Gimme the best u got, which nation is the most cucked one
The most cucked nation on Earth
Other urls found in this thread:
All of Europe
western europe
UK is shit tier cucked,like easily going to catch up with Sweden in under 10 years. But eh, that's what you get for being a second world country in western Europe who's main focus has been on war, failed at it, cucked itself to death beacause ''Muh empire is racist'' and then thinks it's national culture of war can survive without war.
the swedish goverment is cucked as fuck
our people arent, at least not majority of us.
But I'd say japs are the most cucked people on earth.
>Not having a level 4 exclusively for Sweden and Germany
Shit map.
Sweden without question.
Top 5 in order:
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. Canada
4. France
5. UK
Japs are near 100% homogenous.
how is italy not cucked?
Japs are dying out, though. He has a point.
Hej Sven. Shut your cuck mouth. We are master cucks. You say it's just our government but you are wrong. It's in our blood.
I know you just want to act tough so you fit in with your angsty internet friends but deep inside, you know you were born for cuckery.
Sweden without question
>Russia green
They built like the biggest and most expensive mosque in Europe, or whatever.
And they got cucked by Turks.
Germany has roaches all over the place tho
They not only cuck themselves but constantly demand others do so aswell. vid related
go down and read the comments, its fcking great. its like fucking Sup Forums, just its normal people under norways biggest newspaper
If Brexit goes through, drop UK to 2. If it doesn't, extend it to 4.
>#1: Sweden
>#2: Germany and France
>#3: UK
Anything below that is debateble. Canada is extremely cucked and is getting worse with each day that passes but they don't have the muzzies Europe does so I'm not sure if they'd be #4 or not.
They're a 3, but I wouldn't put it past Weedman to escalate it to a four. Might fly a million muzzies in first class.
Referring to this scale not your numbered list
Natural selection will eventually fix the problem of Japs dying out.
You say that but I know 3 people who've studied and/or worked in Sweden and all of them said that Swedes are PC freaks and most of the men seem to be gay and these people aren't red-pilled at all, the lady who was telling me about most Swedish men being effeminate and "overly PC" is a borderline liberal herself.
I hope what you're saying is true though but I have my doubts because every single Swede I've spoken to outside of pol has been an ultra-cuck.
>Top 5 in order:
>1. Sweden
>2. United States
>3. Germany
>4. Canada
>5. France
>6. UK
Ireland, really.
>Fight each other
>Get stomped upon by England
>After centuries of rebellion finally become free
>Bend the knee to the EU
>No republican parties will ever be too far right because they just want to do the opposite of England
Ulster and ROI are both goners. A pity.