Let's talk about abortions. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
Considering they think that if abortion had never been allowed than America's black population would be at around 43% instead of just 14% I am VERY pro choice.
Also, if you look at how the electoral college works vs where the black population is, blacks would drastically outvote whites in red southern states turning them into a sea of blue. You would literally never have a Republican in office again.
I'm anti legislating something that is unenforceable.
Just imagine being one of those kids, and looking up at your mum and getting the redpill.
"She had the state's fullest support, both lawfully and economically, in ending my life if it was inconvenient to her, despite her willfully creating me in the first place."
Pro life except special circumstances of rape or incest.
Pro choice liberation gives wimen incentive to be whores/cum sluts.
Pro-choice, religion has no place in modern government and peole should be allowed options, especially in a world where children are becoming increasingly unethical to our survival.
i'm pro condoms. abortion is justifiable only in cases of rape, incest or the women's life being in danger. Other reasons are just poor excuses
here's reddit's opinion on it
pro-choice. women are allowed to have the choice to have baby or not. it shouldn't be stopped because some people say. some people try to plant a fear into other people who support abortions. like telling them they are going to hell for what they did. why i think abortions are ok. what if a woman was raped and she to go though the pain and suffering and have raise a child that she didn't even want....and at a young age.
Is.... is the mother of those boys saying she wanted the option to kill them?
I'm pro choice but baby in your tummy is NOT your body therefore its murder. You may choose to kill your baby but then its jail for you bitch-not-smart-enough-to-use-condom
No you idiot, shes saying she had the choice to abort but didn't, thus they are chosen
just wear a fucking condom, its not that hard, then we wouldn't have to deal with this shit all the time.
Pro Choice but I disapprove of those "3rd abortion free" offers.
I kinda hate condoms so pro-choice.
On one hand I don't believe women should be allowed to kill their children for convenience, but on the other hand I want as few niggers as possible.
I agree with this guy. Murder laws are unenforceable and should be abolished. No law can prevent me from killing someone in an alley and sneaking away.
At what point in time did not wanting to kill babies become an 'extreme' opinion?
not all condoms are full-proof
So it's baby murder unless the chick was raped? How does that make sense?
>religion has no place in modern government and peole should be allowed options
This guy gets it. Just because the Ten Commandments say thou shalt not murder doesn't mean we need laws. Give people the option to murder whoever they feel is appropriate to murder.
Is there a neither/both option? I do think that everybody has the right to do with their body what they wish and so I believe that everybody should be able to have the right to an abortion if the choose to. Expanding on this if your brother needs a kidney transplant to live you have every right to refuse to donate one of yours. I also think that if you don't donate or you get an abortion without a really really good reason you are a shitty person and I wouldn't want anything to do with you. I would still donate my kidney to save you if we were close before you did this shitty thing though.
Pro-choice. It might be morally wrong to kill unborn babies, but its better for society when the option exists and those who cant support kids dont have kids.
see this argument would be ideal if it were a 100% white population
I'm Christian, so I'm pro-life. I'm also for putting kikes out of business. No abortions, no shekels.
Then don't have sex. That's the same line men have been told for years now when they bring up worries about pregnancy. Women might as well start playing by the same rules too.
well actually it's not a matter of race it's a matter of social class. pro life only works if sub average IQ people are sterilised
no. its real dude
It's called applying the topic rationally.
I'm pro abortion. If you're pregnant it must be aborted. No matter what. Abortion is the answer to everything.
The baby,however, is not allowed the choice to live. FUCK the fucking baby.
>women are allowed to have the choice to have baby or not
Exactly, they can choose not to have sex and get pregnant.
Abortion is positive eugenics, most abortions are made by people developed society does not need to breed. Damage and infertility is a bonus.
Except it has nothing to do with fucking rationality and everything to do with "muh feelz I was raped!!!!"
No, you get raped you keep it untill It's ready and then give him or her to the nuns. It worked for 6000 years it works today too.
i am conflicted, on one hand i support abortion because it kills babies, but on the other hand i oppose it because it gives women a choice
>Women might as well start playing by the same rules too.
That's not what Equality means though.
Texas has a nice compromise actually. Starting next year all aborted babies have to be buried or cremated after the operation. So Sally can still kill her daughter, but now the Kikes can't sell the baby's body parts for profit. Naturally the Useful Idiots are up in arms over this.
>I kinda hate condoms so pro-choice.
