Ask a Time Traveler anything

Before we begin, here are some interesting bits.

>Trump's first term completely flips the script on his image
>He is a champion of American workers, gays, women, and LEGAL immigrants
>Prison rates drop to lowest since 1988
>Liberal rags finally give him benefit of the doubt
>Bill Clinton dead of heart failure at 73
>Trump attends funeral, embraces Hillary, becomes most iconic photo of the century thus far


But is multiculti kill?!

lottery numbers for the euromillions this saturday?

does he legalise weed

does shillary les out w/ stein after bills death?

But whats the catch

>Prison rates drop to lowest since 1988
did he deport niggers as well ? absolute madman

The digits foretell that Merkel is suicide bombed by a muslim within a year.

I don't have a database of trivial shit with me. Just my story and account of events since around this time.

No, his cabinet won't have it. However EIGHT more states put it on the ballot over the next couple years.

Stein actually does not attend the funeral, and posts some weird, passive-aggressive Tweets. She got a looot of shit for it. Ruined her dwindling career.

No catch, and he isn't perfect, but he MAGAd

>>Trump attends funeral, embraces Hillary, becomes most iconic photo of the century thus far

While I believe you, Time Traveler-kun, I have to ask: do they allow you to visit your spouses funeral if you are in federal prison?

If mods allow this garbage then LMAO.

Someone cross reference the op pic to see if it's in any know current year year Trump rally

>time traveler posting on Sup Forums

No such luck, mein friend.

No, but as I said, 8 more states vote to legalize weed. Less incarcerations related to drugs. Also economy is booming (like, roaring 20s booming) by the end of 2018.

Also Oregon legalizes a special new form of Oxy too lol - just not for recreational use.

Did US start another war?

Couldn't get a result on the OP image or on a cropped version of the image when google image searching.
Doesn't rule out that OP is bullshitting, the image might not be indexed.

Bill passes in about 3 years. At the time the FBI was closing in on several higher ups from the Clinton Foundation, not Hillary herself, so it was still a total circus.

Trump never pursued charges on Hillary individually.

If this were true then you would already be blessed by kek. Begone, mook.

Does not compute, friendo

No, I'm posting from August of 2020. Which reminds me:

Australia gets their own version of Black Lives Matter. I don't follow their politics but it's an offshoot of something that was literally called the "social justice party", if you've heard of it.

3 white guys got killed at a train station and you guys were seriously on the brink of a civil uprising last year.

No. We finished one.

Everybody knows time travelers only post on Sup Forums

Peace and prosperity day. Does Trump make such a holiday

He did briefly support making Election Day a federal holiday. It didn't come about by the time he was re-elected though.

Fun but no. This is for real and only Sup Forums will ask good questions.

>Trump attends funeral, embraces Hillary, becomes most iconic photo of the century thus far
So he failed as president then?

Ok mate I'm going to save this thread and see if you're taking the piss in 4 years time.
So I don't have to wait the full 4 years to know, give an example of a happening that will occur in a few months from now.

Huh... funny how so much time travelers post on Sup Forums...

why can't Hillary die and we get a photo of Bill and Donald high-fiving surrounded by strippers?

>Numbers confirm it

What becomes of Trudeau?

Should I go to Law School?

&&& What happens to the Turks?

How's the Chinese economy doing?

I am a time traveller and can confirm that OP is talking bullshit

Does Canada become uncucked and get its own Trump or am I going to have to finally bring out drastic measures to change the future?

My heart aches for this to be true.


How does Brexit go, time man?

I get why the meter and the second and the speed of light are important
but why is the egyptian cubit important?

Its from the Huffington post nigga


Cool LARP thread, bro :thumb:

how will Trumps presidency influence foreigns politics? also what happens with the refugee crisis? Europe? South America?

Stop, you're crippling my depression with hopes and dreams

cant we all just git along?

Fuck off you LARPing faggot

I'm no expert but from I glean they still grow at a healthy pace. There was tension because of a "leak" where Trump called them motherfuckers, but it was actually from a 2016 rally and the media tried to run with it.

We (the US) kind of put them back in line, as Trump was very critical of their currency manipulation and poor humanitarian record as far as labor is concerned. They make less cheap shit for us, which is good I guess.

Also have plans for a Mars probe.

TYT continue to have a Youtube show.

Law school is for fags.

Trudeau is still around but people are really getting fed up with his PC bullshit. Do Canadafags have terms?

You want a happening?

Another crazy "lone wolf" nigger is gonna mow down 4 or 5 people on a college campus in January, 6 days before Trump takes the oath.

So america will get BROWNED anyways.
Then thats game over, was a fun ride, hope this planet gets smashed by the asteroid in 2030.

>He is a champion of American workers, gays, women, and LEGAL immigrants

that's where you're wrong kiddo

>What becomes of Trudeau?
After genetic Tests he accepts the Heritage of his Father Fidel Castro and becomes leader of Cuba.

What do I invest in?

East Poland of course

You're not a time traveler.

