War against Syria and Russia

We can't let this happen anymore.

Did you know that over 400,000 civilians have been murdered by Assad and ISIS during the civil war? And that in 2013 he used chemical weapons to kill 2,200+ civilians?

Did you know what at least 1/3 of them WERE CHILDREN?

As a former US Navy airman stationed in Sicily, I say we gotta intervene. The carnage must stop. It's now or never.

Assad is gonna pull an Halabja on every single village still held by the opposition.

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>Assad is gonna pull an Halabja on every single village still held by the opposition.
Thanks for the boner, friend.

I know it's bait but it's still ridiculous how Sup Forumsacks adore the Russia-Syria axis.

What for? Is it better to massacre in the name of keeping a despot in power than in the name of Islam?

Based Assad killing sandniggers, who gives a shit.

What's the gif about?

>Is it better to massacre in the name of keeping a despot in power than in the name of Islam?

Uh, yes?

Oh no that sucks

not our country, not our war, we should have never gotten involved in the first place. remember when the world used to constantly bitch about us trying to be the world police?

>And that in 2013 he used chemical weapons to kill 2,200+ civilians?
Nice meme

Neck yourself

Yes. Look at any other country where we overthrew a "despot" but then pulled out instead of turning it into a colony and you will see it is undeniably true.

Those regions simply are too culturally different from ours, they cannot be ruled by anything but strength.

Assad has no interest in massacring Americans, faggot

If Assad's military really cared about civilian casualties why don't they surrender?


Stfu ((cia)) employees at nato base in Italy

Here we go with the mindless parroting of corporate media nonsense. Foreign policy or kindergarten? It's hard to tell the difference.

Forgot pic of "moderate rebels"

Yes u fucking idiot

Just try me you fucking cucks.

Fuck off, we're not the World Police anymore.
You fix it, you're closer.

>Assad is gonna pull an Halabja on every single village still held by the opposition.

We can only wish.

OP wants to bomb this

So what doesnt change shit, plus usa and european countrys do the same shit

She can't even shut the fuck up long enough to take a pic.

>he used chemical weapons
You mean Obama's friends in al-Qaeda used "chemical weapons". Why would the government use shitty mustard gas? Why would they have given up all their GOOD chemical weapons only to use such ineffective garbage? Homemade mustard gas mortar shells are an obvious jihadi weapon.

When even 10% of your population believes they can strap a bomb to themselves for a free ticket to heaven, the only valid way to rule is through dictatorship.

>you're now aware that Saddam Gaddafi Assad and the Saudi royal family are/ were the only things keeping that region sane

>Did you know that over 400,000 civilians have been murdered by Assad and ISIS during the civil war?
Not even enough to turn the population growth negative.
> And that in 2013 he used chemical weapons to kill 2,200+ civilians?
Because using WMDs in your own country isn't generally tolerated.
>Did you know what at least 1/3 of them WERE CHILDREN?
Jon Snow: "Think of the children
>As a former US Navy airman stationed in Sicily, I say we gotta intervene. The carnage must stop. It's now or never.
The carnage will go on for a long time, regardless of what we do, it's sunni vs shia, also we are already involved.

>Assad is gonna pull an Halabja on every single village still held by the opposition.
They should've surrendered earlier.

look at Libya or Iraq. Even Egypt. Answer honestly. Was it better under a "despot" for the people there? Was Europe safer?

That's a Crusader Castle in Aleppo. Notice the destruction before and after

> t. Saudi Arabia

I can't fucking wait until he wins Final Victory

The British were doing things just fine until we lost our empire

Every single halfway secular ME government was overturned in favor of an Islamic one ever since Obama jump started the Arab spring. Really makes the synapses fire.


Donny boy will take good care of them. Sup Forums's meme bois will be rekt. Believe me!

> t. The Muslim colony of Britain

Yes, it must stop.
If you dry to depose him, the only thing you get is another round of war, just like literally every other time in history.
The best way to deal with the situation is to stop funding terrorists, to eliminate terrorist opposition groups, to solidify his position as leader, and then work toward unification and advancement of that country.