And that's exactly what kind of person that abortions stop from reproducing. Do you want such retards to breed?
The killing of babies for the sake of convenience is the single most evil practice of mankind.
If you're poor then an abortion should be mandatory.
Almost edgy enough neighbor of the beast
>abstinence is key!
Fuck off, abortion is the solution to a major problem.
>regulates shitskins
>keeps the overpopulated planet from suffering even worse
>keeps people unfit for children from raising more degenerates
Why spend time trying to make a happy person when you can already make the existing people far happier? Carrying children is irresponsible.
Actually it starts Dec 19th, forgot to edit that before posting. Anyway, fun picture of the Rent-a-Mob, CNN has a nice spread actually.
>a woman aborts a baby
>a man jacks-off
just sayin
Abortion isn't real
>nice compromise
Wut? That bullshit has zero sense and is mockery of both sides.
Let's assume fetus is a person. Therefore Texas allow legal murder.
Let's assume fetus is not a person. Therefore you have mock burials for medical waste.
I think its actually worse for society. Lets use the black population for example.
Havent you noticed how the growth of the black community stopped and began its decline in line with the normalization of abortion?
Hard times make great men. The children born in the worst conditions are agents of change. Their births either lead to them being part of the solution, or being part of the force that drives others to come up with a solution.
Blacks get abortions more than any other race in america. What type of people do you think get abortions? The blacks who are smart enough to think about long-term conditions/consequences and act responsibly? Or impulsive ghetto-queens/baby daddy's who have no work ethic, responsibility, and are stupid as fuck? Its the blacks who realize their environment is shit and unfit for children that get abortions. Its the she-boons that pump out 7-8 equally retarded children.
Now you got 7-8 retards polluting the gene pool and the competition of intelligent blacks is now almost completely eliminated.
And even if the child is born an idiot, its better that he is born than not. He will make up the group of people that "motivates" another smart person to create change.
As long as abortion is allowed, each group will eliminate their agents of change. They will cease to grow/evolve positively and eventually enter a decline.
Abortion is the ultimate suppression of a racial/national group.
Semen is not life
Abortion waste isn't people, this is retarded. i might as well bury a chicken liver and mourn it.
Also only ones who will might abortion due to that cheap emotional manipulations are dumb niggers and other trash
Because Texas really need more human trash.
Its what they can do legally to upset the Abortion Industry right now, so they did it.
Pro-choice because most "people" who have abortions are niggers, and I want less niggers in the world.
you need to recycle semen by eating it, then it's okay
Pro-abortion for getting rid of downies (and other genetic rejects) and rape babies
Against it for anything else
Retard. It has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with murdering an innocent human being.
Termination of pregnancy allowed until 27th trimester
It is alive.
>muh life
Rats are life
Plants are life
Molds are life
You shit is full of life
Cancers are more life than rest of your body
How is killing an unwanted baby
"""Women's health"""""?
>le regulates shitskin population may-may
The abortion rights war is a white issue. Shitskins, being the criminals that they are, will abort no matter whether or not it's legal.
I'm pro choice, but only on the grounds that if the woman refuses to abort, the man can refuse to pay child support.
>Shitskins, being the criminals that they are, will abort no matter whether or not it's legal.
But they will abort less. Also it's simpler do dump children than abort
>The abortion rights war is a white issue
Responsible whites will just fuck less and be more paranoid about contraception.
Abortion actually increases the number of niggers being born.
see: End abortions and let smart blacks be born again.
Also to expand on what I said in my former post, lets look at abortions statistically.
With every birth there is a chance for them to become a doctor, serial killer, inventor, or great scientist. Its all a genetic/environmental dice roll. The less rolls you make, the less chance you'll get someone who cures cancer or ends world hunger.
And even though it also means less of a chance of serial killers, arsonists, and rapists being born, its still worth rolling the dice.
For one, if we look at it as if there a morality threshold, I think the chances of someone being born as neutral/good/great is higher than someone being born bad/evil.
Another reason would be that if they are born monsters, their actions will provide reasons/encouragement/opportunists for good change.
>innocent human being.
>human being
No memories, no personality, no social links. It's biological material that can become human being.
Eugenics cannot exist without abortion
1: its not a human being, only the minor and easily replaceable components to build one
2:Maybe in your shithole it has nothing to do with religion, but in my shithole, it does.
No semen is not life. Not 1 study suggests semen is life.
You define life by it being able to grow, metabolise and reproduce. Semen does not reproduce.
