I am glad my previous thread gave you jollity.
This is the new Nokia, this will make Finland's economy to skyrocket
It is a flagship of new Finnish economic wave.
You do realize Finland is going to be superpower soon if we keep producing these, right? Your neighbor should be afraid of us. Very afraid.
explain meme
i would pay 150k for that
What are you fags on about?
The result of a government funded rapefugee project.
basically, our government paid refugees 150k to do something and they did that small boat
>Fifteen-thousand (15,000) EUR
This master piece done by the refugee doctors and engineers will be our new Nokia.
>One Hundred Fifty Thousand (150,000) EUR
Is Nokia gonna make indestructible phones again? I have a grandmother who keeps dropping her phone and breaking it.
You faggots are just asking for it
oh god hahaha
it's just too good to be true, link?
I second this, story/link please
Exactly that.
150K€ was put into a startup project where refugee centers were aided by companies and in the case of that little wooden dinghy a professor from Aalto university, to map out the skills of our refugees and to see what they with their working skills and high education could produce.
HMD Global is going to start producing Nokia phones.
There you go.
No, now our new-nokia, the refugees will make indestructible wooden miniature boats for 150K a piece.
It was revealed in A-studio, here's a clip of its revelation.
That's some decent news.
Posting the OP from previous thread.
I suspect they had help with the body.
>150 000€
look I know it cost enough to buy a real boat, but you have to admit, that's a pretty swell looking toy boat
Look at that craftsmanship 10/10 would let fuck my wife
That turned out to be quite the success, didn't it?
pretty gub, we superpowah soon with these glorious engineers making toyboats.
It has certainly given me a rush of emotions, laughter, rage and depression in one and same package.
I never thought this feeling would be possible but here it is.
I am feeling like no sane man should ever feel.
Finland yes!
Refugees will save the sinking ship of Finnish economy with their cute boats.
>1500000 for a non dabbing Paul Pogba
It's not even a proper bark boat..
They just fucking took off-the-shelf materials and made then used industrial tools to make it..
Fuck this country.
How does one immigrate to Trump-land?
fuck a muslim to death, instant green card
>and made then used industrial tools to make it.
and then used industrial tools to make it.
I'm so triggered I can't even write right..
the results didnt match the expectations though so obviously theyre not valid
can i have a source ?
i can't believe you paid 150 000€ for that toy
This looks like something The Onion could have made up.
oops didn't see it was already linked
Finally the untapped innovative potential of rapefugees reveals.
Not for that toy. 150k was given to refugees start up and they came up with that boat.
So yea, 150k for that toy.
Ei jumalauta mita helvettia?
Vitun Suomi.
Laughter, rage and depression are the seeds for an unexpected surge of hope and a willingness to destroy everything to gain just a little of what was lost.
Jesus wept, binland
There were apparently other projects, but they all ended up as pancakes.
>One group started the Mamulandia (Refugee land) where they would sell products made by the refugees
>Selling stuff like magic carpets and other stuff they had bought from local shops and then labeled with a bigger price tag
>Nobody buys anything and the refugees start asking for their pay from the folks who funded the whole thing
>Cant pay because nothing of value was produced
>Another group starts up a little barber shop but nothing else of it has been heard, so i don't know if it's still up or if it fell after first week
>refugee engineers
whats happening hose? you ok? too much peyote?
Who did better, Canada or Finland?
God you faggots will complain about fucking anything.
Who fucking cares if they only made a wooden boat. Atleast they built something. You basement dwellers probably couldn't make a boat that nice.
What a fucking joke.
>barber shop
>Rapefugees are all jihadist who dont cut their beards
Great business idea
desu it is a nice toy boat
fantastic northcow you got there
There's about 500 million people living in the EU. If they all bought one such boat for 10€ once a year, it would add up to 5 billion euros.
Now tell me how many mexican companies generate that much revenue in a year.
>babies first bait
I made a JewTube video with a few thousand likes. :^)
Real talk, 6 year old me would love to have that boat.
Was being sarcastic but yes, your view is valid. It's is a sad state of affairs that 150K was spent on something that has proven that these "Refugees" have no potential to shape the country upwards.
