>tldr man getting harrassed in his own home for wearing #buildthewall t-shirt
>couple is abosultely enraged, screaming, mocking and filming him
>mfw the trend continues into the future and the world will becomes an incredibly contencious place (moreso than it already is)
When Leftists Attack!
Other urls found in this thread:
op this isn't where you advertise
build the wall because of the free wifi
It's not my video I saw it in my YouTube feed.
but it's really grating to watch. imagine if the roles were reversed.
this video stirs a certain emotion in me. I can't quite place which one it is.
please someone post more Jennifer Lawrence
Love trumps hate as always
No respect for this man. he acted like s cuck and got humiliated.
actually he held his cool in the face of an ultra cuck nu-male and a (probably illegal) mexican, although she sounded chinese, girl who acts like a fucking 9 year old with a cell phone filming other people
holy hell I am proud of that man for not even raising his voice. I would have lost my cool after 5 mins or so and started saying crazy racist shit
>so you want to build a wall?
>are you racist?
they never learn
Op you are fucking handsome
You seem like a cool dude
>Meaningful descussion
Scream and abuss him
Okay is this satire with actors?
If it's his own house why doesn't he tell them to fuck off
There's nothing to be proud about letting people insult you
He should've just told them to fuck off
fuck off
i think that's what E N R A G E S me desu
it's the total fucking hypocrisy of the left. they are so angry when faced with any opposition
most, if not all leftists live in intellectual ghettos
>He should've just told them to fuck off
he literally did that you idiot.. without even cursing.. he said "please leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you"
I think I lost a few IQ points listening to that awful fucking hag
i think it's like a general game room for a condo or something like that
It's the common area of his apartment complex.
>they go for the "you're poor and uneducated and you don't have wi-fi at home"-routine
Why do lefties hate poor people?
He should've gotten up and made the cuck boy back down
ultimately, yes.
We should find where the cuckboi and his spicchick works and get them fired
I'M- I'M-I'M NOT GONNA TOUCH- I'M NOT GONNA TOUCH YOU BUDDY. I JUST WANNA KNOW WHY YOU'RE WEARING THAT SHIRT. WHAT ARE YOU A RACE CAR?!?! I KNOW YOU DON'T WANNA ANSWER THE QUESTION BUD. If I was that guy I would want them to get in my space. Fuck I wish I was an American just for a week.
I don't understand how that white guy, who looks rather fit and manly, doesn't just go apeshit on them. He's against a beta cuck and a woman, filming him illegaly, and yet he just indulges them. Here in Italy we aren't as retarded as americans in regards to politics, but everytime a stupid commie harassed me to the point he was doing something illegaly, i just beat their asses. You are the side with guns and masculinity, so start acting like it or things are never gonna change.
He stood there and took it all. Like a cuck.
>"P-please leave me alone"
>couple people walks up to a person doing work on laptop while filming
>"are you, are, are you one of those comrades?"
>"are you communist?"
>reply: i'm doing work, who are-
>"nah, why are you wearing that che shirt, dickhead?"
>tells them to leave
>they don't
He should've called the police. Leftists shit themselves when cops show up.
>made the cuck boy back down
he did that when he realized that he was being a fucking idiot and harrassing a stranger.. oh wait he didn't even realize that he just got winded and walked away swearing like an idiot
he had to curse and used no logic whatsoever. he was BTFO by all official standards
wasnt illegal and if you attack your enemies they win
Thats what guns, knives and bats are for.
Girl is jada stevens
I thought you guys had guns in the US
>they come up to harass you
>aim you gat at them
>"what're you gonna do shoot me? youll go to jail"
>"maybe but youll be dead"
>start counting down from 10
The chick's accent.
>Do you really think you're going to make friends
Why would someone want to make friends with those people?
>Are you racist? Why do you want to build a wall
>It's not racist and if it was racist to build a wall why is it ok for Mexico to have a wall on its southern boarder?
This stumps the cuck every fucking time.
There's literally no point.
His simple not reacting is driving them insane.
It's amazing.
When he laughs they have like a breakdown.
This is the awesome point we're at now.
You just have to exist and leftists have full fucking mental breakdowns.
iirc the guatemalan/mexican border was a meme, no?
you should say that israel has a sweet border.. and as we all know there is no way that israelis could ever be racist
check mate
just thought i'd ask - are these people centrists or leftists? or what are they?
For the people argung he didnt won:
>Why didnt he hick their shit in
The alien was filming in other words he had no choice to do anythng physical
>But his space as invaded
Even in Burgerland this isnt a reason to attack somebody. He could decked them IF somebody have laid a finger on them because he was sitting in the corner so backing off was impossible and looking at him i think he was ready to threw some punches
Look how they react they scream like liberals always scream but he keeps his cool head.
And after 10 minutes screaming around and making insults they leave.
The alien wont even upload the video because she knows she lost
that girl wanted to fuck him so bad
should have said that her bf is probably getting jealous over all this attention your giving me
she brought up sex and touching him lol
"oh you want to be touchheeeeed"
Any conversation with them goes nowhere. Film. Laugh. Ignore.
A beta cuck acting tough to impress an ugly mexican girl, a drunk mexican girl, and Keanu Reeves who wants the drunk mexican girl to shut up and leave so they can go to wherever it is they're going.
This is why it's better to just let them talk.
Just let them ramble on and on and on.
Just wait until they become belligerent. Then shoot them.
I was kind of getting the vibe that she was attracted to him desu
they built a wall in the south but don't want wall in north
I think the guy is just placating his 75 iq spic gf because he knows it's his only way to keeping the puss.
