Fuck Austin, there are four types of people here

>6'6 white guys, rail thin, with huge beards
>homeless men
>black women
>and spics, lots and lots of spics dumb as all fuck

What the fuck is wrong with this place? And it's common place to see tall people in Texas but these guys are huge and thin as a bone!


Black women I'm there... but everything else can go

>6'6 white guys, rail thin, with huge beards
With 12 inch cocks, we are the master race

Austin is the hub for all the people who'd rather live in cali but can't afford to. That and all the Dell chinks. Real bad city

Always seems weird to me to think that there's a nice liberal city in Texas with hipsters and cafes and stuff. I still think of it as being desert and cowboys and stuff. And that their university would be like school for cowboys but apparently it's actually pretty good

You're weird looking fucks, nice I guess, but something isn't quite right.

wow. Shes got a bigger dick than I do.

>tall people in Texas but these guys are huge and thin as a bone!

The taller you are the harder it is to gain and maintain muscular mass.

It's not nice. Maybe if you remove the spics and the ultra poor.

It's strange. I've seen lots and lots of black women but so far barely any black men. At any moment I'm expecting 50 of them to pop out from behind a corner somewhere

You should check the local prison.

So which category do you fall under?


Eh, I live about 20 miles south of Austin and its not so bad.

Californian refugees.

I am from Austin. I moved to Kansas City before it went full retard. I mean to be honest Austin has a lot of really nice stuff, and plenty to do, but you're correct that is has become a political strong hold for the left. Thanks mostly to the communist intelligentsia at UT and the hyper diverse public schools (meaning 99% mexican). I looked at the most recent class photos from my elementary school in Austin and literally no white kids. When I was there whites were the majority.

Now I live in Germanistan.

Yes, but you also have InfoWars and Alex Jones

It's Texas. The ones not in prison know to hide.

Lmao spanien

Beastiality should be classed as a mental disorder.

Austin really doesn't have many nigs only San Antonio has less

Are you that Brazil user from a few days ago who was excited to visit Texas?

Kek, no

Don't forget the vegan hippies.

Race traitor

She looks unhealthy as fuck


you people must be the most miserable fucks on the planet.
you actually give a shit about the politics of a city?
Austin is one of the best cities in the country.
just end your lives already, jeez.

Posting from Austin.

I probably warned you, OP. :(

Fuck off spic.

I would probably put those bikini bottoms on wrong and have the chains over-but-not-covering my vaj. :)

I like fucking black chicks but I don't want to be in a relationship with one. Only my dick isn't racist but the rest of me is sadly.