it up/wont cum, if you get a real girl.
Obviously exceptions apply, like if shes hot as fuck or if youre "in love".
>your art style
I only wish I could draw this well
2 day break before the weekend and even Fat girls at parties get me hard.
Tho I have noticed weaker erections on occasion.
>look at article write name
>it's some bitter roastie
color me surprised
Jokes on them Im a virgin and will die a virgin, real sex could be a myth and my lifestyle would be no different.
>trying this hard
man, just quit, you're embarrassing yourself
More like low t levels are making dudes gay af
Watch some bob ross
oh shit, are women crying that we're not raping them? good, fuck off
Enjoy your niggers and arabs
A sand nigger telling me I'm embarrassing my self. I hope you know we are going to let Russia bomb the shit out of you.
SRS question, is it still considered "degenerate" porn if I'm the one starring?
I recorded some videos with my last gf and I jack off to them from time to time. Would it affect me the same way regular porn does?
If you get rid of porn, I can just fap to commercials and music videos.
They leave as much to imagination.
Who cares? Worst comes worst we'll just allow polygamic marriges again. That or artificial impregnation will further rise in popularity. Now if woman had their sex drive killed due to porn addiction, then we'd have a real problem.
Varg reminds us everyday nigger
How about you show me her nose first
>Implying being slaved to chasing pussy is better
Good, we can just wank it off and focus in more important stuff
You mean Sup Forums and/or /r9k/.
Sup Forums sees porn as degenerate.
It's true. Yet they fail to realize that the overabundance of porn isn't a cause, but only a symptom
so much this
Read yourbrainonporn.com.
It's real. It's a real redpill.
*Autistic Screeching*
hold on there buddy, you don't do JUST porn all the time, so that shit is flawed
That only applies if you watch porn like 24/7
It's OK to nut every once a week or so
>spanking the monkeyjew
Porn should NOT be banned, banning things people pay money for is retarded, and it does keep the neets of the pussy market which is beneficial to everyone.
I can complete a fap in under a minute if I want and be good for the day
> Porn
> Masturbation
>What is reading comprehension.
Im starting to suspect this DON'T MASTURBATE SO YOU GO AND FUCK THE FIRST BEACHED FEMINIST WHALE is just another desperate attempt of femicommies to subjugate the white man, not gonna work you fat disgusting pigs, fuck off and die
You don't use 24 windows over 7 screens when you really crank up the porn every week or so?
why does anime trigger spergs so much?
right before bed does it for me, i get a good nights sleep, fresh work work next morning, or if i ever get a woman to suffer me, id fuck her, or still bust a nut if she's too tired for it
This is good. Even MSM are fighting the (((porn jew))).
This will benefit white heterosexual beta males.
>but ripping off Fable/wow's over sized/blocky hands
Are you retarded? You think Fable and WoW invented that type of drawing? Holy shit American education at its finest.
porn and masturbation go hand in hand
>internet porn
>not 2D waifus
so porn makes you last longer. varg btfo
go and never come back
as long as those beta males don't end up with femicommies, im ok with that