ITT: based country leaders
ITT: based country leaders
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Why is he such a fuckboi?
i dont even know who it is
I'm unironically going to vote for him next election.
He is great. I love how his very existence makes people (pol) angry.
Thank god for canada
Arab dictators are the basest, jew?
You're confusing uncivilized savage with "based"
isnt he castros seed though?
my man
Well you, why do you think he is so popular there?
i have no idea
i dont know anything about canadian leanings other than they are apparently "cucks"
Ours and a future Austrian president.
I know you're likely trolling but honestly if you wanted to piss off Sup Forums and still have some amount of self respect left you might as well vote NDP.
The Liberals are the political scum of the earth, working against our own interests at every turn, destroying the environment for little to no economic benefit (at least Harper had the economy doing well) and we won't get legal weed outside of BC. No savings on policing, prisons, more spending.
not really it just makes leafs angry.
We just laugh at pathetic leafs for electing him. No point in being angry at an elected PM.
Not to mention that while the NDP and Liberals both want more immigration, it's only the Liberals who specifically want more Arabs and Muslims than anything else. I'm pretty sure you live with Mom and Dad in a nice part of town but for us working class folk, having muslim extremists come and harass our small businesses/only shop at their own and threaten our women with violence is not a fun way to live and will eventually lead to violence against your welfare check (aka Mom and Dad)
>calls them out on their shit
>poor relations with critical media
Like pottery
Meh, Fico might have said truth, but he himself is a fucking lefty and a thief. Also former commie
What the fuck is critical media?
Has there been a point in history where the media haven't been total parasites?
Can we make him a press secretary?
zeman is literaly greatest of goys and filthy communist pig.
Still upset over Trianon.
It sucked, I know. if you want borders redrawn, take some action rather than taking anger out on people online.
I'm so sorry Czechbro...but Van der Cuck will most likely win...Austrians have become shitheads. Remember us for who we once were. ( -_-)
No way you're worse then Germans.
Why so sore Israel?
Because I heard you're much better, also when I was in Vienna the only shitgolems and sandniggers I saw err tourists
>procurement anomalies
is the zone growing that much?
what the hell did you all forget the most powerful man on earth?
Kek. Damn it Strelok you made even more unstable.
>critical about media
>oy vey what biggot
>t. ((critical media)))
Fuck Fico. He's a corrupt communist faggot and has done nothing good for this country. He may say some random "based" things, but if you look closer, every other politician would say the same anyway.
Your country is almost exclusively Catholic, more conservative, little guilt, proud of history and little tolerance for barbarians
Nou, don't brake my dreams. ;_;
I'm pretty sure he didn't use the slovakian very polite term for "prostitute"
everywhere outside vienna and university areas, yes
But Vienna seemed amazing, the people seemed great, especially that qt waitress that gave me a schnitzel :3
So what's the problem?
I'm not sore at you though, I'm mad at the Germans for being so incompetent
don't get me wrong, most people in vienna are good goys. but the rate of leftist retards, feminists and other degenerates is very high for austrian circumstances
Go to Steiermark in Autumn and let some qt waitress serve you Hirschragout mit Serviettenknödel (with Birnenkompott and Preiselbeeren). You will turn to pic related and never go back. You will also forget what Schnitzel tastes like.
> tfw you will never enjoy a shot of palinka with viktor orban
Why even live?
No, we like this guy