>tfw have served in the army
How can you call yourself a man if you haven't been in the army?Not having fired a gun?
>tfw have served in the army
How can you call yourself a man if you haven't been in the army?Not having fired a gun?
In America we dont have to sign our lives away to the (((military))) to shoot guns. We shoot on sundays drinking coldbeer
I'm actually IN the army so fuck you OP
I've seen plenty of non-men who fired guns. Op is probably one of them.
They didnt take me for a shitty reason. Fuck em
it is just a fucking job cunt. You shouldn't expect any thanks or gratitude for doing a job YOU fucking signed up for. I was busy being a man in the glass industry and mines, better money. If the military paid better I would be there. But they don't, so I'm not.
Fuckin murrica saves the day again
I didn't know Greece even had an army tbqhfam
>can boast about military service
Pick one
Cause all I'd do is aid work and that disgusts me.
I suppose I could join the American or British armed forces though.
>welfare queens
>diversity quotas
>dying in the dirt protecting israel
>dying in the dirt protecting european oil interests
Not just no, but fuck no.
I didn't want to join for the Iraq war (help Israel engage in sickening war crimes that will ensure perpetual future war, terror, strife, for the sake of carving out greater Israel. very clearly no lessons learned from ww2 man is cruel soulless animal). I wish I could have had the training and exercise though.
>How can you call yourself a man if you don't pay debts?
A man always repays his DEBTS.
Also, conscription doesn't count
I got framed and put in cuffs by corrupt cops after repelling assaults by the local brownshirts.
They said I was a terrorist for owning a gun legally and making them run away after home invasion and murder attempts.
The cops covered their names and badge numbers and illegally raided my property after their snitch roaches got scared and the "cops" put guns to my head after I was cuffed but had to back off because witnesses came out to see.
Then they "just" lied and framed me.
For the terrorist actions of referring to the U.S. Constitution as an enshrinement of basic human rights and trying to turn in state sponsored murderers and rapists, let alone stopping them by daring to own a legal gun and wickedly taking video of what the Honolulu Police C.R.U. "secret police" and their shitfreak murderer snitch crew tried to do to me and my elderly mom.
I had to run around and try to stop murderers protected by H.P.D. with a teeny tiny pistol.
Then after they framed me and took my guns and made me homeless after they fucked up trying to murder me, I had to live in the forest and deal with evil coward posers claiming to be law enforcement because they were rich and H.P.D. incited and protected them. I had a knife, they had guns, it was fucked up.
God Bless America. The U.S. Constitution enshrines BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. And evil SHIT will try to murder you for saying this, and they will hide behind badges and government titles in case they encounter resistance. They also, from experience, like to watch people on the toilet and try to rape them, especially young men.
I joined as the 19th generation of US Army infantryman/militia dating back to my Mayflower ancestry.
I think it means more than fat Sup Forums faggots talking about Israel
>he's a military welfare leech
>thinks that makes him a man
>I'm proud of this jew dick I'm sucking
>I'm also very proud of it when they stick in my ass
>God I just can't wait for chance to die to make sure Israel is safe and has its interests protected
Good goy
Fuck this. I am not trying to say I am anything, I am saying shit is fucked in the USA, and if you are in any branch of the military, please try to do some good because there are evil shitfaggots trying to turn the world into their own Stalinist fantasy using useful idiots with badges and military training and clearance. All it takes is one good man or woman in the military saying "Fuck your corruption" to really fuck up bad people, instead of saying "They deserved it" or "Fun size terrorists" as a mantra and trying to forget.
Maybe it is too much to ask for them to give up their Xbox setups...
Lose weight fagboy
You're either a nigger or Rambo.
How can you call yourself a man if you can't pay denbts?
For a while to my neighbors they said I was a white supremacist, illegal immigrant MS-13 gangmember and muslim Iranian terrorist, ALL AT FUCKING ONCE.
Shit if that is true I must be very fucking talented.
I am not a nigger as I have never stolen a bicycle or have the ability to levitate on full moon nights as prophecied by the church.
>be an army good goy
>literally is fed and clothed by non-army people who actually work
>berates anyone for not being an army good goy
>hurr am ah maaahn
>How can you call yourself a man if you don't take stolen money to risk your life for Jews and politicians that literally don't care if you die?
No thanks. Maybe after we MAGA.
That's a fundamental difference between your culture and ours
Defending your country by bearing arms is a duty not a right
>implying 99% of your time wasn't spent sleeping, walking or standing around with the G3 inside the camp
Wow what a man
I am poor, live in Hawaii, and tried to turn in a white pedo who was part of the local Waikiki pedo network when I was young. That was a bad start.
And high academic scores while not being a Mason/Mormon/Other white supremacist oligarch group member's son.
Think you are edgy for quoting Hitler and blaming blacks? We have real white supremacists who control things here. Even if you are white, you are just a "nigger" if you do not have the "right" last name like Castle or Cooke or Dole
AAAnd fuck my computer is starting to inexplicably fuck up again. May they kill as many "Fun size terrorists" as they can GOBBLESS
You know the army pays taxes too, right?So they pay their own salary. Just like cops, firefighters, teachers, etc.
Good for you, brother.
t. Infantry officer
>Sup Forums jerks itself off 24/7 about killing muslims/shitskins
>some of us actually go and kill muslims/shitskins
Sup Forums is all talk and they actually hate people who go out and do the things they fantasize about
>joined both world wars after european armies had basically finished the job
Because it's hard and i don't like it when things are hard.
>Defending your country by bearing arms is a duty not a right
Who did you defend your country from? The leftist politicians? I mean, you did leech tax money so you must have something to show for it so you can legitimately feel superior, right?
"I loosened the jar for you" level of logic
I fuck your wives while you're out being deployed. Keep serving our country gents because that just means me more pussy for me!!
That is fucked up.
Or are you posting from Raqqa?
Then it is no big deal because most goats are sluts after a few carrots and some stale bread.
Because you've certainly done a great job defending your country from Mohammed and Mustafa, not to mention the great defence of the Fatherland in the past two world wars.
In democratic societies armies prevent external threats, disregarded the rest of your inane post
Are you high? What the fuck are you on about? Your posts are incoherent and irrelevant to the thread.
>have served
>calls himself a man
I'd rather call you a servant =)
Thank God for conscription military.
I've fired weapons you ignorant cunt and serving doesn't make you a man, not anymore.
Having to be told what to do every second of the day is the antithesis of manly.
The green weenie fucks me daily. I regret joining the army
mfw get paid 350k in army