Buh Bye Niglets
World after Climate Change
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Ebolastan is swimming with the fishes. Too bad niggers can't swim
Fucking orange racist bigot misogynist homophobe Dgrumphf will let innocent people die
see you down in arizona bay :^)
Gross yuros
>All costal cities fucking GONE, gg USA.
Well at leas we gonna have an inner sea and Siberian jungles, im all for it.
>Implying we won't just keep building dykes an become an island
Wew lad
fake and gay
Chink land gets absolutely raped. At least 2 billion subhumans will get BTFO
but the polar ice is getting bigger
this lol
Mostly targets Black areas. This is perfect.
>newfoundland is completely safe
God loves us great white bastards
And people claim God didn't flood the earth at one point
explain the poles dummies. That's all the excess water he put on the earth to flood it, it's just now frozen away from the land
This looks so cool, better for irrigation for inland Australia as well.
thank god.
5m rise
'moderate indonesian muslims'
>Implying you wont go underwater while we laugh
Pronto holanda.
Nigged beyond imagination
Seeya later cucks, we're full
inb4 the Netherlands become neo Atlantis, living on the bottom of the sea.
If we go under
We'll send your regards to the Armada
>Thinks Spain will ever do anything intelligent
They'll be so tolerant that they have special underwater rooms just for goat fucking and child raping
How are you going to irrigate with salt water?
They irrigate with Arab Semen
It doesn't matter because there will be more rainfall in that region anyway.
haha danskjävlar btfo
Why is this a bad thing, again?
No, not the Deep South pls
Also the most conservative areas, the Deep South is also the homeland of the Ku Klux Klan
>muslim pajeets go swim with the fishes
This. The Dutch have been BTFO'ing the sea since centuries.
Are you assuming 50m higher sea levels? Never heard claims of so much before.
>implying the US wouldn't welcome the new refugees
>Literally 80% of all swedish shitskins and cucks would drown.
Bring us your glorious gift Poseidon!
Will you eventually just cut the pretense and close the dykes up overhead and become SeaLab?
...and yet, Japan is still mostly there?
Seventeen Provence Rightful Spanish Clay?
We will evolve into Atlantis most likely
Oh look, a human being trying to predict what nature will actually do in the future. That's nice.
>climate change
yeah so ? next time in the future we'll build higher and taller.
Desal plants probably.
>no more Kekifornia
What's the problem here?
every major city destroyed except chicongo
>tfw I finally become a coastal city and my property value quadruples
Wtf, why is Caspian so large now?
i can just move to your country. move aside, fatty
>what are tides
proof or fake news.
Sotty, not gonna happen. Antarctic ice cap growth is breaking the records for several years, it easily covers the ammount of melting ice in the whole planet.
In this one you can see (in the first pic) the algae growth up just below the top stone; exactly where the water level is sitting on the second pic which is probably taken at high tide...
assuming same tide moment smartass
no it's not faggot. If (((global warming))) is real it will happen slow as fuck and they'll all move into your neighborhood...
>wtf I love carbon tax now
thats where waves break and splash on the wall
Then where is it on the second pic?
I live on the water, and the amount of growth in the first pic seems way off for just passing swell.
even if you are a man-caused climate change denier... Don't you fucking hate pollution?
It's ugly. God damn why do you need to argue about the shit that hasn't happened yet? We are already making this earth look ugly. Get some fucking standards you plebs.
Also pollution is already killing 1.6 chinese people per year. Look it up.
Fuck climate change, how about now? there's enough evidence to say that all this pollution is already fucked.
see any algae?
>McNoldy acknowledges the photos he came up with don't show an "apples-to-apples" comparison because it's unclear at what point in the tide cycle the originals were taken.
I'll assume whatever I want faggot
>tfw i live in Boston
>mfw i will get to see all the niggers drown as i laugh from the roof of my triple decker
bring it on desu
Feels good to live at 1500m above sea level.
Algae don't growth where the waves break. As user said this is the high water mark for high tides.
You are a deceiver, get fucked.
>Vancouver underwater
Heh, fucking Chinese
Surprised Greenland isn't greyed out reading "no data"
Can somebody please explain how global warming would cause the sea to rise like this? Everyone seems to cite glaciers melting. But water expands when it freezes and ice floats because of how buoyancy works. The water displaces it's volume causing the extra volume gained by freezing to float above the surface of the water. I just don't get how the sea is supposed to rise this much. Of course molecules expand under heat, but I don't see this level of expansion from a few degrees. Maybe a hundred.
I assume these "scientists" have a reason for these predictions. I just don't know what.
This was supposed to happen over 5 years ago.
Catalan master race here
Climate change can all come tomorrow for all we care
There actually is a light shade of wear, and this structure is literally built on sand compared to the one with clear algae growth. While I believe in climate change, these are not convincing
>California Bay Area and New England Coast underwater
Yay California gets a swimming pool!
>not full of agriculture caused by CO2 rejuvenation
>not frosted over parts of Northern ocean and Canada because of growing ice caps
Nice try.
Oh look a pic of Venice, the city that is sinking.
another fail.
>tfw doggerland is lost
high tide vs low tide.
This is fucking retarded, you all act like everyone in those areas will drown. This wont happen in 5 seconds, it will happen in 500 years, people will be able to move out of the way.
Pls respond
Check out that inland sea in California.
>buh-bye beaner farm niggers
A doomsday prophet back in the early 80's predicted that western Nebraska would be the new coast line after a 10 scale earth quake along the San Andreas. Amusingly, people believed him enough to buy worthless pasture land in the Sand Hills.
get rich
Nice man
Well you see c02 acidifies the oceans into sulphuric acid that then melts the ice which retains its frozen volume because it never cooled down but was melted by acid it's what they call a feedback loop so that's why we need carbon taxes.
Wow, thanks! That answered everything
Well it was all tundra and glaciers to begin with, so...
Or just build massive wall like we did
It's supposedly from ice on land that melts and runs back into the sea.
>tfw my whole country is basically at sea level
just fuck my shit up fampai
And buh-bye the vast majority of the US GDP.
Goddamn those libtards and their tax base that artificially props up the entirety of "red" america!
It won't happen at all.
This scam is just a mean for the UN to tax the shit out of nations. To begin with, the globe is a lie, so is everything "global".
Awesome. My property will increase in value dramatically and can probably ride a bike to the ocean once this happens.
seeya new york, nice knowing ya
who wants to help me transport a buckets of sea water to austin texas? I want to make sure they drown too when the time comes.
Yup and then paradoxically everything will become cold because the fluctuations of the ocean will come to a standstill due to the large influx of cold water and say hello to ice age episodes 6 through 31
Ice age when? Winter-chan is the only one who can get rid of the monkeys
>the Philippines are still there
>not building a wall against the sea
You've got a lot to learn Harald.
>A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.
>The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.
So it's fucking nothing?