Daily Jew redpill
dumping fun jewish facts
Daily Jew redpill
dumping fun jewish facts
Other urls found in this thread:
once earth is private property god can get evicted
fucking interesting
forgot pic
the protocols
you'll like this one
especially against our new leftypol friends
ataturk was a good turk though, he could've made em more than roaches
yeah he probably wasnt even jewish
but the young turks movement 100% was, caused the armenian genocide and made turkey what it is today
this one was the one that redpilled me
can you make this a daily thread op? cause I'm gonna miss out on this. gotta get some shut eye.
that's enough for now
if I post too much it'll get overwhelming
that is the idea of a daily thread
This is really weird. Nazis pretty much never called themselves nazis. National Socialism is the correct term in reich lingo.
Göbbels tried to reclaim the term for a short while, wrote a book (if I remember correctly "Der nazi sozi" or something like it). But it didn't stick.
Yet the coin says "Nazi". wft is up? Does anyone know?
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a jewish board
yeah, everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt
the way I've interpreted it is
nazi is like commie, a derogatory word that has been adopted by the group
also, how valid is pic related?
and this pic
I really want to believe
lots of jews were involved in nazi germany.
read up on wall street and hitler.
hitler wasnt perfect, his support of zionism, whether he was actually being manipulated or he was just wrong about it, was maybe one of his worst points
>also, how valid is pic related?
jesus christ is it so hard to google shit? 100% valid. germans united with all sorts of shitskins when they needed it.
all the previous fun jewish facts
more will be added
Hitler wanted to establish a Jewish state in Africa nothing wrong with that. It wasn't like the muh holy land muh thousands year old right of return zionism now.
finns weren antisemitic
if i remember correcly shitload rich jews were "honorary" aryans in germany because they helped nazis and found them or were owners of importan undustries.
i can be incorrect but around 40k jewish officers and nco fought in german army too.
I thought the East African division was from before the war started
I've heard conflicting stories
sorry for interrupting you and making you respond to my idiotic curiosity
really makes me think
>East African division
some british unit?
negroes from your pic are from arabic legion
check his patch
ooga booga xD
the more you know
thanks mate
late last night there was a redpill thread but not strictly jews. can we share others here? I was getting into them but then the thread 404'd
the black and white pics put me off
they're features are kinda negro-like
I thought they had east africa it in ww2, it was ww1
>they're features are kinda negro-like
i'm a dickhead, never mind
post link
im gathering resources