>Advocating for a larger nigger population
Cucked beyond hope desu.
My wallet
My choice
>tfw nobody to put a white baby in
Life is pain
My coathanger.
My choice.
>ya sure you just wanna get rid of your placenta while the baby is in ma'am ?
>of course
>A fetus is a sentient being capable of rationalizing its own existence
Why do I even bother coming back here? I just get memed on and angery.
But jesus and magic and stuff...
This seem abusable
can meme out of existence all separatists movements
>If you accept the separation you are accepting abortion
>this is the type of mental gymnastics people need to go through to deny the fact that life begins at conception
Not realizing that abortion + gun/drug laws keeps the Nigger population LOCKED at 13% of the population for the past 70 years
>pro life = pro nigger
Are you personifying parcels of land? Do you think you're making some sort of clever metaphor? These things are entirely different.
literally thinking with feelings, if a baby show signs of autism, or down syndrom, you HAVE to kill it, because it will be literally useless, if the parents of the baby can not sustain economically the baby, the baby has to go, and if the baby is black, mestizo, amerindian, or indian, the baby MUST be kill.
Are you saying the small parcel of land has rights over the bigger parcel of land to decide for it?
it would be like a baby aborting its mother
Heh, just realized I was sloppy with the brush tool and it looks like the baby got a humongous dick comin out his stomach now, a beautiful uncircumcised one too! Hallelujah.
>recognizing the baby has a body
So you are saying it's a human being?
If mothers are given the right to murder babies, why aren't babies given the same right to murder their attempted murderer? They have no right to self defense in our society. Even after they are born they are treated like property, all the way up until "legal" age when they're allowed finally to have personhood. Digusting.
by this logic killing unconscious people is ok
Exactly my point the referendum is null
>negative growth rate for whites is ok
There is still a bigger nigger birth rate than white
Whites No matter how many niggers are there as long as whites have a growing population, we will never get replaced. Niggers would just do shitty homemade abortions anyway. Besides, abortion and birth control advocate a degenerate, hedonistic lifestyle in whites.
Yes. Even if it isn't, it will be
A potential person doesn't take precedent over a life already living.
I have a wonderful analogy about a violinist tied to a railway track which perfectly resolves the entire abortion debate, but this comment is too small to contain it.
For a moment thought that looked like the newest Leppo map
by that logic you could kill a 1 year old pretty sure they dont know wtf is going on buddy.
then why can't this independent baby fuck right off from the uterus and go live elewhere?
This so much. The legalization of abortion, and the extended treatment of children as property into early adulthood, is itself a huge attack on the society itself. Why is the government even deciding these things at the federal level?
To be anti abortion is to be anti white.
If you have cancer that doesnt have your genetic code, because its a mutation.
Is it your choice?
34% of abortions, 64% of population
37% of abortions, 12% of population
22% of abortions, 16% of population
One of those things is not like the other...
>this tired argument again
You clearly don't have children if you think a one year old is mindless like a fetus is.
A one year old can talk, point at things and identify things.
A fetus cannot
>Why is the government even deciding these things at the federal level?
It has your genetics, the father's genetics, and all of you share genetics after you plant your seed, even if it doesn't take, yours at least are mixed now, inside yourself. This is why the baby doesn't get attacked like a cancer.
If we're discussing rare medical emergencies, that's something else, and I would promote saving the mothers life and trying again to overcome that tragedy.
>using the old liberal trick of absolute number instead of per capita.
Whites just need to have more kids. The only way to do that is to bring back the family unit. Ivanka sees to care about this, which is wonderful.
It's not her body according to your logic? Then remove the thing from her body and let it live on it's own.
>A fetus cannot
But will soon be able to if not killed
Preventing from ever living == Murder
no it's not dumbass, unconscious person does have consciousness, it has only been temporarly supressed by some external force and willl return to being conscious when it stops working. fetus on the other hand never had consciousness, and in case of abortions usually isnt even capable of having it, because it doesnt have a fucking brain.
You know that you can make multiple posts....right?
actualy the baby is connected to her by the unbilical cord, so technically its her own boby so fuck off faggot
A fetus is a sentient being capable of rationalizing its own existence
>You clearly don't have children if you think a one year old is mindless like a fetus is
I put 1 year old but fine put 1 month old same shit bud.
I'll say this. I am against abortion. If you want one, you pay for it. I do not want my tax money going to abortions. It's disgusting. The only time I would actually approve of my tax money going to abortions if a woman got raped, and I mean actually raped, not this I had sex and then felt bad a week later so it suddenly became rape bullshit that is going around now. I'd rather have my tax money go to the drone bombing of more brown kids in the Middle East.
Pregnacy wont kill you unless there are complications.
You dont get cancer as a result of your choices.
Cancer wont turn into human being.
Your argument is weak as fuck. Work on it.
What about a New born? They cannot talk, point at things and identify things.
I don't get this "Abortion keeps niggers in check" argument. You do realize that with abortion, there are less niggers to murder each other and each resource needs to be smaller for each nigglet.
You either kill them before they do damage to the black population, or let them do that damage.
>You dont get cancer as a result of your choices.
oh really? thanks for that user, I knew this dumbass doctor was lying when he told me to quit smoking
>Whites just need to have more kids. The only way to do that is to bring back the family unit.
