So much for a peaceful future. This faggot really is a fucking madman.
Trump picks James Mattis for defense secretary
Prepare your anus. USA will bomb you again, slavshit.
This man is a wartime representative due to the issue with ISIL.
Trump gets rid of people once their job is done.
Trump has quite the respect for Serbia, so there isn't any concern for The US bombing you.
Now, on the off chance that you're a Hillary supporter, go down at Hиш and declare publicly that you like the Clintons, I'll pay for your funeral.
>peace was never an option
Mattis isnt a warmonger. But the simple fake is we have enemies and he's good at killing them.
You didn't hear the news? It's illegal. He has to be retired for 7 years and he's only at 3
He'll just get a waiver.
It's only happened once which was 50 years ago and Congress said it should never happen again. There need to be extenuating circumstances and there are none.
>congress said it should never happen again
Which Congress? The current Senate seems fine with it.
>extenuating circumstances
What extenuating circumstances were there in 1950? Surely there were plenty of competent military men left over from the war.
Go on...
So scary, its easy to talk tough behind a chess board
The Congress that did it 50 years ago said it.
I dunno but by definition there needs to be. The only legislator ive heard from said she won't do it.
>implying he didn't start as a second lieutenant marching through mine fields like everybody else
I fucking love James "The Twenty Ton Terror of Tel-Aviv" Mattis.
>It’s quite fun to shoot them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling.
Says the user who probably hasn't touched a gun in his life.
Literally every Republican Senator loves him. Trump has a majority in both houses. It would be trivial to get an exemption passed.
t. white death
I was wrong. He was a private first, not even a junior officer.
I mean, we're fighting ISIS and Mattis has a lot of experience fighting in the Middle East against insurgents. What other picks have that kind of experience? Do you think some asshat like JEB! is a good fit for a wartime secdef pick?
why is this?
People tend to not fuck with you when you have a literal mad dog you can let off the leash.
Walk softly and carry a big stick my friend. That's all it is.
Apparent it's very important to have civilian control of the military.
Guns make you tough? You sound like a dumb nigger
One senator
>Mattis ordered the 3 a.m. bombing of a suspected enemy safe house near the Syrian border, which later came to be known as the Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre, and which resulted in the locally-reported deaths of 42 civilian men, women and children who were attending a wedding celebration. Mattis stated that it had taken him 30 seconds to deliberate on bombing the location.
He sure climbed the ranks.
Shquipta detected
You just contradicted yourself.
I'm sure at least a few out of those 42 would have killed us all if they had the chance, so fuck em.
I'm sure the actual reason for needing to be out for 7 years is so that it doesn't become the norm to get out and immediately get a "promotion" to secdef. Less connection, less corruption, typically not being secdef over people that you served with, more of an outsider's view etc. I view it as an attempt to avoid the corruption that plagued the Roman Empire, where there was a "career path" of sorts jumping from military post up through various political positions then consul/general then senator etc.
>Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian peace. He says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues that the settlements harm prospects for peace and could theoretically lead to an apartheid-like situation in the West Bank.
So much for Trump being expressly pro-Israel.
Apparently it was done immediately after the law was passed so as to ease the transition of expectations of who the next one would be i.e. to not pull the rug out from under everyone
Doesn't matter. Congress makes the rules, it can easily rewrite them.
>Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. He has criticized Barack Obama and Donald Trump for their view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."
>He stresses the need for the US to bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
>In 2012, Mattis argued for providing weapons to Syrian rebels, as a way to fight back against Iranian proxies in Syria.
Are we really going to see anything new as far as our strategy in the ME?
Please tell me he doesent consider us an enemy
I wanna be friends
Are you?
Why would I not?
Why does Poland's look like Lenin?
>As Mattis retired from the military in 2013, his nomination will require a waiver of the National Security Act of 1947, which requires a seven-year wait period before retired military personnel can assume the role of Secretary of Defense. Mattis would be the second Secretary of Defense to receive such a waiver, following George Marshall.
>However, Congress almost immediately allowed for an exception for George C. Marshall. He didn’t retire from active U.S. Army service until February 1947 and served as Secretary of State until January 1949. In March 1949, he returned to the active list as General of the Army. In September 1950, he became Secretary of Defense, a role he served in for just a year. It took a special act of Congress to allow that to happen.
So Congress says "Do we want to waive NSA of 1947?" Then they vote on it. Is there any reason they would vote against this? It seems trivial.
What a coincidence I also saw all those articles praising that one senator's opinion. Too bad she's irrelevant even with media using her to prop thier anti trump agenda up some more.
Gop needs to secure 8 Democrat votes
The dream is over wake up
>It's only happened once
That's called a precedent. The only thing that has changed is that the required time of retirement was reduced from 10 to 7 years. Otherwise, the act of Congress required for a waiver is the same.
If that's your best answer, then he's not going to relax his stance around you. He'll always be suspicious of you.
Does anybody actually think Trump would announce the appointment if he didn't negotiate the votes needed for it to pass beforehand? You'd have to have just woken up from a coma to think otherwise. That's not how Trump does business.
Why should this scare us?
Just ignore your shit rules
Trump will just sign an executive order saying "I assign mattis to secretary of defence"
We should just take Germany.
No at the time they explicitly said it ahouldmt happen again a 2nd they only did it to ease the transition. That is literally not a precedent of circumstances. That's nothing more than standard transition legislating.
8 democrats need to vote for the waiver
Wake up
>this nigger still thinks Democrats can filibuster
As soon as you morons try anything, McConnell is going nuclear on your ass and getting rid of the filibuster.