I might start wearing Trump shit just so I can BTFO of liberals and they can film their own butthurt.
>whens the last time he got laid
>ouhhh... jjmtah...
kek She wants the D
>are you jewish
my sides
Why is she acting like that?
So? Be a fucking man and tell them to fuck off or he's gonna bash their fucking skulls in
No respect. This makes me 110% livid. Nothing but the utmost respect for him being able to hold it down.
Leftist really have no arguments at all. They are just angry and bullies.
Assholes just CANNOT handle people not getting in line behind the SJW brainwashed fucking politically correct bullcrap. Their brains just FRY instantly.
>So? Be a fucking man and tell them to fuck off or he's gonna bash their fucking skulls in
The point is to show the harassment. The longer they do it, the more case he has against them with management.
yes chimp out so you can get arrested and they can film the crazy drumpf supporters XD
>ask for their names
>complain to building manager that these guys are harassing you
>file a police report to document it, wear blue lives matter shit when the cops show up lel
rinse and repeat ad infinitum until they are trespassed from the complex or evicted
kek why have you forsaken me
>if you don't beat the shit out of a faggot and his spic wife for calling you a doodoo head and being a minor nuisance then you're a cuck
What is it with internet bravado? Uh... you're so cool for detailing every jab, uppercut, and piledriver that you would inflict upon these people. I'm sure that nothing turns you into a bloodthirsty killing machine faster than a 4ft spic questioning how frequently you get laid.
>>are you jewish
It's actually not surprising. He's realizing that he may have to be paying for his GF's legal bills in the near future.
She'll be the first to go back.
How can we organize a mob to make these peoples lives miserable in their own apartment complex?
Daily reminder that white men who race mix with chinks are just as subhuman as white women who mix with niggers.
My half mexican girlfriend wants to build wall. Ultimate red pill.
>Find her address
>send anonymous tip to government that she's an illegal
>faint shrieks of "das waycisss" are heard from behind the wall
Trump hate trumps love.
Yet more proof that the weaker you seem, the more they run over you.
> without even cursing
In a world full of jackals, the only thing they understand is raw force and lion roars. Your supposedly ''civilized'' behavior is a bunch of bull. Whoever the fuck indoctrinated you in pussification did you a big disservice.
Find out there names and where they work then get them fired.
A retarded shitlib harassed a chick fil a server and got fired from his job and ended up homeless.
oh fuck she's not a chink... my point still stands tho
Check this (not fully relevant)
>oh fuck she's not a chink
How the fuck could you have ever have thought this?
> Ohhh pappi, ching chong dong
>spic girl is CLEARLY recording and trying to bait him
>guy realizes that white men are always considered the bad guy and doesn't insult her or act racist, instead acts cool and collected
You guys are fucking retards and would have lost your jobs or got kicked out of uni by going full 1488 and sperging out. This guy was smart.
Wow, they sure showed him.
>fascists BTFO
I don't know why everyone's obsessed with filming everything these days. Beardman is the best guy in this video. You know why? Because he doesn't have a fucking camera. He has his hands in his pockets and that's all.
There should be a law that lets you shoot people's cameras if they're filming you. Not the people, just the cameras.
>aids skrillex avatar on twitter
It's California. Their gun laws are probably the strictest in the U.S..
Also let me just add that the girl is actually pretty attractive and I like her accent but she needs to lose the fucking cameraphone. Instant turn off.
Your autism is showing, he started filming because she had a camera in his face and he probably knew this shit was about to happen.
America isn't the old west, you can't just kill someone for talking to you...
Yeah and that's what annoys me. Fucking everyone has cameras these days. STOP FILMING THINGS. I'M TIRED OF IT.
The chick can't even fucking speak english
I wish he would have fucked with them a little more. That little spic girl was SO fucking mad, it would have taken just one little "you have to go back" to send her into a shrieking taco rage.
I understand he just wanted to be left alone though. It's great that lefties are this mad. I want to see them get angry, demoralized, desperate, etc. The further they're driven into insanity the more the right wing becomes seen as the ideology of sane, normal people.
She has to go back.
The world doesn't revolve around you, your narcissism is showing.
You sound mad you fucking bigot, she is too busy making more money than you ever will.
Poor fucking snownigger baka.
They are so shallow and materialistic too-
"oh you have an Iphone 6 holy shit what a loser"
"oh you use free wifi in the nice center? YOU'RE A LOSER, FREE WIFI!!!"
Jesus fucking christ, these people suck and are major douches.
if you think a woman is about to assault you your only saving grace would be if it gets caught on camera
This is so ridiculous and infuriating at the same time that I thought they were actors at first. This people should better learn that right-wing death squads are always a REACTION against leftist harrasment and totalitarism
Shut up faggot, you don't even know what you're talking about. She's obviously an airhead gold digging whore.
Last (You) from me asshole, I've seen you around, you're a fucking cocksucker kike.
I have seen no proof that the world does not revolve around me. I think it's quite plausible that everything in this world is a simulation built specifically for me. You may think otherwise but how do you know that's not just part of your programming?
Or maybe just walk away dumbshit.
He raises a valid argument, but here you are swearing like a sand nigger on fire.
t. poorfag who probably owns an iphone 6
HAHAHAHAHA, if these things matter to you..
You have proved my point, you really are narcissistic.
Are you posting this from iphone 6 peasant boy?
>a liberal acting like a child
Oh really?
Some leftie talks shit and get BTFO
Also what the fuck is a clubhouse? I understand it's some kind of common area for high-standing condos? Never seen this before
>Or maybe just walk away dumbshit.
rather be a dumbshit than a spineless cuck