>valuing rats on the same level as human beings.
>russian intelectuals
pro life because i think that life is sacred.
>Responsible whites will just fuck less and be more paranoid about contraception
Okay, I had to check your flag just to make sure you're not American. Because that's not what happens here at all. Our whites are being wiggerfied at a high rate.
Needs a sheriff's star
I'm kind of in the middle: it's morally wrong, but practically necessary.
There's really no alternative to it (there is prevention, but accidents happen) and you can't force people to raise a child. You can try, but the outcome will always be horrible for everyone. On the other hand it's still basically murder for self-interest so I don't want to associate with people who've done it in cold blood.
As far as I'm concerned the only times it's okay to abort is if the mother's life is in danger.
The only way I see a morally consistent argument being made for abortion is the eugenics argument which I disagree with, but find a valid point of view. Most pro-choice people just don't go there.
Gas em' Cowboy!
What are you even talking about. You're saying that a just concieved egg doesn't have the possibility of becoming a human being?
Also even if you don't believe it's life yet, it's certainy a potential life. Which seema to be far more valuable than your own convenience.
You're saying that it doesn't have the memory yet. So you're saying that if for example your father was in an accident and he lost his memory, he is paralyzed, he is basically a plant. But the doctors told you that he is going to wake up, regain his memory and live a normal life again in 9 months. Would you still pull the plug on him?
Late term abortions shouldn't be legal, only in cases were the child is terminally ill and about to die anyway
Just look at fucking Russia. They use abortion as contraception, because it's free and more convenient than using condoms
An average female slav has around 30 abortions in her life
Except it doesn't have value because it's easily replaceable, utterly disposeable, and we should focus more on people already living. As people often say to those dwelling in the past: "it's better not to focus on the things that never were."
Please elaborate. I was under the impression that southern states are red because black people in the south aren't exclusively blue and white people have much higher voting participation and are almost exlusively red. How does the electoral college influence the situation?
>pro-life or pro-choice
What does it matter if it's easily replacable? It's an individual human being. What gives you the right to decide if it's worth living or not?
Because it's not a human being, and as more people are born, the more humanity becomes a liability for itself, turning those potential people into autmatically dangerous entities upon birth and dwcreasing their value to our existence. Less people=less problems.
>tfw chosen child because my mom was a whore in college
that kid probably would have been far better off though so who knows.
Less people less problems. I agree. I also agree that abortion is probably better for us living.
What I care about more is not murdering.
So when does it become alive? At week 25? Every child born at 25 weeks can easily survive. At 10 weeks? At week 1? When does the life begin then?
Or does it begin at birth? Now imagine a 25 week old baby. Now grab it by the head, crush the head and suck out the brains. This is how the late term abortion is made. If you did that outside of womb you'd be charged with a first degree murder.
>you better protest son, I CHOSE to have you, I could of killed you!
>I want the right to decide which one of my children lives or dies
cockroaches in female skin should be hung high
He said, "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who do not."
Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!!!
And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school.
Why is pro-choice called pro-choice? Isn't it pro-kill?
The problem with your argument is I said it wasn't a human being, I didn't say it wasn't alive. The bugs you step on are alive, the germs you kill after washing your hands are alive, such components to build human life are similar.
The choice to kill, niggy!
I'm pro-prevention, safe sex stops both unwanted children and sexual diseases!
Call when the condom breaks or pills fail.
Pro-choice. Forcing women to have the child just to teach her a lesson hurts the child the most in the end (but pro-life supporters don't care about it).
It's obvious that everyone prefers to not get pregnant in the first place.
...or was that every spam is sacred?
I don't acknowledge the right of woman to decide whether her fetus has right to live or not. Being an incubator doesn't give you such right. Just like being a landlord doesn't give you the right to kill off your residents, or even their pets(fetus - not a human argument).
She partook in activities that allowed a child to be conceived, she didn't use enough protection, she knew the risks and now she has to deal with consequences like with everything else in life.
>tfw you murdered 6 gorillion people
Pro-life in a 95% White nation
Pro-Choice for countries like South-Africa, Brazil and the USA.
But it's completely inconsistent unless your goal is actually to punish the woman.
Either killing unborn babies is bad, and so shouldn't be permitted, or it's fine and should.
You don't get off of committing murder if you were raped by someone else.
you know that picture is a fabrication because no one would choose a ginger
Except that way of thinking is more damaging to the child above all else.