Brit/pol/ - Father Corbyn Edition

>Richmond Park by-election: Lib Dems' Sarah Olney defeats Zac Goldsmith in Brexit backlash

>Feckless Zac Goldsmith's defeat in Richmond Park won't stop Brexit, but it kills any chance of an early general election

>Lib Dems oust Goldsmith in by-election

>MPs warn of tax phone line 'collapse'

>EU to make anti-Brussels protest a CRIME: Fears over euro elite crackdown on 'dissent'

>'The world needs us' Boris Johnson pledges Brexit Britain will influence the world

>KASSAM: Zac Goldsmith Lost Because He Shunned His Conservative Base, Nothing Else

>French President Hollande Will NOT Seek Re-Election

>Zac Goldsmith loses to Lib Dems in 'shockwave' Richmond Park byelection

>We need a Zac’s law: MPs who trigger a by-election should not be allowed to stand again

>Boris Johnson uses first major policy speech to underline US links

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Press F to pay respects.

>yfw when you realise yankposters will use this as another stick to beat you with in the uk women genetics meme


When is the Queen going to die, lads?



Can't believe Tories got 0% of the votes lmao


watching QT atm & lolled when brit/pol/s representative got his 2 minutes.

There is a massive backlash over Brexit, a vote which should have NEVER happened.


Brush your fucking teeth, lad.

The new top gear was pretty good.

Think they've settled in now

>He's making a list
>and checking it twice.
>He's going to find out who's naughty or nice.
>Santa Corbs is comin' to town.


>The Royal family means everything as to whether this nation lives or dies

see the civil war m8

>650,000 immigrants a year
but its still labour's fault right?

i think 2015 was the last time any remotly patriotic person votes for them shit stains

>tfw pc corbyn raids your house at 6am in the morning and you have a quarter ounce of means of production hidden in a sweet tin under the sink

>tfw went to Catholic school until university
>21 now
> finally receptive to the idea of religion but I didn't pay any attention to it throughout school and know Fuck all

Jo Cox died

What a shame. She was a good woman. What a rotten way to die.

>That would be great, except they are not a part of our 'tribe'.
Yes they are. Google the Queen's lineage. She is the closest living descendant of Alfred the Great. This is the problem when British history isn't taught in our schools...

Who're you talking about?

You mean when the jews were let back in and multicultural, multinational England was born?

who /busonfireinyourtown/ here?


I'm well aware of there lineage mate. Saxe-Coburgs are still Germans.

Anwer my question.

Died for nothing

I'm /worldonfire/.

>Are you ok with your beloved 'tribal chieftans' mixing with African blood?
No. Then they will lose my loyalty, but a lot of unlikely events need to occur before Harry becomes king. And apart from anything, he hasn't mixed any blood yet.

If you don't have loyalty to all Royals you have no loyalty to the entire institution.

If you start an argument about not wanting Charles as King or whatever then the entire reason for the monarchy existing crumbles. However archaic the reason is, it is still a reason.

If you want the monarchy to survive (which I very much do) you have to support the concept as a whole, and all members of the institution as a whole. And on that note:

God save the Queen.

They do have something of a point. Farage has been seriously overrepresented on QT.

U wot m8, Danny Dyer is descended to the nth degree from Edward the Turd and could ave them Saxe-Coberg Gothas in a fight.

Who the fuck cares...

If you want to be a good Catholic, all you have to do is kiss nigger feet, suck Muslim cock and support mass immigration.

It's so easy even an Argie can manage it.

Went for a coffee with a girl from my mates work earlier and she got a skinny cappuccino. She wants to meet me again tomorrow, should I go?

Guys, tomorrow I am gonna meet with Corbin at a funeral ceremony and will probably get to speak to him. Any questions from your side?

Fucking Catholics, they don't believe anything

Calm down Cletus

the Grand Tour? I watched the first episode, breddy gud


What do you think of the effect of meme magic on the right wing youth of today? Is it a force for good or do you believe it has a more negative impact?

>If you don't have loyalty to all Royals you have no loyalty to the entire institution.
I don't have loyalty to the institution. I have loyalty to my people and my nation, of which they are not a part.

I will not bow down to globalist puppets who have played a part in the destruction of my people and my nation.

ask him if he'll lead the revolution

MEP and also leader (at that time) of the third-most voted party in the country. If anything Lib Dems are over-represented on QT.

The banter doesn't seem to be as top tier as it was on Top Gear, it seems to me like they've reigned it in a bit. I don't see feel the same level of magic in The Grand Tour as was in Top Gear.

No you're not. The Queen is Anglo Saxon. She is the closest living relative to Alfred the Great. The German connection is from the House of Hanover. Do you know where Hanover is? Do you also know that it is right in the middle of the old Anglo Saxon territories?

Ok, noted. What else bois? how can I meme him?

So are you a republican?

Ask if Diane Abbott was a good shag?

>Who the fuck cares...
The guy who is ignorant of the Queen's descent and is arguing about it.

