Other urls found in this thread:

Give us back Constantinople.


If Canada didn't exist, your country would lead the league of extraordinary shitposters. Know your place Turk scum.

You're right, all the percentages are too low for my liking.

>How can this be? Trump won even though we shilled and all our polls said he'd lose!
>how do we fix this??


100% of Americans have Donald J. Trump as their president elect

It's called Istanbul, and who are 'you'? As far as I know, Istanbul was never part of America's territory.

100% of these statistics are lies tho

Wow Sweden I'm shocked (sarcasm)

Guilt tripping is what lost you the election.
Our additional demands include the following:
>Give us back Constantinople
>Restore the one true kingdom of god, The Kingdom of Byzantium
>Establish permanent military alliance with Russia
>Change Trump's official title to "God Emperor" and venerate his family as living saints.
Make the World Great Again

Already a Trump Tower there

*in south carolina from a small sample size poll.


> I still believe the polls

100% of Trump supporters think you are cockroaches

Those stats are nonsense.
Except those first 3. They look about right.

>Turkey wants to be the ottoman empire again
>Can't even get into a cucked EU parliament

Suck shit M8

Roaches are pretty disgusting.



I notice that the question 'Do you think blacks should be sent back to Africa?' was not asked.

That would have left a major Liberal butthurt.

8 years.

not as disgusting as turks

Only 16% think whites are superior? That must be false, since whites are superior by every stretch of imagination, but of course racial violence is wrong, there should be racial division and maybe black people can learn how to behave themselves and not rape everything.

keep making shit up democrats!!
it will work in 2020!
it really will!

>>it's called Istambul
No It's not.
Not by humans, anyway.

Is that a good source?


Check those digits.

I'm surprised there are 20% of Trump supporters that want Muslims to keep coming here. That's just nuts.

Yeah, and hillary has a 98% chance of winning.



Haha, Trump knows what he's doing alright.

No problem with that except i wish the anti Muslim percentage was 100%. The problem with Islam is not the "fundamentalists" its the main principles of Islam itself. Youre going to complain that people read the Quran and then followed it? Those terrorists have done nothing wrong in Islam they only problem is the shit ones we allow into our countries who pick and choose which passages to follow. Basically you have a buffett religion where you pic the stuff you like and omit the shit that inconveniences your life. That does not make you religious it makes you a fucking moron.

At its core, Islam would behead all gays, and set womens rights back to the stone age. Maybe you should read a fucking book before you retarded leftists start blindly wishing for shit because Islam will one day dominate because of retards like you. I can easily convert and pretend to be Muslim, and life will go on. For LGBT and women, you may as well be dead.

Only 44% want it illegal? Every freedom loving human should want Islam banned as it denies democracy and freedom. It should be classified as a hate crime to be a muslim

>can'tt breed
>can't breed
>can breed

>only 80%
>only 44%
>only 62%

I thought that turkroaches died out here

>plates in mouth and ears and different color of hair and skin makes you a different species
>this is what stormfags actually believe

Funnily enough 30% of Democrats believe whites are superior culturally to blacks too.

I'm not sure Islam is at the root of most Trump supporters motivations, but it can't harm to get rid of it anyway.

They have to go back.

No one cares what you think Islamoshit, go fuck yourself.

>31% want gays banned from US
>38% wish the south had won

wew lad this is utter horseshit

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

>tfw everything on the list fits me

>Ladies and gentlemen I give you the Turkroach
>In his natural habitat he scurries from place to place gaining sustenance from superior species i.e. anyone who isn't Turkish
>Once a light is flashed upon them they quickly attempt to hide, but leave their refuse behind for all to see
>Although many assume that roaches would survive a nuclear impact, this particular species will shrivel and die like the miserable creatures they are

i am not a cockroach

>i am not a cockroach
t. Turkroach

Trump voter here.
Here are some things I want:
end public school
end university funding
end education loans
stop paying pensions
lower money to legal system 99%
replace with software
reduce government spending 95%
end all foriegn aid
charge merchants to guard trade ships and jets
everything trump said in every rally
canada and mexico pay USA for military protection
thorium atomic power 100% of our energy
mass produced housing houses big cheap far apart and no mortgage finance
builders must make emm cheap enuf to sell
de regualte economy removing all restriction on production and trade
enforce property
no money to drug or planned parenthood
ru486 sold liek tik taks
no more diovorce payment
no more baby payment
let all domestic violence outa jail and erase records
end licensing for lquor and cabs
and other bullshti restriction on fre market
end all welfare handouts

go fuck yourself sandnigger roach

Have you fags not looked at the source?