A dictatorship is always the result of regime change, and you can't just fix a civil war by throwing another one in its place.

Once the country has peace, it will naturally drift toward democracy, just as all dictatorships do when the people aren't at war.

Good, let the degenerates murder eachother.
KEK wills it

No, cuck. Nobody gives a crap about how many terrorists Assad murdered.

>former US Navy airman
you want to support these (((moderate rebels)))

>War against Syria and Russia
Do you know how many billions of civilians would be murdered by the mutually assured destruction and after-effects?

How many children did Assad kill with barrel bombs?
A single incident is not proof enough.

yes, roach

it's hilarious how London is a muslim colony now


I laugh everytime, and the british soldier that was BEHEADED on the streets of London... London is like any other part of the middle east now

Intervention has worked so well in the past hasn't it you dipshit

fuck off faggot, I got baited hard


>I won't provide proof but your proof is worthless
watch your allies die

Oh my god! Children!? How terrible! We HAVE to intervene! We MUST get involved!

They're just kids. We know how to make more.

Last time I checked Assad didn't want to blow up airports in Europe or stab college students

>Saddam Gaddafi Assad
>and the Saudi royal family
no, they're the people behind all these sunni terrorist groups

how many have sunnis killed since abu bakr's successors...?

>We can't let this happen anymore.
Why not?

Let them figure it out. Running our empire is too expensive to deal with this semitic infighting

>Did you know that over 400,000 civilians have been murdered by Assad and ISIS during the civil war? And that in 2013 he used chemical weapons to kill 2,200+ civilians

Americans can maybe get Obongo to draw a line. Or something.

thats funny, but its totally ok when Madeleine Albright said that 500,000 children are acceptable casualty of liberating Iraq? No hypocrisy there right?
Fuck you and your """""""""""""""moderate""""""""""""" beheaders. Same as you whined about Serbian treatment of Albanians, you bombed my fucking country, occupied Kosovo, and then idly stood by while Albanians killed, burnt and looted, including burning and taking a shit in a 14th century UNESCO World Heritage church, that my ancestors built and bled for over centuries? Fuck you.


Agree. Time to end assad.

> Enemies of the united states:
> 1. Muslims
> 2. Muslim occupied states
Oh hi Italy
> 9999. Muslim killing vodkas

user's that know, the rest opposed btfu

Assad has personally killed over 50 million Syrian children. With torture. We can't let this go on. We need to help the friendly moderate freedom fighters with everything we've got.

Zero. Fucks. Given. These people are not our responsibility, nor are they our problem. Rulers like that keep the riff raff in their back yards.

Don't even get me started on the 9/11 fluke.

civil war?

>remember when the world used to constantly bitch about us trying to be the world police?
Those were evil republican bombs
Remember, Obama got the nobel peace price, he knows what he's doing :^))))

>no, they're the people behind all these sunni terrorist groups

Ah, yes, and Assad never paid terrorists to murder anyone: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafic_Hariri

It's ridiculous to hope anything good can come out of the Middle East. Glass it. Move the population, if you want, ban Islam, and then glass it.

Why the fuck do we have to get involved? How have we gone from 'omg how dare America invade Iraq' to 'omg how dare America not invade Syria'? They dont WANT us there. Just let them get on with it.

Go easy on the butthurt, Radovan

How sad your life must be to keep making bait threads over and over again.
Just kill yourself ans let it all end.

Saged and reported.

wew lad the UN says it, so it must be true right?


>More dead arabs

> Destabilize middle east to seize oil supply for first world
> Middle east sends refugees to destabilize first world
> Kikes rake in free oil money and pass laws to burn more oil

Off you go then.

halabja was in iraq and the us did nothing

wew lad let's disregard anything the UN says, that worked so well in the past

Did you know that Assad is small time in the world of human rights abuses? Did you know that we deposed Saddam Hussein on more-or-less the same basis, which directly facilitated the rise of ISIS? Did you know that we have no moral mandate when we as a nation cavort with nations with worse human rights records than Syria? Did you know the only reason you're even considering the idea of going to war is due to a campaign of manufactured consent?

lol but russian nukes are rusty lol xDDDD XDDD

just nuke them lolol XxxdDDDDDDD

How is Internet speed in asylum, Farooq?