I want to be friends, too. We have a lot in common, and a lot of common enemies. I believe Patton was correct when he said we fought the wrong enemies in WW2, that we actually should have been fighting the Soviets, but the present situation is that Russia is one of the last sane nations in the world and Western Europe is fucking nuts.
Can you guys please crush the turkroaches and give Byzantium back to the Greeks (as long as they promise to defend it this time). A strong, Orthodox Byzantium would be a great bulwark against the refugee crisis.
Are you for real
Among countless examples he said ag burners should be nailed even though supreme court already ruled against. That literally happened at the same time
This guy talks out of his ass constantly.
In some rare cases the threat of immediate war - in case you dont comply - can be more peaceful than the appearance of impotence. Hence Iran for example knows by now that they can close their Uranium factories if they do not want annihilation.
That has nothing to do with it
The requirement is 8 short of Republican seats. They need 8 democrats to vote for the waiver.
You mean you should never have left ;_;
Funny, you yanks pulled out of Germany, and now you've got ISIS in Germany.
You pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and now you've got ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan
Point is, never pull out....
Are you for real? That tweet was just another media ploy by Trump. It was brilliant, like all of his ploys that you absolute retards keep falling for. That's partly why I voted for him - because he runs circles around you clowns.
Besides, he didn't say he would pursue penalties against flag burners, he just expressed the popular opinion that they ought to have penalties. There's also a way to do it that is perfectly legal - constitutional amendment. Which is not even a far fetched idea, as a flag desecration amendment as been a back burner issue for decades now.
Maybe you did just wake up from a coma.
30 seconds is really a long time ALL thinks considered DESU. He could have made the decision in a split second no problem, or he could have really thought it out over the course of maybe five seconds, but he took a full 30
No, the waiver is a simple up or down vote. People think 60 are required because of the threat of a filibuster.
Ni hao, fucking based.
Congress has a republican majority, so they'll pass the waiver. Unless there needs to be a 2/3 majority or something?
I hope this is bait.
He is an actual legend.
Watch these and you'll know why.
There's no reason why the Secretary of Defense shouldn't be from the military. Mattis is great fucking choice.
>implying anyone wants to watch videos of General Crocodile "The Emu Slayer" Dundee.
Woah look here mates. What we have here is a bonafide faggot. Not just any faggot but a extreme faggotry faggot.
See the way he throws out bait willy nilly. Not even trying in the least.
I better let this little guy go now he has to get to sleep before his mum wakes him up.
Alright off you go you little faggot see ya next time.
That was amazing.
That was my understanding and that it has nothing to do with a filibuster. Also the revised law from 10 to 7 years was just passed in 2008 so every legislator who voted for theater alone sponsored the bill would be undermining themselves to pass a waiver without extenuating circumstances. It's likely many of those people are still in Congress
Theater = for that, let alone
Shoo, shoo, crocodilejew
and those enemies have your oil
Mattis is pretty much universally liked by every marine, he's known as one of those Generals that lead from the front and even other Generals give this almost legendary reverence to his opinion
His nickname is the "Warrior Monk" because he has no wife and no kids and he's been in the military and studying strategy his entire life
>8 democrats need to vote for the waiver
Why do you think this is so impossible? Nobody cares what they said almost 70 years ago unless it was legislated.
>Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process, praising Kerry for being "wisely focused like a laser-beam" towards a two-state solution.
Do you really think 8 votes will be difficult to garner for this man's waiver?
An openly genocidal and Islamophobic madman with obscene tattoos all over his body is the minister of defense of a nuclear superpower.
I doubted the Constantinople memes.
Not anymore.
>he has no wife and no kids and he's been in the military and studying strategy his entire life
what is he, a fag?
>minister of defense
Well there's also the assumption that Dems would be resistant to this nomination. I bet you anything this becomes a trivial act of Congress that nobody cares about.
To spite trump? Yeah I do.
And like I said the law was just revised 8 years ago so anyone involved with that revision would now be undermining themselves
And needlessly so despite how favored he is. There are literally zero circumstances to neccesitate this.
looks like nigeria needs an intervention even tho they keep saying they don't want one
Now this explains everything!
Maybe, but the military is full of fags. We dont really care he is a god among the
Marines and is extremely respected by the rest.
haha He tweeted it directly following a taunt toward CNN.
if only the nigerians could fight back themselves
It doesn't require a super majority to get a waiver. Hell, the entire requirement could be written out of law with a simple majority vote. The implied threat is that they would need 60 voted to get over a filibuster.
Well he just doubled down on it yesterday
You're probably right. This is a man of action. 30 seconds is the difference between life and death on a battlefield, I'm sure.
Well maybe you're right. I do know that recently democrats changed some law to make it more difficult to oppose this kind of stuff and now they are openly admitting they fucked themselves.
>>It’s quite fun to shoot them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling.
What a fucking lunatic, he's perfect
>"fact" autocorrected to "fake"
hmmmm............ i have to admit, it makes me think........................
Sorry I don't speak ebonics. What's it called in america?
which keep the inflating dollar afloat because we are no longer gold backed, thanks to the usury practicing (((bankers))).
Yeah, when they had a majority, they rewrote the rules to allow a simple majority vote to change the rules and eliminate the filibuster. Now that they're out of power, that same threat of eliminating the filibuster is used against them.
Secretary of Defense
(Don't ask why it's not Defence)
Why isn't it Secretary of War you pussy. Trump better make it right now that an actual hard-ass is going to take the position.