How are you feeling Sup Forums?

How are you feeling Sup Forums?
Well I hope?
Now we begin.
Now its dark.

Whatever else happens in this thread Sup Forums I need you to remember one thing:
>this is not a dream






























>This is not a dream.

>Blum, William. The CIA A Forgotten History
has been extensively revised and retitled as Killing Hope. It is an amazing work, a one stop reference library. A chapter for each and every single foreign intervention, covert and overt, the USA has carried out since 1945. There are over 50 chapters. All extensively documented so you can then go read more detailed works.
>Cockburn, Leslie. Out of Control.
An almost real time blow by blow account of the Reagan administrations many crimes
>Kwitny, Jonathan. The Crimes of Patriots.
When you read about the covert events in Indochina in the 1960s and early 1970s and then Iran Contra in the 1980s you see many of the same people reappearing again and again, you might find yourself wondering "what did they do in the years in between?"
The answer is banking in Australia. This is your best source outside of Oz for the infamous Nugan Hand Bank, it laundered the money the CIA made in the Golden Triangle, as well as for war lords like Vang Pao and dictators like the Marcos family.
>McCoy, Alfred W. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia.
Extensively revised and updated in 1992 and again in the 2000s to cover subsequent events like Contra Cocaine and Afghan Heroin and the War on Drugs it is the single best source to read and the definitive document on CIA narcotrafficking. It is all laid bare from the French Connection funding post-WWII strike breakers, to the Golden Triangle funding the Hmong guerrillas, to Cocaine returning home on the planes supplying the Contras, to the Mujahideen exporting Heroin.

How do we stop America?

I'm familiar with that feeling. Perfectly describes what I felt on that day in JFK airport. There was also the stench of death.

tell me more

The new year will be where the rest will rise.