just nuke us already
Other urls found in this thread:
Hang in there My Aryan brother we are coming
>muh culture
We are coming, ARYANS. We will end your suffering.
Maybe she could into hygiene and didn't want to spread her filthy nigger pathogens
>his good mood isn't even tainted by her retarded hand-motion
Start the war with isreal and obliterate them, the nuke will come from some goys
>some goys
>implying it wont be the US
keep sucking your masters dick Tyrone
Atleast im not a slave to the jew
Because Joachim 'Volkstod" Gauck is the biggest cuck in Germany, possibly in Europe.
It's him?
Sorry, didn't recognize him, Volksverräter all look the same to me.
Sorry for not finishing the job in 1918.
>start 2 world wars
>lose both
>destroy europe
>destroy their culture
what is germany's problem?
>obliterate them
lmao our army i cucked israel would destroy us
who gives a shit if they dont shake hands? why do people get their angus pepper'd about it?'
Here's some inspiration for you.
>inb4 it's made by Jews, I don't care it's a good song
Even Pakistan agrees
It didn't have to be this way.
I don't get it. She just doesn't want to shake hands what is the big deal?
Here we kiss each other on the cheek but I don't lose my shit when some outsider doesn't want to. I just shake their hands like the insecure homorepressed faggots they are.
It's called respect. Fucking rag-head haji disrespecting the mother fucking host.
Fucking idiot.
If she wants to act like a muzzie, go home and practice that culture.
Tired of faggots like you. Go to some lefty board, mud-blood nigger lover.
Oh look a fucking mudshit that hasn't been going to the UK to leech of welfare and a fucking lazy greek. Sitting there like they just said something smart when all they did was show how retarded they are
>germany starting ww1
>starting ww1
>then you get payback in ww2 for giving us the fault for ww1
>germany destroying their culture
>its the allies who cucked us and castrated us into oblivion
Not to mention that you Greece still have debts to pay and as far as i know also struggle with 'refugees'
this guy understands
wow, you're dumber than i would've expected of a burger.
It's because he's a pure bred cuck who actually believes the shit he is spouting.
We don't struggle with them, they are peaceful here because Mother ISIS told them that if they chimp out, our borders close forever.
0 terrorist acts and 0,5 rape act (blowjob by a bitch sjw so doesn't count)since the refugee crisis started.
Back to work Hans. You have taxes to pay for Muhammad and Nikos
mein neger
If the host asks me to take off my shoes before I enter the house, I either take off my shoes or leave. I don't just enter his house with my shoes on.
Dont worry hans, skytrain is on its way
Its thanks to us the croats that you had paratroopers if you didnt know
Say thank you
>nuke germany
>germans will die
>turks will be fine anyway
>don't nuke germany
>germans will die
>turks will be fine anyway
Why bother?
You're telling me that faggot calls himself a politician while rocking that fucking hippie look?
kys chink
> 0,5 rape
I'm pretty sure German (((MSM))) will report any incident accurately.
ban muslim garb already
Yep...he is from "Die Grüne" (The green)...basically a hippie economic friendly political partie but its super leftist aswell.
are you serious?
You exist to fucking consume, you are a slave.
Can't you get Anschlussed by Poland? They would be a better neighbour.
I bet even the Krauts themselves wish for the ARYANDIED now.
I thought the Hijabi was low Heiling.
I Keked a little
Dont worry gerfag. We are still accepting white heterosexual Christians as refuges. Last year 4.5-6k Germans moved to Poland cause of political correctness cancer. Funny as hell.
Can everyone buy extra british good please if uk economy does way better exspected the elite end up with egg on face.
More french vote Marine Le pen then and Merkel be finished.
Europe will be saved.
You can help save use /pol.
Go buy extea british goods next few months.
Gin whiskey anything
Yeah, once people ealize this is about cycling in new debt slaves it all makes sense.
Yes. Yes. Here we give you everything. Take. Take. Take. Now here is some credit cards. Take take take. Now debt slave....
Sorry no nukes, also we like to kill shitskins with our sabres
only black haired half niggers, whats going on on my land? WTF
oh god I would love to be able to buy exclusively uk foodstuffs. your FDA actually does shit and bans toxins and questionable chemicals
I wouldn't shake hands with you. You sound like someone who rarely washes his hands. Judging by your manners here, your parents are probably meth addicts and you're almost certainly underage. If you're not underage, you're pretty much roadkill by choice.
wow really nice comeback spürdo
Your people exist to be raped by Islam