The Comet Ping Pong has a freezer of Gargantuan proportions. Insanely large for a pizza venue. We need a polack in the DC area to take a look and take pictures. Any takers?

Other urls found in this thread:


I watch Bones. I can undo tactical grade Jewish cleaning products and uncover the DNA and RNA we need to prove the murder weapon.

Honestly that freezer is a normal size for a pizza restaurant. I work at one and we have two about that size actually for all the ingredients, pre-made pizza dough in pans, drinks, tap system etc.

>all those comments
Now THAT'S creepy.

What did he mean by this?

I've worked at a busy Pizza Restaurant too and wouldn't consider this to be normal sized at all. In fact, we worked with two bigchestsized freezers. This is insane.

oh wow. a restaurant with a freezer!

Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.

Comet Ping Pong was a good goy, didnt do nuffin

same here, i worked at pizza place and since d.c. is a large city, the fridge is normal


I feel like I've seen this exact post before..

thats not really a large freezer

this pizzagate stuff is shit desu, basically a witchhunt

If you look closely you can make out the frame of the hidden double doors right under the light. I wonder what is in it.

I have a larger freezer in my single room flat.

The disinformation campaign is obnoxious.

Who is DJ?

About 6 hours ago for me. Paid shill obviously.

Here lads.

>freezer walls
>freezer lights
>freezer fans
>freezer floor

I've posted it a few times just to be an asshole.

I wish Pizzagaters found actual concrete proof not idiotic innuendoes and insane theories.
Do I believe the DNC is a grab bag of pedos along with their Hollyweird pals..100% I do, but this shit doesn't do anyone any good without actual proof.

The rumor mill would have been far more effective if they had constructed irrefutable "proof" to circulate instead of using a Sup Forums meme of cheese pizza as proof


its the room where they put up a bunch of plastic sheets all over, and bring people in to be slaughtered. Its a mob style technique, they might even just shoot them in the head, and put a towel over it immediately etc.

Probably incinerate the evidence.

That's a great picture.

Why do you give a shit?

Why all these shitposts and speculations when you know the address and can just break in and take a look?
Are you afraid or something?

>Pedophile rapists, torturers, and murderers
>Not afraid

Pick one

Seems to refer to Donald Judd, an artist who did minimalist installation pieces (pic related).

>Are you afraid or something?

Also it's too late for that anyways. They've already scrubbed the place clean probably after the first thread on reddit about it during the elections.

That's on the small end of restaurant freezers. It's small-to-average for a small restaurant like a pizza joint. I'm guessing this is too logical, and I'll get called CTR now.

do you autistic retards think they are storing dead bodies in there after all these weeks of this story?
you idiots probably ruined any chance of a real investigation.

its not even the pizza place. it's the restaurant next door that he owns.

someone just either bust in at night and take a look around while livestreaming and either find something or put the whole thing to rest. Actually don't, it's illegal.

>completely empty
>not a single shelf
Do they store their shit on the floor?

Subway's is pretty small for the variety they serve.
>All these people who didn't play Vampire: The Masquerade

That sounds like bullshit. This freezer is bigger than a lot of pizzerias/take aways I've been in.

Honestly Pizzagate is becoming the baneposting of Sup Forums so I don't know if you're deliberately bullshitting or just obviously fuelling the paranoia.

Freezer has no drains in the floor. Also completely empty. No racks or nothing. But okay

Not really. There's enough archived info to make a case to have an investigation. If the FBI or police really wanted to investigate these people they could. These people aren't going to stop being pedophiles right?

The problem is though, that the FBI would just get paid off or top FBI officials are tied up in this all as well.

See, that would be the smart thing, but these fucks are arrogant.

>ruined any chance of a real investigation

There was never a chance for a real investigation because it would be career suicide (sometimes actual "suicide" as well" due to the power these elites have. However with the court of public opinion, shit might get done because of public pressure.

> Freezer walls
Yes? Non-insulated walls in a freezing room defeat the very purpose lol
> Freezer lights
A single light-bulb so you can see what the fuck you're doing when you're in the freezer
> Freezer fans
It's basically AC and how the fuck do you think the freezer keeps at the desired temperature?
> freezer floor
Refer to freezer walls.

>small end of restaurant freezers
They're called "walk-ins". I discovered it after a bit of googling and the fact that no-one used the term yet in thread has convinced me that everyone here is bullshitting.

Not even that big of a freezer when you consider shelving, along with boxes of ingredients, dough, etc.

Honestly the freezer room in itself is nothing strange. It's big, sure, but that's it.
I worked in a SMALL town subway restaurant here in France and I mean, small enough most days the place only made 300€. That's not even 50 customers a day. Our freezer for the frozen bread dough and cookie dough alone was about half as big as the one on the picture and we didn't rape any kids down there, so I don't see why you're all sperging out about MUH SIZE MUH ITS BIG.

The ONLY thing that's actually unusual is the fact it's empty. I've never seen our freezing room empty except the one time we had a power cut and we had to throw everything away, and the fucking place was flooded with water.

This freezer is absolutely normal. The fact it's empty is strange, but there could be 1000 reasons behind it, and not all of them include raping and dismembering children.

>some air conditioner vents

Where's this guy when you need him?

>we didn't rape any kids down there

Sex happened, but not with kids :^)

I just think no one ITT has ever had a food service job.

Besides why the fuck is the freezer even being talked about? Podesta has paintings of fucking toddlers tied up hanging from the ceiling.

It's just like 9/11. Instead of talking about the billions that were made that day and all the connections, people will just talk about thermite or how hot jet fuel gets.

The saga of 'Pizzagate': The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread

Its actually a pretty good article. They even mention some of the factual details and bring up Epstein and Saville. But the final point is that there are no victims and no evidence of a crime.

empty for cleaning?