They mentioned Based Nutall was anti-Abortion on Question Time

They want to say that being against Abortion is anti-woman, anti woman's rights and sexist, regardless of what you think about the subject. We're basically at a point where Anti-Abortion is misogyny; wanting to protect innocent unborn human lives is an act of hatred against WOMYN.

Nutall please rip them a new one.

They don't even believe in the illuminati since Vatican II. Just Protestantism with more gold leaf now.

You're a useful idiot. The monarchy has done nothing ever but defend this nation. Monarchism is the literal antithesis of globalism.


>'House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is a German dynasty'
Saxe Coburgs are Germans. Not English.

~>This is your brain on skimmed milk

I couldn't watch it all. Laurie Penny's shrill little voice was just too much after 30 minutes.

And where do you think the SAXES are from exactly? Do you think it might have something to do with SAXONY?

Who /fucking hates londoners/ here.

Also that Lib Dem bint is ugly as fuck

>You're a useful idiot
As are you, blindly defending them over your own people.

>that emblem

what did East Germany mean by this?

Hardly, he`s one of the only entertaining people they can get, why do the Green get so much representation when they get 10% less of the national popular vote?

Jesus, the only wont by like 2k votes and they're talking as if it's a landslide

She has long forearms for a woman. *cough*

Glorious, Comrade, glorious!

Kingston, represent.

>Saxe Coburgs are Germans. Not English.
Where the fuck do you think the English come from you dumb nigger?

She's the closest living descendant from Alfred the Great. What don't you understand about this?

So people born in Saxony now are magically English?

That's not how it works lad.

Never seen that flag, but it does make your synapses spin..

What twat would ever vote lib dem

They are about as German you and me, provided you aren`t a paki of course.

I know where we come from.

That doesn't change the fact that the Saxe Coburgs lived in and were from Germany...

I'm not defending them over anyone. They are the head of the nation, it's that simple. Marxist cretin.

>Marxist cretin.
Is that what I am? You don't get it do you?

So did the English you pea-brained moron. Who should be monarch then, if not the closest living relative of Alfred the Great?

The Cons would get a much higher majority, unless Lib Dems can nab those Labour seats.

>in Brexit backlash
yeah right

No you don't get it. Fuck off back to réddit and take your fucking marxist-leninist generals with you. It's never going to happen.

A hammer and a compass, surrounded by a ring of rye.

The compass represents this apparently.

All very socialist.

>The monarchy has done nothing ever but defend this nation

Cromwell had the right idea when he killed the traitor king

>at that time
Even before 2014 he was overrepresented.

The reason of course being that he's interesting.

>why do the Green get so much representation
They've got the same number of MPs as UKIP, a lord, 3 EU parliament seats, and (perhaps most tellingly for an institution run by the metropolitan elite.) equal representation in the london assembly.

they're a reasonably major party (and honestly i can't think of the last time they had a green on.)

one also has to remember that the scottish greens are a different party who're represented in the scottish parliament (and they may be overrepresented because you've gotta have scottish politicians in scotland, but occasionally you want someone who's not SNP, but you're still obligated to have a reasonable sample on the constitutional question - that gives you jim "technically in the SNP but wants to be thrown out so he'll get attention defecting to RISE" sillars or the greens.)

I heard this was where the bbc (big british cock) was

>So did the English
No shit. In the 6th century... doesn't mean the cousins of those settlers who stayed in Germany are English, does it? Can't you wrap your tiny little mind around that?

I like in a constituency the Tories won from Lib dems last year.

I voted UKIP in 2015 but I'm voting Tory in 2020 just to keep the Lib Dems out.

Fuck the left


Why are you assuming I am a Marxist? The clues are in my posts lad.

Not very bright are you?

"Why are you such a faggot"

I wonder if Lib dems might do to Labour in London what the SNP have done to them in Scotland.

Lib Dems are very useful idiots when it comes to leftist vote splitting

Cromwell was so unpopular Charles` son became king lel

They had like 5 Green ones since the last UKIP one, it doesn`t change the fact that UKIP got a few more million votes than them.
If I see Caroline Lucas one more time I`m going to bomb the BBC.
(This post was intended as a joke, GCHQ)

Yes? Not all of us live the neet life

It`d be hilarious if they could, but the paki vote is a labour vote.

>it doesn`t change the fact that UKIP got a few more million votes than them
it does if the over-representation predates this.

>danny dyer is royalty
english royalty is chavved-up uncivilised swagger monkeys

every time

Saxe-Coburg-Gothas were Hanoverian, not German, you fucking ape.

She`s your Queen too, whether you were a Scot or what not.

get out desu

There's nothing more pure than wanting to take care of a man and cherish his cum!


>bragging about beating the conservatives in an election where the conservatives didnt even participate

>Hanoverian isn't German but Anglo somehow is according to retards in this thread
Really activates my almonds.

Why is UK so degenerate these days?

Maybe if you come with me