You hateful lot can't provide one argument as to why you hate gay people other than you don't want them to be happy

You hateful lot can't provide one argument as to why you hate gay people other than you don't want them to be happy.

Citing a book that is thousands of years old doesn't count.

> Being gay is natural, animals exhibit homosexuality, but only humans exhibit homophobia

> Straight people contribute towards the AIDS epidemic far more than gay people

> Gay people should be welcomed in our overpopulated world.

> Why can't we get married? Marriage is OH SO sanctified with all the divorces and adultery that go on

check mate homophobes, don't make others miserable just because you are :^)

Go to my bed and wait for your punishment slut

this repost again?

I don't hate them, I fear their dicks infecting my ass. Most of them are rapists and pedos.

if you think for one second I'm gonna show you my bussy then you're wrong

I hate gays because I don't want them to be happy

check and mate

I've seen it Hun tis qute, say something nice about me so I can sleep :)

are you a kiwi by any chance?

I don´t hate them. But we should strive to teach our children the ways of the straight white male male and let them discover homosex on their own.

Also like most ways of degeneracy it´s best done behind closed doors.

choke to shit faggot kike

Why do you constantly seek our acceptance? Checkmate 87D.

Oshie always here bby

Animals also commit incest, pedophilia, rape, necrophilia, and cannibalism.

Just because being a faggot occurs in animals doesn't mean humans should encourage it.

Gays have higher HIV transmission rates period.

I like how you think they should be welcomed. Like we should welcome retards we don't want breeding either.

You can get married, just to a member of the opposite sex. Marriage is a social construct designed to promote furthering society and making babies. Gays don't make babies unless they rope
Someone else in and Gay relationships aren't useful to a society as a whole other than making Gays shut the fuck up about it.

>Citing a book that is thousands of years old doesn't count
>implying I need to believe in a magic man in the sky to hate faggots

> Being gay is natural, animals exhibit homosexuality, but only humans exhibit homophobia
Animals don't exhibit exclusive homosexuality, if there's a female around, they fuck it. Not wanting to procreate is a mental illness.
>inb4 neckbearded virgin maymay

> Straight people contribute towards the AIDS epidemic far more than gay people

> Gay people should be welcomed in our overpopulated world
Amongst niggers, maybe.

> Why can't we get married?
You can, but you shouldn't be able to.
>see pic related

>Marriage is OH SO sanctified with all the divorces and adultery that go on
We're going to fix it, faggot.

>Being gay is natural, animals exhibit homosexuality, but only humans exhibit homophobia
Animals also eat their own shit.

>Straight people contribute towards the AIDS epidemic far more than gay people
In absolute numbers? No shit! There's about a couple billion more of them.

>Gay people should be welcomed in our overpopulated world.
I don't care if Indians, Chinese or Negroes go faggot.

>Why can't we get married? Marriage is OH SO sanctified with all the divorces and adultery that go on
It's a custom of a group of people that opposes homosexuality. WHY DO YOU WANT TO PARTAKE IN A CUSTOM OF PEOPLE YOU DISAGREE WITH?!

Having said that, I don't give a shit about homosexuals as long as they keep it out of public and don't make demands.

>Straight people contribute towards the AIDS epidemic far more than gay people

Yeah especially since AIDS started to spread among straight people during the early 80s, right? Oh, wait.

Nothing wrong with being gay, faggotry however is annoying as fuck

Being gay is an evolutionary dead end. The death of your bloodline is nothing to be happy about. But why would leftists understand anything other than what makes them feel good in the moment?

Overall, homosexuality is natural. It's the culture that can be awful and you should judge on individual merits, like with anyone else.

Are they trying to put down others or shit on established religious doctrine that doesn't agree with who they are? Are they bothering me and waving a dildo in my face?

No? Then I don't give a shit. There are bigger thigns to worry about.

don't sleep till the thread gets some momentum

you've got cushion for the pushin if i were a top

i don't think you've seen my bp

maybe if straight people were so degenerate as to fuck a monkey we wouldn't have aids?

Because faggots always hit on me.

It's especially annoying in 3rd world countries.

I'll give you two reasons.

1) From 2005 to 2014, HIV diagnoses decreased in the United States by 19% overall, but increased 6% among all gay and bisexual men.

2) Gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% of the estimated new HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 and older and 67% of the total estimated new diagnoses in the United States.

OP is a triple faggot. Who knew this day would come?

you a stud bby thats why :^

Eh, that argument about marriage being to solely promote babies falls a little flat since it has government and legal advantages, and is offered to straight people that physically can't have kids.

