Let's see how Sup Forums wants to redraw the borders of Africa!
Redraw Africa!
The amazing racist had a good one based on skin colour
i fixed it
Make it all Rhodesia?
Make Africa great again
just messing around
That Libyan border triggers me though
Do over.
Honestly, just break up on a tribal basis and come up with a revenue sharing scheme for natural resources which will be extracted by European and American companies.
If that doesn't improve things just depopulate it and turn it into a nature preserve.
>no Carthage Reborn
>until guidance is no longer necessary.
Ethnostates are the only path.
Murica 2.0
When the fallout starts to clear we can recolonise.
Fucking Germans. I would've made the British Empire profitable enough to keep if it weren't for those meddling Teutons.
Come on Sup Forums organize africa