Define 'normie'
Define 'normie'
A term created by cancerous redditors, dumb Sup Forums children and /r9k/ faggots, the correct way is 'normalfag'
a person who is shocked by the content on Sup Forums
What are you? Some sort of journalist?
Fuck off
people whose lives revolve around what (((celebrities))) say and so, clickbait and MSM articles, and surrender to the societal dogma for fear of not being part of it
Yes, I write for Miniroty Today
socially normal.
Does not post on Sup Forums.
>Define 'normie'
Spends most of their time online at Reddit. Comes to /pol for shit posting and serious conversation about Wkilileaks and Pizzagate. Think they know absolutely everything there is to know. In reality too fucking stupid to know their head from their ass.
Pretty specific definition, anything you want to get off your chest?
A normie has the official app of his/her bank in their phone.
If ANY of these apply to you:
-had sex in the past week
-are going out to 'party' or 'socialize' this weekend
-have a large friend-group
-have no trouble striking up conversation with a stranger
-leave the house daily to go to a successful occupation
You are a normie and have to leave Sup Forums
i can talk to a stranger if I need to but I still have no friends and i'm a 22 khv.
Definitely no normie FUCK U
Fuck right off back to Knowyourmeme or say normalfag instead, newfriend.
>tomatos, tomatos
people who don't fap to either traps or animu
>amused toad