They don't use pre-made dough. That freezer is large enough for a large institutional cafeteria.

the place you worked in probably had 4 or 6 tables and served mostly take out.
Comet has, according to an image shown in another thread, 20 or 30 tables, apparently solicits pizza parties

>"Sometimes an innocent picture of a child in a basket is just an innocent picture of a child in a basket and not proof of a child sex trafficking ring," he says.

Yes, everyone takes pictures of a little girl with her arms taped to a table and makes sexual jokes about it on social media.

And yes, a family pizza joint has family bands such as the sex stains play at their restaurant.

Restaurants clean their freezers completely as they should. If they were to say they took their food out to give it a thorough cleaning it wouldn't be insane.


Did I just heard pizza?

>apparently solicits pizza parties
you can solicit me for my dick, and I'd oblige you dirty Jew

Friendly reminded that cheese is a slag for weed or pic related. This is clearly about drugs and anyone who reads;

"I'm so on cheese right now"

and imagines kids getting fucked is a repressed pedo themselves.

You've obviously never been in a restaurant freezer.


Isn't that a kids thing?

>this entire thread about the fucking freezer

Jesus Christ Sup Forums

Jesus Christ, stop doxxing people.
>Your freezer is too big, you must be a pedophile!
When will this mad witch hunt end?

Eh once you add shelves it won't look so big

Anyone who says #PizzaGate is about weed is a chronic smoker who hasn't done his research.

* Bump *

>we didn't rape any kids down there

confirmed for never working in a large restaurant or hotel

this isn't even a very large freezer

These are some paintings from Podesta's home detailing a Serbian child trafficking operation (Thanks Bill Clinton)

Notice it is in an easily cleanable room, where liquid biological materials can be washed off. Also notice the chains used and the dead leaves.

Some of the Pedo bands that celebrate this refer to the dead leaves. See Sasha Lord's promotions and the band called "Dead Leaf Echo" and the child on dead wood chips at the spirit cooking party attended by Lady Gaga (Stephanie Germanotta, grad of Sidwell Friends, CIA grooming school for the elites, alma mater also of Zuckerberg and a lot of others who push the agenda)

>Podesta has paintings of fucking toddlers tied up hanging from the ceiling.

Do you mean this?

Work at a pizza place here.

That's a fairly large walk-in fridge which is proportionate to their business, but this is their freezer. The place I work at is very busy and has a comparable walk-in but we use a freezer that is the size of a residential fridge.

This is p. spoops

It looks a lot bigger when it's empty. After all of the shelves and other storage materials, let alone the ingredients are added, it wouldn't look so unnecessarily large.

Their advertising said they can comfortably house up to 80 people in Comet. This is a very large freezer for a restaraunt of that size. Hell i work at a school and our freezer is half that side, for a facility that feeds 300 kids 3 times a day. Just food for thought.

That freezer is bigger than the freezer used for the meat and seafood departments at the grocery store I worked at. I mean how busy can this place possibly be.


Worked at a Hungry Jacks when I was about 16. This isn't much larger than the one we used, may even be the same size (it was a long time ago, only worked there for a year or so, anyway).

Theres plenty of other damning evidence (such as the 4 surviving "pizza"s), but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Guys, might be a little crazy, but have you guys seen that Uncle Grandpa cartoon?
>Uncle Grandpa, the babysitter who is the uncle-grandpa and brother-dad of every child and adult in the world, stops by children's houses every day to see how they are doing.
This shit is fucking weird and others have pointed out the weird pedo vibes from it.
The main character is literally retarded, has a little purse in his crotch that talks to him, and also, a character who is a freaking pizza, the cheese almost dropping from him looks like balls.
People who reviewed did not like this at all:

keepin it pizza related

No, that is a Jeffrey Dahmer victim.
Jeffrey Dahmer, U.S. Army medic, recruited by them for his perversity and protected for a while as he murdered kids and gays as "payment" for whatever else he did for them.

>This is clearly about drugs and anyone who reads;
Yea, and you know what I found?
>pic related
I checked their menu and there is LITERALLY PINEAPPLE on some of their pizzas.. like what the fuck?

>Upvoted you for good research, the internet needs more of you :)

So the translation is "Did I leave my handkerchief at your place, it has important dna evidence of the kid I butt blasted"?

The 4 surviving pizzas thing was intentional disinfo, im 99% sure. There is a concereted wffort to inject false material into our narrative to dilute our investigation. If someone can provide a link, ill accept it, but blurry screenshots dont meet the burden of proof imo.

People seem to be confusing "walk-in cooler" and "freezer".

This is a normal sized walk-in cooler for a pizza place and a freakishly large freezer for even a small grocery store's backroom.


What did he mean by this?

No. He only owns this one.

Yes it's the same artist, but I've seen no proof that he owns any other works other than the pic related.

forgot pic xD

its a lot worse than that


Then again. this could be anything. When was the last time you went to Pizza Hut and there WASN'T S&M chains on the wall with faggots boasting about murdering infants and their mothers?

How will we tell them from regular restaurants?


And they would send such a thing in the fucking mail?


These witch hunts are scripted.

here's a Dahmer connection that will be hushed up.

fuck I've eaten at pizza brain, this shit makes me want to vomit

Yall should be going after Tony Podesta instead of a pizza place tbqh familam

Bad ass warrior until you think you see a gun or camera?

Blood on your hands that can never come clean?

>Post an absolutely bizarre and insane site

Thanks for the new info.

creepy as fuck though, talking about uncanny valley

What the fuck is wrong with Jimmy? #Murder? Yeah he's totally innocent and not suspicious. Stop making fake news!

I hope you didn't get the bolognese.

try harder

How much do you guys make? Can I have $ for my rebuttals?
