What does Sup Forums think about Kraut and Tea?
What does Sup Forums think about Kraut and Tea?
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he is a redpilled man playing the old leftvs sjw card
in order not to get assaulted by antifa and his liberticide country
A fucking faggot a moderate right-winger at absolute best
Pretty based, one of the few lefties I actually like. More self proclaimed liberals should be like him.
He seems sad
No, he's a faggot who in one of his latest videos was shitting on white nationalism and saying the same dumb stuff like "the alt-right is conservative SJWs".
He attacks easy targets like college aged feminists and muslims but has no problem with them being in Germany as long as they "integrate" which in essense means race mixing.
You would be too if you were living in Germany and watching the whole thing turn to shit. Then again, I'm sure you know that as a South African.
I can't listen to his videos. His fake english accent is so annoying. It sounds kinda accurate but something is off.
Nope. it was already shit when I was born. It just got more shit
also a pussy who hides behind some faggy avatar, too many of these stupid channels
Contrary to Sup Forums, an actual right-wing person.
Kraut is good on hot dogs,and I started drinking Tea because Coffee gives me the shits.
He's liberal, anti-Islamist.
Not a conservative, right-wing, alt-right, etc.
I'm getting fucking tired of these pseudo-intellectual pricks spewing their worthless opinion on youtube around.
All of them with these shittily drawn avatars while they talk about shit that has been talked about for 5000 times by now.
Good shit here mane
>le YouTube channel picking apart low hanging fruit while hiding behind an avatar + pseudonym with le maymay deal wid id xDDD glasses
Also this guy is a faggot who as a germcuck can't even admit to himself that he's right wing and thus has to pretend he's 'reclaiming the left' from the SJW croud.
Typical classical liberal cuck retard who is out of touch with reality.
I agree I never watch these channels purely because of how cancerous the whole avatar thing has become. The first time I saw one it was Sargon and I thought it was a cute little gimmick but now there's so many copycat channels doing the same thing... it just seems dumb now.
He's a fucking "ALT LEFT" Idiot who just had a mental breakdown on twitter like sargoy. Unsubbed his ass awhile ago
He's red pilled on many things except race realism.
Looks like a busted up penis
Well at least he didn't post niggers fucking white women like sargon
Huge blind spot
Jesus christ, this guy is even more pathetic than I thought. Do they really think they can get people pissed off and throwing tantrums because they saw a porn screenshot?
This guy must be butthurt and deluded as fuck if he thinks stuff like that works.
Styx has the same problem of not being a race realist (civic nationalist.) Eventually they'll learn ethnicity and race is tied to culture.
Yes he did. He posted gay white men in nazi uniforms fucking each other with that fucking hashtag. Go to his twitter feed now it's fucking cancer
This fucking cuck posting shit like this and calling people ebil Nazis now lel
Say what you will about mundanematt at least we can see his stupid face. Also Vee shows his face and is a funny gypsy.
>Kraut Please I'm Not Alt-Right Stop Raping My Family Antifa-sama and Tea
A traitor and wannabe German Sargon
Excellent taste m8's
An enlightenment era type liberal, sure. Which is most traditionalist position in modern politics.
Alt-right opposes all pivotal stones of western culture. That being Roman Law, Greek Philosophy, Christian religion and Anglo-Saxon economic liberalism.
They advocate economic planning, cultural collectivism, creation of globalist imperialistic superstates, instead of federalist ethnostates in contrast, they oppose natural law. Alt-Right is embodiment of leftism.
What right winger have you been speaking to? It's the left trying to destroy every pillar of western culture.
What about Bearing?
>Still falling for the ((Everybody but white ethnicities can have an ethnostate))
Fuck off kraut
Another guy who does 100's of videos attacking low hanging fruit
Just another one of these countless youtube "intellectuals" who make fun of weak minded, collage feminist
This whole board. It has devolved into national communist cesspool with almost religious belief in their idols.
Look at the people and nations Sup Forums support.
Milo - a faggot nigger lover
Duterte - a sociopath neo-bolshevik.
Marine Le-Pen - a socialist nanny state supporter
Putin - chauvinistic communist
Trump - a person who flip-flopped on every issue in existence from gun rights to economic policy.
It's obvious that by fighting left-wing Sup Forums has become left-wing power itself. You don't know what you stand for yourselves.
Not how I imagined him at all... And yes he is a sucker how does not care about his culture religion or race. He also burns the coal and flirs the rainbow Flag. Leftist.
Morron is not an argument you retarded Slavic rape baby.
He completely and utterly destroyed Sup Forums in this video where he called them out by name and compared them to SJWs.
>Putin - chauvinistic communist
You actually believe this?
A faggot.
Literally, anuddah Sargon, basically Reddit embodied. Some guy acts smart while not saying anything new and goes after easy targets like online SJWs and shitposts
It's obvious that he supports collectivist economic organisation. In his years as president, there were no serious attempts to increase economic freedom. Just see index of economic freedom. In the end he serves post-USSR oligarchs interest (majority of whom are jewish btw). Government and corporations are inseparable in Russia, just see structure of most "privately" owned corporations in Russia. As long as Putin is able to guarantee oligarch support, he is able to rule as he pleases, while easily destroying any isolated pockets of resistance.
As far as chauvinism goes. Expansionism and parasitism is just obvious part of Russian national historic evolution.
Just watch this: youtube.com
It's good for starters. Despite being created by CaspianReport.
Putin has said himself that "Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart." He obviously has nostalgic attachment to the system.
Of course I believe this, you have to be naive westerner inbred to deny this in face of overwhelming evidence.
At least I'm not Lithuanian.
If by destoryed you mean presented zero arguments then sure.
Lolbertarian in denial about the real redpill stuff.
Ill give him a 6/10 because he hates islam.
You wont even try to respond?
You have to prep a sandnigger bull for your wife, retarded Danish cuck.
Anglo-Saxon "economic liberalism" was only so on paper. We need to kill this meme about the 19th century.
Traditional societies were heavily managed and corporatized. If more wasn't done it is because it was not possible do it.
At least I'm white.
He'S pretty much what you would expect from someone who is half Kraut half Tommy. A sad, conservative middle left leaning man, very nice to listen him, especially now that he makes German videos now. If you like him you should check Gryffix channel, based Dutch waifu.
Sure, in portugal you barely moved from feudal society up until XX century.
Government spending in US never exceeded more than 15% of annual GDP in second half of XIX century and start of XX century.
Concept of modern nanny state wasn't even considered up until creation of modern German state.
Were there state involvement in private life in western world? Sure, however it's hardly comparable to modern statist superstructure.
It's retarded to say that division of labor, automation of production, creation of middle class were only "memes".
>that skyrim necklace
it makes cringe
You don't get it. Stuff was privately owned, taxes were low, but the state controlled how you used your property. That's why societies were corporatized. If you read laws from the time, you'll find many of them are directly about a particular industry in the country, defining markets, requirements and sometimes prices-caps or quotas. At the same time, you had the states guaranteeing monopolies in the colonies and access to resources to particular firms at privileged prices by serving as the middleman.
So yes, "economic liberalism" was a meme.
>"the alt-right is conservative SJWs".
He's not wrong there, though.
And taxes were "low" in the sense that tax evasion was ridiculously high. They were not that low.
If there was more freedom then than now, again, it's because the governments couldn't do more, as public administration was not as sophisticated at the time.