If it was just a religious doctrine, and had no benefits, that it'd be fine. But as long as it's a legal contract, the ground tends to go towards everyone being able to engage in it.

I honestly don't care if they are gay. What I care about is when people try to normalize it like it's normal.

Another problem is when they have kids they don't have the proper masculine/feminine mixture for the healthy development of a child.

As someone who was raised by 2 feminine lesbian moms I can say that had my moms not been smart enough to encourage masculinity and get me to hang out with masculine role models I could have had developmental problems. Luckily my parents had common sense and realized a boy needs a male in his life.

>emu monday
>indian tuesday
>blacked Wednesday
>tfw chink in Straya thursday
>gay friday
>vegemite is real food saturday
And on the seventh day Aussies rest after long week of shitposting.

It was the fucking airrifle on my back i swear

Why can't women be as openly horny, fuck sake.

exactly, infertile people and people that don't want to have children can still get married

i know the marriage issue is still debated in AUS

but do liberals and SJWs still argue about it in america? didn't they already legalise it?

I have no problems if faggots want to stick it in another dude's ass.

My problem is with them and every other SJW saying there is nothing wrong with it. If they would acknowledge that it's abnormal and not something to strive for, I'd have no problem at all.

You have fuzzy hair? And a cute round ass? I feel like I remember you being cute af

Don't hate them but fags shouldn't be to get married. Marriage is a social construct signaling to your community you're committing to and creating the best environment to raise children. Any Government benefits are for the benefit of the children, the future citizens the community has to live with.

Unfortunately it's devolved to MUH LOVE and personal selfishness. Fags can't have kids and should not be raising children anyway.

why did you go through the legal fuck over of obtaining a """firearm"""" license only to purchase a an air rifle, at least get a .22 sweetie

probably thinking of the wrong person

Its repulsive wicked behavior

Glory Holes, normalization of HIV,
random cruising, blow and go
and the worst of the worst
pedophiles and bestiality
Just look at the fags on craigslist
anyone who celebrates this behavior is sub human


Yeah. It's still a thing. Our highest court already said it was legal, and an entirely new case would have to come up to prove that the circumstances were vastly different and entirely new evidence that wasn't discussed at the year long trial would have to come up to justify even a lower court trial.

And yet there are right wing people that want to overturn it. Identity politics run rampant on both sides in burgerland.

Ah well, show me it bp sometime, gnite user


Stop making these threads you samefagging fucks

go cum on a mirror oshie

Honestly, I find the way the the US handle marriage is completely annoying. Instead of making marriage something that everyone could do, they should have made it something that has no legal bearing. Instead, civil unions should have been replaced with marriage and with all the rights that marriage has today. That way, gays and lesbians wouldn't have to complain about unfair treatment and marriage could stay a religious action that cannot be sued against for legal discrimination.

maybe when you stop posting VARG threads

i feel sorry for youse come over to aus

no matter how bad sweden and germany get all the nutjob social justice movements start in america and are then exported

Thoughts on gay NatSocs?

Edmund Heines, Ernst Röhm, etc

why the fuck do gays and SJWs still even complain about marriage in the US anyway?

You are for multiculturalism and open borders. You also wan't to take guns away. That's why.

I'm seriously considering leaving the country. Our two parties are so concerned with identities and lower tier issues that getting in a word edgewise on anything else will get you lumped in with 'socialist faggots' or 'intolerable racists'.

My only sorrow is that my Grandfather was an immigrant from Sweden in the 20/30's, but it seems like immigrating back to the motherland would do more harm than good given the migrant crisis.

>tfw citing a book with sexual advice also has healthy diet advice that is scientifically proven beneficial

> tfw My cat fluffy ate her still born fetus
Should humans do this too ?

>tfw AIDS and HIV is apart of gay culture

aus has had our guns taken away as IF i would want that for another country

I love gays. More of them...

Means more girls for the rest of us rise in gays is the only way many of us stand a chance.

>I hate faggots because they're killing themselves.

I ask my gay friend. "When did you realise you were gay" he said "when I felt attracted to men" I replied "so not when you fell in love with your boyfriend?" No because it's a sexual perversion not an expression of love. I don't have a right to tell you how to live your life. But I won't accept you as a couple. Your just a pair of degenerate perverts. You may as well be walking around in gimp suits.

yeah from an outside observation literally all US politics appears to be to foreigners and presented in our news is not only identity politics, but just two literal identities - trump and clinton or whoever - saying stupid things etc. Policies are never making headlines yet when someone eats at a restaurant its front page.

