Is there anything that black men can do better than white men?
Asian need not apply, we know what you can and can't do better already; you're alright.
Is there anything that black men can do better than white men?
Asian need not apply, we know what you can and can't do better already; you're alright.
fuckin ay cuz
fuck dees white cunts
run fast
Goes without saying
How about meaningful things?
Consider this a redpill of a redpill
C'mon there must be something niggers do better than us aside from sprinting, long jump and basketball.
they dindu nuffin better
Bed women.
make white women wet
First post, best post
well if we consider only the darkest niggers from africa, they definitely are more skilled in the art of survival in extremely shit environments.
a modern white man wouldn't last shit in those without his precious tech toys. and even with those, most bluepilled normies would just die like flies.
on a civilization level i haven't heard great accomplishments from those kind of niggers. maybe the nubian empire
>inb4 we wuz kangz
brown people, mesopotamian and mediterranean, had their moment of glory in history with cultured and great civilizations instead.
>inb4 they wuz aryans
>they definitely are more skilled in the art of survival in extremely shit environments. a modern white man wouldn't last shit in those without his precious tech toys. and even with those, most bluepilled normies would just die like flie
Are you being serious? If so not going to bother with your shit, Muhammad
> maybe the nubian empire
Kek, okay, so you are joking you cheeky cunt
gud arguments 9/10
I just dismissed your bullshit.
I have no time for it, Muhammad. Entertaining it or debating it is beaneath me and simply not worth my time. If you want to bring niggers into your already crumbling once great nation go for it.
Nothing off my back.
>well if we consider only the darkest niggers from africa, they definitely are more skilled in the art of survival in extremely shit environments.
>It is harder to survive in Africa than in ice age Europe
Isn't it obvious that this is a meme pushed by kike media, especially the porn industry?
Browse some dating profiles for a few days and see the hundreds of profiles saying or hinting "I don't date black guys".
And these are women that are pathetic and low enough in self respect that they're on a dating sight.
What gives?
you asked a question, i brought up some half assed points out of memory, you got anal over them
your problem m8, enjoy your ded thread :^)
they got us beat at running and playing basketball
no doubt about it
>ice age europe
well nordcucks were literally nigger tier in terms of technology before the meds civilized them :^)
play in blacked videos
>your problem m8, enjoy your ded thread :^)
Enjoy your dead country if you re-elect Merkel
Monotonous manual labor
Violent crime.
Menial physical tasks
Roman lies
Nord smart
Best shoppers on Earth
>being so desperate in having the last word
>tfw i'm an expat anyway and germany is shit :^)
explosive movements of all kinds
That ain't meaningful. If whites weren't degenerates with an ability to envision the future they could potentially compete with niggers in violent crime. Guess we'll never know though
this is true. although they cant run for as long as whites so we can still catch them and beat them with our big white muscles
He found a steal of a deal, all right.
fuck off, loser
Nah dude they're better at distance now, too. Most of the top marathon runners are African.
>what are kenyans
Quick twitch
look at any race longer than a marathon, its exclusively whites and east asians.
So basically at this point Niggers are better at running away faster and for a more sustained period than white men?
Anything else?
any gold medals offered as prize in those?
i dont think its in the olympics if thats what your asking
dont see why thats important
They're niche sports, man. That's the point. Not a lot of blacks in curling, either.
they run them in africa..
They can run fast