Okay.. so in all seriousness... Trump's cabinet is the most solid cabinet imaginable

Okay.. so in all seriousness... Trump's cabinet is the most solid cabinet imaginable.

I believed Trump would be a great president... and I believed he was a great businessman who would hire good people for the job.

But after seeing his cabinet picks, I now know he's even better than I thought.

First off, he's keeping his promises. Just look at his attorney General... Jeff fucking Sessions... his Attorney General is the biggest anti-immigration proponent in America. Just look at the shit we went through with Eric Holder... and we go from that shitstorm to Jeff Sessions. Polar fucking opposites.

Chief Strategist is Steve fucking Bannon. The guy who ran the most important right-wing website in the world. Again, polar fucking opposite to the liberal bullshit shoved down our throats all day by the liberal media.

National Security Advisor... none other than General Flynn.

Defense Secretary... General ''Mad Dog'' Mattis.

CIA Director... Mike Pompeo, a tea partier, and a leader of the ''Benghazi committee'' that went after Hillary.

Commerce Director... old ass Wilbur Ross... here's why I love this: He's a billionaire who made his money buying failing businesses and selling them for profit. Gee, I wonder who would know commerce better than a man who knows fucking commerce on the largest scale possible.

Commerce secretary... in the most fucked up city in America, Chicago, the only 2 things that aren't terrible... is the stock market and the Chicago Cubs (who just won the world series by the way)... so why not have the Cubs' billionaire owner, Todd Rickets, be your commerce secretary. Whom also is involved in politics and the stock market.

But what about Sec. of Treasury? Who other than a billionaire banker and filmmaker Steven Mnuchin. His strength IS the fact he worked for Goldman Sachs... not the opposite. You can't drain the swamp by hiring a janitor to be in charge of the Treasury... that's not draining the swamp, that's stupidity.

>"Drain the swamp"
>Hires the swamp

And the list goes on... but you get the point.

Explain yourself.

Protip: you can't.

You're just regurgitating liberal propaganda.

He drained the swamp, and put in gold water instead.

"If you drain the swamp, the swamp wins." -- Trump, post election

The bad part is... people criticize his commerce and treasury picks... yet they can't name anyone better...

Who would be a better Treasury pick?

>The bad part is... people criticize his commerce and treasury picks
No, that's not the bad part. The bad part is his commerce and treasury picks, not the fact that people criticize them.

>Who would be a better Treasury pick?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe someone who didn't work for Soros and Goldman Sachs?

Hello Ahmed, how was your day?

inb4 leftist brigades "hows this drainage"?

nevermind, this fag is taking his job super serial

I dont know guys. Im bust painting myself with ted cruzs magnificent visiage and putting the bernie condom in the bullcock, but after these picks

Has ron paul ben allowed to sit outside the fed with a rusty chainsaw yet?

>Maybe someone who didn't work for Soros and Goldman Sachs

Sure lets follow Venezuela's example and hire a bus driver instead.

A cabinet full of millioners lead for a billioner will work against the stablishment and will work for the working class. Top desu. How can you be so autistic?

all government officials should be randomly chosen in a lottery

Pompeo blows
Mattis is entirely dependent on how he will deal with Russia

But otherwise, yeah, it's shaping up well enough.

retarded poor people leading things is what leads to being a commie shithole

go fuck yourself, spic.

To drain the swamp, you gotta reach in and pull the plug.

Nothing says "I understand you, working-class America" quite like assembling the richest cabinet of gazillionaires in presidential history

>implying billionaire and workers have opposed interests

Billionaire want to produce, workers want to well, work...

Mom, I'm finally moving out. Just got a text that I'm Secretary of State now.

Hello Spanish CTR

Wealth doesn't make you establishment. Stop with this idiot's fantasy

Quick, without googling it, tell me who the current Secretary of Commerce is?

See. You don't care.

I hope he picks John Bolton as Sec of State

I wonder if Trump selected "Joe, they guy who unclogged my toilet" as Secretary of the Interior... If zombje liberals would be placated?