It's literally not even representative of any cohesive body of trump's voters. It is (apparently) from a poll taken nearly a year ago in February by south Carolina voters.

Because MSM polling was accurate throughout the election, right

>it's call Istanbul

No, it's Carigrad.

Sweden needs to be burned and salted.

Sweden YES!

Tiger and Lion can breed together.

Checkmate; not even a stormfag here but that agrument is weak

Horse and mule can breed
Many such cases.

no you're disgusting you fucking roach. Fuck you and your goatfucker false prophet.

Wheres gas the kikes?

Horses and donkeys can't produce viable offsprings. Mules cannot reproduce.

did she died

Ya, sowe whats the problem? We are a white, Christian nation that got a little carried away and let a bunch of retards elect an anti american nigger to our head of state. We are all better now...

If it was on the planet Earth, it's American. Look out for the trump train, nigger, ride or die

pls stahp


look honey, it's more of those polls.

38% of people In South Carolina wish the south had won the war. Surprising.

Alt right indeed. Im a libertarian Trump voter and I think half your list is ridiculous

Chimpanzees and bonobos can breed. They were considered the same species for centuries. I'm not sure what species the top pics depict, but it wouldn't surprise me if this were also true for them.

>100% Muslims believe you shou convert to Islam.

See why we hate u cunt?

Pretty low roach. What percentage want them rounded up and gassed?

>literally just a GOP poll in South Carolia
>this is somehow representative of the entire country
These are so bad I'm laughing


>source: ... voters in south carolina

Come on libtards, you can do better than that. The title is academically dishonest. This is why nobody takes you seriously.

You've read the Koran and you think THIS is disgusting. KYS

its true though.

No. It was really irresponsible to show that picture without some background. If I recall she made it through after a couple days rest and some antibiotics.

what he means is breed and produce fertile offspring, as per the definition of a species, which tigers and lions and literally every other species can't, so fuck off



All domesticated dogs are the same species, you're picture is stupid.


There is no clay that doesn't belong to America, there is just clay that America hasn't gotten around to claiming yet.

America ends where the American people say it ends. Just ask Mexico.

I legitimely think, that at this point pretending to be a huge Cuck under the Swedish Flag is just a meme.

It has to be, I mean come the fuck on...

Kek, fukkin roach pussy-footin around the Real question.

Not nearly enough thought Whites were the superior race. This percentage has to be raised.

No surprise. Trump supporters are objectively less educated and less intelligent than hillary supporters.

They are dumb rednecks basically.

ARGG when are we going to nuke that shithole called swedistan pol?

>poll of voters purely in SOUTH CAROLINA

Yknow, what was the heart of the Confederate States of America. No wonder 16% think whites are superior. It's SC.

u stop trying to dominate the world at the sacrifice of other people's lives, and well invite u back into the party

The British attitude didnt die in you guys i see


>It's called Istanbul

A fucking YELLOW cross

u should read some of Barry Goldwater; education is a misnomer now, people r being told what to think, not how to think; intellect can contradict the 'educated' with common sense

Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim

>30% either WS or WN
bretty gud

I know right only fucking 16% pick it up burgers


I don't quite follow the problem with the "national database of U.S. Muslims", doesn't the national census kinda cover that anyway? Like, it's pretty difficult to be fully anonymous in a 1st world country, even if you are there illegally.

It only becomes questionable when you consider that the census only happens every ten years (at least that's how it is here, I don't know about the U.S.", so it's information that would have to be actively collected rather than just passively taken from census data, and the urgency for that depends on just how many more Muslims have entered into the country the past few years... but the main issue is who has access to the data? Presumably not just anyone.

No it isn't. Muslims are a blight, a parasite. Everything they believe in goes against the ethos of the West, even the moderates are opposed to our way of life. Inbreeding is rampant in Islam, over 50% by some estimates, which in turn has made Muslims insane and stupid. Muslims would never in a 1000 years show us the compassion and tolerance that we have showed them. Enough is enough, we are incompatible.

>16% think whites are superior

holy shit, only 16%?
I guess the
>american education
meme is right after all

>south carolina


>13% of muslims are Trump supporters

Those are white tail and mule deer in the top pics. They can breed.

>thorium atomic power 100% of our energy
>end university funding
Pick one
>enforce property
>mass produced housing houses big cheap far apart and no mortgage finance
Pick one
You really haven't given this much thought have you?
I'm starting to think this is bait, its that lacklustre and nonsensical