>Trump's first term completely flips the script on his image
>He is a champion of American workers, gays, women, and LEGAL immigrants
Both of these make sense if you've been studying Trump through the persuasion filter, ala Scott Adams.
>Prison rates drop to lowest since 1988
We'll be getting rid of illegal immigrants, so no shit..
>Liberal rags finally give him benefit of the doubt
Yeah, that's gonna happen when they realize Trump wasn't another Hitler, but another Reagan.
>Bill Clinton dead of heart failure at 73
We all know he's terribly unhealthy.
>Trump attends funeral, embraces Hillary, becomes most iconic photo of the century thus far
Again, persuasion filter.

I mean I'm no expert but it hasn't been that eventful.

Worldwide economy is good, social justice faggots complain about change, time moves on.

Brexit wasn't as big a deal as most people thought.

Le Pen assumes control.

Merkel actually moves to deport several thousand suspected violent mudslimes.

Middle East remains kinda fucked but we have no ground forces fighting and dying.

Which reminds me:

You know how Trump said he was going to fucking buttdevastate ISIS within 100 days?

Yeah, you might wanna tune in for that.

>people on Sup Forums need to make arguments as to why some anonymous guy is not a time traveler
This board has turned into preschool.

oxys are already legal for medical use silly. as are most other opiates in every form you can imagine. pills, creams, patches, nasal sprays, tinctures you name it freindo. i would know, i was a heroin/general opiate addict for years

you conveniently left out the word legal, you dishonest faggot


>Liberal rags finally give him benefit of the doubt

Never going to happen.

do you know nikola tesla?

are you close with him?

are you nikola?


If prison rates drop, that means drugs have been partially, if not totally, decriminalized.

when is brexit

Euromillions draw is every Tuesday and Friday you spastic

No, he actually had a public reconciliation with his real-life friend Elton John, who refused to play certain gigs due to politics.

it was kawaii af.

At this time? There's gonna be a CMS kinda like WordPress called PineTower. They go public in 2019. $440m value at the moment.

Dunno what persuasion filter means. I'm reporting statements of fact.

That means Hillary will not go ro jail?

Podesta will not be prosecuted for pedophilia?

Are there any actual assasination attempts against Trump? If so, what the fuck happens?

in 8 states, yeah

This is just one possible time line, now that you have spilled your guts, in direct contravention of every time travellers sacred oath you can kindly fuck off, this century is full.
Clean your mucus off the ground where you arrives as well as your DNA could fuck everything up.

Is Eruope better?

Is ISIS defeated in Syria?

Is Saudi Arabia sanctioned for supporting terrorsm?

>He is a champion of American workers, gays, women, and LEGAL immigrants

So he is a literal cuck?

How did you get a time machine in 4 years?
Check mate!

Also, how are the space explorations going?

Is Soros dead?

Legal or illegal it doesn't matter, they just won't fit in.

Does Marine Le Pen win in France?

Trump does not pursue charges.

The FBI, however, conducts a rigorous case against the Clinton Foundation and outs 4 prominent members around the time that Bill Clinton dies, so the funeral was a shit show. Like, the biggest media event since the Royal Marriage.

Queen is still alive btw. Go figure.

One more dumbass screams something at a rally and gets tackled. Nothing dangerous.

How is Barron doing?

>ISIS is kill within first 100 days
>watch and see

What did you mean by this OP? Will Trump let based Mattis the Mad Dog BTFO the kebabs?


no he is edgar cayce
are we finally ending the war on drugs in the near future?

How's Marijuana Legalization looking?

Asking cause I want it legal.

Dont break my heart future user

Does Hofer win this sunday?

Do you still suck massive amounts of dick in the future ?

>is Europe better

economy is up worldwide, Le Pen elected in France. Merkel deporting violent mudslime offenders.

>is ISIS defeated?

I will copy-paste this response:

You know how Trump said he was going to fucking buttdevastate ISIS within 100 days?

Yeah, you might wanna tune in for that. You have no idea as of yet what the American Military is capable of.


Nothing happens in Saudi Arabia of global political significance.

No he's just MAGAing.

Yes! 2018!

Yes. Merkel uncucks as well... a little bit.

He gets a Twitter. It doesn't go well.


Do the mods ever stop sucking dick?

Anything happen in Ireland?

Like I said... the world is about to find out just how much more powerful the American military is than everyone else.

Spoiler: the word of the day is salvo.

It's basically over. At this point states who won't vote on Marijuana are looked at like the hicks who denied gay marriage in 2014.

A federal mandate is in the future I think, just not with Trump.

See above.

give us barron twitter leaks

How do you time travel? Does anything ever come of pizzagate? Also does Cali ever get proper gun rights back?

Will Geert become prime minister?

Happenings in Europe, specifically Netherlands?

>He gets a Twitter. It doesn't go well.

>mowing down people on a college campus 6 days before Trump takes the oath
>mowing down people on a college campus on a Saturday

not just legal recreational weed
I mean the WHOLE drug war, but atleast that means we are making process to unfuck our legal system

How successful was Brexit and how well is the HMS Queen Elizabeth II performing?
Does the Royal Navy get more warships?