>Secretary of education is airhead philanthropist whose brother founded Blackwater

I'm so fucking happy, the education system of the USA is a fucking Cat Lady Command Center. They can eat rat shit.

What a swampy-drainy argument.

"Swamps are people, my friend." -- Trump, post election

Sure why don't we just hire a retarded homeless person then! Geez

>Sure why don't we just hire a retarded

You did, he's President-elect now.


MAGA tier


Good tier


Ok tier


Meh tier


Shit tier


The fear is that this Mnuchin guy still has ties to GS, as many former GS executives do (see Barroso, Monti...)

Hopefully you're right and his experience as a (((big banker))) is a strength, but concerns will remain as to how he might still rig the system in favor of his pals.

>be hard working
>be an expert in your field
>get hired by a giant finance corporation and stand out among your co-workers
>make a shit ton of money in the process
>asked to use your expertise to serve your country and make America great again, taking massive pay cut in the process

Public responds:
"We can't trust him! He is much too competent and successful!"

Name a better Commerce and Treasury pick....

Don't just regurgitate liberal propaganda.

>conditioned to think success = bad

Good point, fill these positions with bums and actors.

Okay, name a better pick.

It's hilarious that everyone I asked.. even in College... can't name a better pick for Treasury or Commerce.

They just say ''anybody else is better'' because they have no fucking idea. They just regurgitate what the media tells them.

>What drain the swap really means
>Getting rid of all the corruption and collusion of career politicans that don't have America's interests in mind

>What drain the swamp means to the media
>anyone ever in government, despite their actions
>anyone with any experience in their field, even if they don't collude
>anyone with anything resembling competence

Ecks fuckin dee

Oh nice burn there Fritz. You guys are stuck with Merkel and her ilk for the long term future. Let's hold off on calling people retarded. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Perhaps you should stop projecting about your autism...

...and name better picks.

I'm not saying there's a better choice, especially since I know virtually nothing about this function. I'm only saying that picking a former GS executive will raise concerns, and for a good reason.

If you have sauce on Trump's reasons for picking him, I'll gladly read it.


>Once Donald Trump became the GOP presidential nominee, he railed early and often against Hillary Clinton. He lambasted her as a Washington insider, made snide remarks about her being bought and paid for by the Wall Street firms who hired her to speak to them, and suggested that her Clinton Foundation work meant she was in the thrall of lobbyists. Now that Trump has won the White House, of course, he's begun to fill his administration with exactly the same sort of Washington insiders, Wall Street tycoons, and lobbyists that he denounced just a month ago.

>What does this exercise tell us, beyond the fact that much of what Trump said on the campaign trail was hot air? Well, first of all, it tells us that it's hard to staff an administration without drawing on certain unpopular classes of peopleā€”i.e., Washington insiders, lobbyists, and Wall Street tycoons. The only pick on Trump's list so far that does not fit into any of these categories is Nikki Haley, and her selection has raised questions around the country (and the world) about her qualifications for the job. Beyond that, as the AP's Julie Pace and Josh Boak point out, this shows us that Trump is falling in line with his political party. The Cabinet (thus far) does not look much like a swamp draining, but it does look like a pretty traditional Republican cabinet. And so, Trump seems to be learning the same lesson as a number of his predecessors: An "outsider" campaign is all good and well, but the political parties exist (and have existed for centuries) for a reason.

This. No one gets this.

Why would there be good reason for concern? If you don't know anything about the position, what is there to be concerned about?

And that's my point... the media has people regurgitating everything the media says. Left-wing media even has right-wingers controlled... and that's what saddens me.

>one post by this ID with bait image and copypasta

spotted the kike.

Fuck off, neocon.

Reminder that the US will devastate Iran on Trump's first term.

>cuck tier

Your chart cherry picks titles. Again, it's more regurgitation. So a senator is a Washington insider? Of course he is.. he's a senator! He's also the biggest anti-immigration proponent in the country.

You literally copied a biased chart and copied a biased article.