This is now a gay pol thread

thank you israelibae

don't call me bae you fucking faggot

okay hun :^)

Look how normal the behavior is

What state?

Goy what you doing?




>straight people contribute towards the AIDS epidemic far more than gay people

That's because there's more straight people in the world you absolute retard.


Well then were are you fag. Christmas Island?

this is why people hate australians

in all fairness i think the original OP that wrote that wrote it when he had his legs over some guys shoulders, don't think he put much effort into logic

>They're creepy
>They're extremely annoying
>Attract all the females despite being homosexual
>Promotes degeneracy, destruction of society
>Was a literal mental illness until some faggots had a riot in a medical office
>Spreads STDs rapidly
>Anal sex destroys/pulls of the sphincter over time
>Imagine a nation where 50% of the population has to shove their colons back inside there bodies after taking a shit
>It's just disgusting in general before you pull out that "none of your business what two human beings do meme", if you eat a child, does it make it any better if you do it in secret?
>It's wrong, against all the rules of nature and existence

golly gee gumdrops user!
>what is the largest state not on that list

mate if you dared show your nose in my city you'd get glassed

Um, sexist much?

>tfw fag
>have boyfriend
>still hate gays

I dunno

Trust and believe mama, you ain't attractive enough to attract even the horniest gay.

same reason people hate black people the majority of them have degenerate views/lifestyle and are generally stupid.

I have an addict friend. He does a lot of oxy. I want him to be happy. According to you I hate him if I want him to live a clean life, without oxy. I love him if I promote his drug use and supply him with drugs. What a strange position to take. He was born that way, you tell me. He has a the genes of an addict. Does that make a difference? But he chooses the drug lifestyle, you say. You have to respect his choice. Well, this is a sick way to view things, and it shows apathy and misplaced tolerance really is at the root of what's wrong in the world. It's hate to try to guide people to a healthy path, you say. Strange world.

>tfw literally all the qt's live on the other side of the country

I posted this in another fag thread but I post here too

The lispy camp ones are the most obnoxious, cynical, self loathing, pretentious, mentally disturbed, ass holes you will ever meet

They also have no morals and turn on you when you least expect it. And they will leave happily that they have just offended someone. Its like there purpose of living is to get there ass hole fucked and make people feel like shit

dear fags,

no one cares

seriously, we don't give a fuck. stop with the parades. stop with the whining. no one gives a fuck what you shove up your arse in the privacy of your own home.

just keep it to yourself.

what state are you dickhead?

Nice strawman you got there buddy.

This guy gets it

It's gay.

New South Wales. The 2nd greatest state.

NT the best mang

I find that I instantly lose all attraction to a woman when she has tattoos. That girl has a damn near perfect body but that just ruins it completely. It's a damn shame.

You'll eventually turn into this guy.

yesss dardy cuz

nsw is gay af

>Citing the foundation of your civilization that most of your citizens firmly believe in doesn't count.

>> Gay people should be welcomed in our overpopulated world.
The world is not overpopulated. China is. Europe is underpopulated

Their existence promotes degeneracy and the degradation of morals, opening the gateway to even deeper degeneracy

Fuck off. WA full of Abos and literally nothing else.

Sydneys city is pretty gay. But the residential areas are pretty nice. Yet I don't even live in Sydney. Mittagong 4 days mate


shutup cunt trade life mining life
all good lad, can you smash a winfield red in 1 breath?

Never tried.
Also rareley see that brand.

yeah nah

champion ruby>camels>b&h

This thread is what happens to your country after you lose to emus.

Nah camels is the shit. All other brands are gay. Champ must have a secret chemical that makes you the gigantic fag you are

hating on champion ruby get the fuck outta here cunt you need a good bottling.

the camels i get are from an asian vendor and they're not plain packaged

go suck a dick bitchboi


But Janos, gay people can reproduce too.

It's called surrogacy (rent-a-womb) and egg banks

>not buying them online 20 bucks for 6 cartons

Bet they aren't even camels. Just some gook knock off

>paying that much duty, GST and freight
but still which site?

come over west sit on my dick please

GAY PEOPLE are more prone to fuck little children

They were from Europe, so there isnt GST but shipping is pretty pricy. Have the site bookmarked on me laptop but I'm in bed. Will link it if I remember.

Btw how bout you come east so I can sit on your cock

Can I have a cuddle too?