But look on the bright side, this has proven all their efforts to help them have been naught but failure.
>Doubting the power of the wetback
You have disrespected my invading honor
you'll not have my (you) faggot
6 year old you would make it from scratch in 5 minutes.
>Unfortunately the separate group created to see what is done with the money are a bunch of SJW's who have so far used the money to for example send a bus to africa which has within it equipment and teachers to teach locals how to write code.
why teach local african niggers how to "code" rather than skills like agriculture, basic sanitation, water treatment, reading, basic math, etc? why bus people to africa to try to get them to make the impossible jump from banging rocks together to writing computer code? it makes NO sense
does it even float upright?
You have been culturally enriched.
Because there's a problematic lack of diversity in the video game industry. It's all just privileged white men
Probably not.
Some2 get orginal with subtilitles
Most of us made something of similar or better quality in school mate. My school had a couple of hours a week teaching us how to make things with our own hands.
It didn't cost €150k. We literally did it for free.
Wow. WTF.
It is yet to clear the dry dock.
it's upside down
Source on it costing 200k.
I wanna laugh between shooting my m39.
What is that, a boat for ANTS?
This can't be real.
I'm 100% sure that all the money was pocketed and the boat was made as a joke to spite the dumb government.
>why teach local african niggers how to "code" rather than skills like agriculture, basic sanitation, water treatment, reading, basic math, etc?
Because they already tried all that and failed so they are trying to see if there is anything niggers actually can do
What 6 year old scrapes a wooden block with a knife. Get outta here with that nonsense. I'd just get my mom to buy it for me. Too busy drinking capri sun to fulfill your uberchild homofantasy
Didnt know finns were so cucked
If it floats I buy one
>150k given to start ups
>come up with a barber shop, a company making toy boats and a fucking Alladdin carpet factory
Lol. Giving 150k to some promising uni students could be a bit more rewarding.
Just mass produce it and sell it to libtards. Slap a "fair trade" label on it, too.
How does it feel that 7 year old you was on the same level as a highly educated 30 year old goat mechanic/sand engineer from Iraq?
>Coding buss in Africa 30,000€
>Forest - Finnish forest in container 8000€
>Presenting female leaders! 24,500€
>Reassigning Finnishness 50,000€
>Finland-Estonia 100 encounters 20,000€
>Finland-Forefront on the most equal work life 42,000
>Vision of Finland for 100 years-Youths new declaration of Independence 50,000€
>100 years of democracy: Creative Finland celebrates in Iberian peninsula and Latin America 2000€
jesus finland you turn 100 and you start giving your money away like being swedish is going out of style. Who chose all this crap?
I made one of those Easter island statues out of soap.
>It's all just privileged white men
because white people have figured out potable tap water, civil construction, sewage and sanitation, agriculture, reading, mathematics, etc--everything that is needed before you need to worry about computer programming.
there is a natural progression of technology in a culture and trying to make one culture jump from "cholera in the drinking water" to "computer programmers" is too great a leap and destined to fail
this is blatantly obvious.. how incredibly stupid these sjws must be to even think this could be successful
>Capri Sun
Those fucking commercials where they became liquid metal scared the fuck out of me for some reason. I couldn't watch Alex Mack for the same reason.
Here's the list of things funded by the Finland 100 foundation which gained most of its money from government, if not all of it.
It's called "Startup Refugee"
At least they know have the undeniable proof that these people are completely useless, even when given the necessary tools to do something.
>White invented mathematics
>American education
To be expected really. That region buys almost all their boats from the West because they still haven't managed to copy any of the techniques.
For example the rubber boats that constantly sink in the Mediterranean are commonly produced in France then imported to Turkey and Libya.
I'd make a joke about drowning people, but I'd probably get jailtime for doing so.
It's cool man, you're allowed to be scared of stupid shit when you're little. I couldn't use the bathroom without poking the shower curtain because I thought someone was hiding behind it.
i said figured out not invented you dumb bean faggot. can you drink your tap water and/or flush your fucking toilet paper?