No respect. Think for yourself.

Name better picks. (you can't, because the media hasn't told you what to say).

Priebus is the key to the Republican controlled House and Senate to fall in line with Trump. Probably the best pick of all.

>former Goldman Sachs investment banker
>funded Hollywood degenerate kike shows like Seinfeld
>good tier

>blue-pilled as fuck about the middle east
>not dogshit tier

>t. rachel maddow

lmao you fucking lost and now all you can do for the next 4 years is sit there and cry about it.

Keep doubling down, though. I want to win again in 2020 and be able for us to right partisan amendments by 2018.

Godspeed, based Bolton.

>So a senator is a Washington insider?
Wow, you are dense. He's a former member of the Reagan administration.

>Name better picks.
Did you just arrive to Sup Forums from /r/The_Donald? We've been discussing better picks since forever. Pic related, an example of one of them. Instead of a guy red-pilled on Syria who can actually take down ISIS, now we're gonna get 4 more years of ranting over Iran. Hope you enjoy the ride, you neocon kike.

Don't get me wrong, in any case I sure hope that you're right. Time will tell.

Seinfeld is redpilled.

All he does is shit on PC culture.

You're just a retarded kike spewing buzzwords.


How do you even leave the house?

>everything Trump does is right
Nice cult of personality you have there, you fucking moron.

You're not gonna be winning anytime soon with that attitude.

We simply can't lead Trump to believe he can do whatever he wants but still keep our blind trust. We cannot pay him gratuitous personality cult. We have to be demanding and not support him when he doesn't protect our interests, like the libruls do to their representatives, they don't just pay them blind lip service.

He must know he does NOT have our unconditional support. White America is a fundamental part of his electorate, and he better pander to us!

Priebus is the only pick I'm worried about so far, for exactly the reasons you gave. He has been playing ball with the GOP so long it's hard for me to imagine him falling in line with Trump, and he has the backing of a Republican led house abs senate as leverage. He is the only thing that could derail Trump's presidency. I do understand he was a necessary pick, but I am weary of his intentions at this point.

M A G A !

Godspeed, based Bolton!

Bolton is pro-regime change and basically aligns with Hdawg on foreign policy, does he not? He is not what we need.

Jim "spooks the gooks" Webb for secretary of veterans affairs! Show him the respect the Democrats never did.

Red-Pilled on Syria? Nah.. if he's red-pilled on Syria.. he can stop the war instantly. I called the Syrian War back in 2004... it has nothing to do with ISIS.

And the projection is real...

you call me a neo-con while talking about ''taking out ISIS''...

You're a fucking neo-con kike. You kikes are nowhere near as smart as us... you kikes don't realize we see through your projection.

You forgot the Goldman Sachs and Wall-Street members of DT cabbinet?
cause i member

Nah, I was joking about the meme

He's been in line with Trump since day one.

In fact, for a long time, he was the ONLY person in line with Trump.

The guy is Trump's puppet to be honest.

I thought he was one of the best diplomats of our days, he brokered peace in the Middle East under the Clinton presidency. If he's not down to MAGA, he's out, but I'm sure the Trump team can properly vet him to determine if he is the right person for the job.

Oh, alright. Who do you think would be a good SoS?

When do you think Trump will announce?


Give me a fucking break with your concern trolling.

You aren't fooling anyone. I'm not bothering to read any of that shit.

I named them.

See, again.. more liberal media regurgitation.

You're blindly writing things without even knowing what's going on.

You can't name one because you're clueless.

Yeah, I am not 100% knowledgeable about the picks, just a possible concern.


And it looks like it's taking time because General Patreus might be the Sec. of State.

I think they tied one representative to each candidate to endorse them as a security net. There was 17 people initially so nothing was guaranteed. We'll have to wait to see how everything pans out, but I remain skeptical.

>Oh, I don't know. Maybe someone who didn't work for Soros and Goldman Sachs?

then you should have voted for Alex Jones over Trump. Oh that's right, you can't vote here.

