Apologize Sup Forums
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Is he /ourguy/
Was it selfdefense?
>McKnight was currently playing for the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Canadian Football League
This immediately makes me think he's a faggot
what for?
Why the press doesn't report it like that?
haha The real story here is a white guy shot a black guy for a change. I bet you McKnight chimped out on him first. Not guilty.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.
dare i say it
>letting a literal silverback chimp out on you
yeah I know what I'd do
>Joe McKnight
The eventual not-guilty verdict will sustain me for years
is the nigger dead?
>Will Smith shot and killed after a fender bender in NOLA
>Aquib Talib shot himself in the ass last summer
Is a chimpout confirmed yet?
>Search nigger on jewgle
Ronald "Get in my way I'm gonna gas ya" Gasser
Yet another tragic case of knife violence.
This 54-yo manlet twig was being attacked by a massive ex-NFL player who was trying to drag him out of his car and beat him to a pulp. Gasser shot the super mutant in self defense.
Hmmm, what headlines should we go with? UNARMED BLACK NFL STAR SHOT BY WHITE MAN
Literally a return specialist. On the fucking Jets. Who gives a shit? Call me when Brandon Marshall snaps cause of his muh mental illness and kills Fitzpatrick.
Especially since it will be accompanied by nignogs chimping out and burning down their own neighborhoods.
Criminal history of McKnight includes agg robbery.#WhiteFootSoldiers
>Sup Forums hates it when niggers chimpout
>white guy chimps out
>becomes hero
Worse then that would ne olympic swimmer assaulted that unconcious woman.
I have to leave this site.
>I have to leave this site.
You're here forever.
Definitely has a "man bites dog" ring to it
What is it about cars than turn people into violent nutjobs?
They're violent nutjobs without the cars. The cars give them access to the public.
Good. Rake yourself leaf.
There is no leaving this place, my friend.
We don't even know who raged on who you stupid faggot cuck leaf. God rangebange this faggot leaves holy shit.
The nigger could have chimped out and Gasser defended himself for all we know.
You're all willing to turn on your morals for the sole purpose of snubbing blacks and liberals. Junk hivemind.
Im sorry that black guy made you add wear on your barrel and expend precious ammunition
Coulter's Law proven again, they immediately said he is white.
Ron "Zyklon B Ain't Air Pollution" Gasser
Read an article you backwards retarded turbo cuck 60% jew dicked faggot. Joe was trying to end the situation like a bigger more mature man then the pussy who shot him for simply no real reason.
He was trigger happy get over it.
Ronald "A Bullet In The Back of Every Speeding Black" Gasser
>implying I have morals for niggers and kikes
Fuck off, with all the bullshit they've lobbed at whites for the past 10 years they deserve everything they get and more. They made their bed, they should lie in it too.
The feral pavement ape attacked an old man who was forced to defend himself
faggot leaf
Ron "Got Dreads? It's One To The Head" Gasser
sorry you are in cuffs, based dad
they know not what they do
Ronald "McBlaster" Gasser
so badass they let keep the shades on.
Ron "Nog Was Large? Beat The Charge" Gasser
McBlaster Gasser just increased the percentage of whites in the NFL.
>NFL star
lel ok
pls no bully
Yes he shot him dead.
For what?
go to 1:45
So you didnt read it.
I hope the cops take him to Burger King. It should be a post removal ritual.
>using Sup Forums
Its worse then I thought.
>this is one of Sup Forums's "fighting age male in their prime"
>got shot dead by some 54 old dad
I am not all that worried anymore.
Gabriel Knight shot Joe McKnight?
Can't gas the gasser.
one of my favorite headlines
they made it sound like they drove him to BK sat him down and asked him to pick out whatever he wanted
you don't have guns
>white guy
>chimping out
But you know perfectly well that's not how it happened. Black football players are extremely notorious for their dangerous criminal behavior.
Ron "Slow Traffic to the Right, or Kiss Your Life Goodnight" Gasser
Tariq Nasheed should be the poster child for cognitive bias in regards to "dey racis"
eggselend :DDD
You can't be a harasser of the gasser
Based. All niggerball players and fans should be shot.
execute that faggot.
>NFL "Star"
By who's fucking account? The guy hardly ever played and I don't know his name and I do fucking contract world for the NFL
>old white guy 'ripping' running back nigger out of his car
>nigger APOLOGIZING for it
Exact opposite happened most likely, without the apologizing part
Already happened kek
there's no way he's half-white
french-canadian more like algerian-canadian
Ron "End black crime on the yellow line" Gasser
Agreed. He is such a stupid fucking monkey. The only time I've really seen him before was when he was on with Tucker Carlson. He reminded me of Tracy Morgan doing a bad skit.
>Gasser shoots McNig
What was McNig doing to get shot?
Ron "Road Rage from the Stone Age" Gasser
Ronald "a nigger cuts me off, I give him a bullet to the jaw" gasser
Ronald "Safe Driver Discount" Gasser
They're letting this guys son write articles about this incident for them?
Ron "Blacks Attack, Pull the Hammer Back" Gasser
I do apologize for not breaking that man from his handcuffs.
Ron "White of Way" Gasser
All I've got of that and I don't know who she is. Sorry.
We actually have tons of guns.
30 guns per 100 residents.
Gun ownership rates are probably similar to yours, we just don't have people hording hundreds of them so the overall guns/capita ratio is lower.
Memes are alive!
>They made their bed, they should die in it too *
>30 guns per 100 residents.
I have nearly as many myself.
Yes, thanks for proving my point.