So you are saying, KEK wills it?

>As a former US Navy airman stationed in Sicily, I say we gotta intervene.

Hey you can go fuck yourself kike. Fuckin Navy. Like you would ever be the guy kickin in the doors.

>400,000 civilians have been murdered
So tell me Navy POG, how does a Navy pilot tell the difference from a civilian and a combatant from 10k up, when THEY bomb them?

WOW , this really tickled my brainreceptors into overdrive.

Because You are the bad guys, simple as that.

Evil exposes itself.

To Russia, Syria is a huge strategic asset, but not for the US it means nothing. Why do you think they're not happy that the US is funding terrorists to overthrow Assad?

Trump has been elected so there won't be WW3, fuck off shill

Assad is a monster. The "moderate" jihadi's are worse. Overthrow him and every christian in Syria will be slaughtered, and the Turks will kill off every Kurd.


How is that even a question in these times???

>Did you know that over 400,000 civilians have been murdered by Assad and ISIS during the civil war? And that in 2013 he used chemical weapons to kill 2,200+ civilians?
>Did you know what at least 1/3 of them WERE CHILDREN?
Good, fuck them.
There more we kill there more you take refugies in.
Over next 30 years every single european power house will have 15% muslim population.

Europe shall fall.

ya I'm sure those bakeries make some nice high explosive bagels too, rabbi.

>the Turks will kill off every Kurd.
>implying Assad doesn't slaughter thousands of Kurds every second

Probably not quite true, still funny though

>As a former US Navy airman stationed in Sicily

As a mercenary of Israel occupying Sicily*


Its pretty cool that even after hundreds of years, the castle is still able to fullfill its use as a base and a defensive position. Isnt Assads army using the castle as a base?

Hm, subject aside, I just thought what would a phrase such as
(((Israel)))-occupied Sicily
or say
(((Jewish)))-occupied Sicily

Let him cleanse his country of fucking ISIS for fucks sake you dunecoon terrorist sympathizer

I hope he gets the turkroaches too

Why should it be the US spending another trillion dollars "glassing" an irrelevant shithole in the world? Iraq and Afghanistan were black holes of money and resources, it was a waste and a complete disaster for the US economy and the sandniggers are thrilled by that

>Assad is a monster.

No cunt, someone like Saddam Hussein, who actually DID use chemical weapons against his own people, is a monster.

Assad is doing anything he can to try and keep an ethno-relgiouslly diverse country from being taken over by people who will treat minority sects with disdain.

Seriously people like you are the ones who make a western intervention in Syria possible.

>Remember, Obama got the nobel peace price
stop reminding meeeeeeeeeeeeee

>that flag
>that post

Chilling. The US seriously needs a catastrophic fix

>Why should it be the US spending another trillion dollars "glassing" an irrelevant shithole in the world?

US spent a trillion dollars (probably less?) because it *didn't* glass the Iraqis, but decided to send actual troops there.

yes. maybe the people can work it out themselves but they don't need a CIA led insurrection which only empowers jihadists

And what next? How many years before we're again held responsible for the poor after-war transition, and they start killing each other over top secret geopolital manipulations? How many billions that we don't have do we have to pay again?

I say fuck it

But let us not forget the corruption and CHILD TRAFFICKING SCANDALS that makes Washington and US of A a state of pure and evil degenerates! What a shocker, I'm telling you:

youre kiddin right? the only reason it hasnt been repeatedly bombed into particles is because the west has scholarly dignity, and protects precious historical monuments.
If this was some sort of new creation only the hole it sits in would remain.



If interventionists really cared about human life and opression and totally not have any other agendas beyond that, why haven't they intervened in North Korea, or Brazil, or Mexico, or Somalia, or any of the dozens of shitholes that offer no geopolitical benefits?