Pic related

I like GP, too, but what do you say to the people who think he's just like Clinton for mishandling classified information?

>B-BUT w-working for banks means automatically jewish globalist shill!!

>See, again.. more liberal media regurgitation.

fuck man, no. just nope.

just pointing out wall street, soros, and goldman sachs influnce. maybe DT is using Sun Tzu tactics of keeping his (((enemies))) closer to him.
better foreign policy choices though.

Yeah.. it's because Trump had what I call the ''Cassius Clay'' effect.

Everyone thought the young Cassius Clay was unhinged, crazy, loudmouthed etc.... but in reality, he was more prepared than anyone who ever stepped into a boxing ring.

Same with Trump.. I knew he was more prepared than his opponents because of very small things he said and did. I study elections... I just like it, I don't know why, but I do... anyway, Trump used strategy from EVERY presidential campaign in American history. And I picked up on all of it... from Reagan, to Ross Perot, to GW Bush, to even candidates from the mid and late 1800s.

None of this is going to matter unless we can get monetary policy under control. I can only hope he starts to stack the federal reserve board with guys like Ron Paul (probably too old) and David Stockman when their appointment terms come up, but I seriously doubt that's going to happen.

The people you are talking about are in my Original Post.

They are good picks.

If they're not, name better Treasury and Commerce picks. I guarantee you can't.

He shouldn't pick Romney can a murican explain hy he is even considering it?

Exactly. Actually turning a marsh into productive land requires you to wade in and dig trenches to allow the water to flow out rather than staying in place and stagnating.

If you bring in someone from the desert, who has no knowledge of the dangers of the marsh, that won't go well.

He's not considering it, or at least we don't know if he is, because everything Trump does is calculated. He pretends to be unhinged, but is more calculated and precise than anybody. Interviewing Romney could just be to show the establishment Republicans that he can ''consider'' them (when in reality he's not)

.... he reached out to Tulsi Gabbard too... that doesn't mean she will be secretary of state either.

Wasn't that like... one time?

Yep, he showed his gf something.
I agree, the magnitudes are waaaay off. Media might call him a hypocrite for it, but I agree Petraeus seems like a good choice compared to someone like Romney.

Nah, I doubt it.

Trump is smart... he understands the big picture. He's not going to blow up the system, which in turn, will blow up the world financial system.

So is the Fed bad? Of course. But trust me.. if the Fed was shut down right now... everyone would have buyer's remorse unlike anything you could imagine. It would not be pretty.

Audit the Fed? Yeah, that could work though.

shhh they think theyre winning
please tell us more leftys how donald isnt draining...we arent redpilling you, youre much too strong for that

It seems that's the only reason he hasn't been picked yet.

Because people could say ''they made a big deal about Hillary, but Patreus did it too''... but then again, at least he did his time, Hillary got nothing. So you probably wont hear anything from the left about it.


lets play the hypotheical game, and trump appoints "drain the swamp" cabinet instead of "oh shit wait a minute drumptards hes not draining shit" cabinet... left freaks out even further and even more electoral college flips for hill, easily swayed doubters wake up and realize he still playing chess, and shills get the fuck back to eddit

Ron Paul
THE alfa institution and the cancer source is still in charge, The FDR, big time

Sup Forums you fucking suck

You used to shit on everyone and everything on both sides of the evil fucking swamp and rightly so

Now you're just fucking stupid Trump cheerleaders

Fucking morons

>muh 1% ragehate
You need some discernment you stupid fuck. Every single one of Trump's cabinet picks is a goddamn rockstar in their area of expertise. Ross buys failing steel companies and makes them profitable. Mnuchin buys failing banks and makes them solvent. Mattis takes on failing war efforts, and creates victory. These are the people we need right now.

>If you drain the swamp, the swamp wins." -- Trump, post election

Meanwhile Merkel "no Limit on Refugees with me"

If Trump keeps shitty People out let him have a Goldman Guy.

Still better than our Finance Minister who said we need Muslims and Niggers or otherwise we end up in incest

Get gassed Kikes