Which was destroyed by the hedonism enabled by abortion and birth control in the first place. We banned abortion and taxed those that didn't have enough kids in the 50's. The population loss by the world wars was essentially restored in the ~6 years this lasted
It's so easy to say pro-life things when you have no niggers in your country
>so technically its her own boby
Looks like you subconsciously tried to say baby. It's her baby, sure. You want to say
Go right ahead. The idea you'd be promoting wpould be far different though and it wouldn't sound as nice for what's actually happeneing. You'd be promoting mothers being allowed to muyrder their babies. That's what deciding to abort is. If it's not being done to save the mothers life in rare cases, and just being done so that people canavoid the consequences of their action, then that's pretty disgusting morally.
if he would have said just a conscious being not being aware of its own consciousness then i would have let him slide. So the only argument is abortion is okay up until the neurons in the brain can think beyond instinct?
green lives matter
Pregnancy is fucking disgusting, abortion should not only be allowed but encouraged. That said, if women can unilaterally opt out of parenting then so should men. No mandatory child support. Equality.
So the EU can abort Switzerland since its inside the EU's borders?
>i wont go swimming because there is a chance i can drown.
Unless 100% of smokers will get cancer this is not an argument.
stick a needle into it and see if it reacts. or take it away from it's moter and see if it will react to that.
Your argument is flawed. Letting a nigger grow to 17 or 18 means that much more welfare has to be supplied to keep it alive. And they start fucking at 12 or 13 so he's bound to have already spawned a replacement. Who cares if he takes out a groid or two on his way out? He already made up for it. It just makes more sense to let the babby mommies suck the turds out as soon as they start cooking.
By taking nutrients from the mother, the baby is violating the NAP.
We have gypsies. Stashed away from sight, yet they receive the same breed-dosh as everyone else despite being entirely unproductive. Still not spilling into white areas
Cut fetus out of uterus and see how it will react.
>Your Honour, when I shot this man with a gun, I had no intentions of killing him, because gun shots are not 100% fatal, therefore saying that I attempted murder is no an argument
fucking polish intellectuals
>pregnancy is fucking disgusting
dumb leaf
Sheeeeeit. Lil nigga a parasite muthafucka. Gas the babies. Age war now.
You are comparing shooting someone with smoking.
How much dumber can you be?
yes, you can clearly see the pain and terror on its face and in its movements
you just said that there is no correlation unless correlation happens in 100% of cases.
One thing the feminists are right about is that if men could get pregnant abortion would have been legalized a lot earlier. Fuck that shit.
>Not taking that as a contractual agreement and billing the child after birth
It's like you don't want to make a profit
If it's not a human until birth, why I gotta give a fuck and feel sympathy for miscarriages?
I ask because one of my employees, a lefty Clinton voter, took a month off due to emotional distress after she had a miscarriage.
Pretty sure I can't ask her about that contradiction for legal reasons but I'm genuinely curious. She's acting like she lost her baby but also believes birth is where life begins.
Suddenly elites selling their children to other elites makes more sense to me.
You feel nothing looking at that? It's a child. You looked exactly like that at one point, many years ago. You grew from that into what you are today. Imagine if some prick pulled you out of your mom's cunt and looked at you like that before throwing you in the trash or using you for stem cells, and you never got a chance to live.
And some fetuses can react to stimuli. That is a very new one. Show one closers to term. They move around and react to touch.
>A fetus is a sentient being capable of rationalizing its own existence
Op wasn't implying that and do you just advocate for killing people who are brain dead too? Because by that logic you would be.
Nobody ever implied that. Just b/c something doesn't have the capacity to realize it's being killed (yet!) that doesn't mean it's completely okay to kill it.
Honestly brain dead people still aren't equivalent because a fetus can and will develop into a normal human whereas a brain dead person is just fucked.
I don't see what you're advocating exactly..
>we legalize abortion
>whites get more abortions, birth rates will continue to drop
>gypsies are just going to breed anyway
>we illegalize abortion
>whites will start using more contraception and birth rates will continue to drop
>gypsies are just going to breed anyway
Legit curious, I don't really see an answer to this. Neither do I see an answer as how to subsidize having children without inadvertently subsidizing gypsies having more children as well.
>They move around and react to touch.
so does Mimosa
Fetuses will become sentient in a few months. Brain deads are as good as gone
When you have your seed growing inside of a woman you probably won't think pregnancy is so disgusting.
And without your mother's pregnancy you wouldn't be here to shitpost.
You just sound like a teenage faggot.
>unconscious person does have consciousness
the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
No he doesn't fucking have it. No what grows in her vagina is her child not her body.
If she is fine will getting rid of it I don't care but lets call things by it's name.
We also ban contraception, or just provide monetary incentives/punishments to breed whites. Undo the hedonistic western culture. Also gas gypsies
Is that Aleppo?
Quite accurate desu senpai.
>Neither do I see an answer as how to subsidize having children without inadvertently subsidizing gypsies having more children as well.
Subsidizing working people having gypsies. Or people with an IQ above 100. And taxing working people who don't have children
Wouldn't realize I was being aborted if that was me, don't get your point.
*having children
reminder that if you support abortion you also support repealing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
If you let the egg grow that big before aborting you have already fucked up.
>the state of being conscious; awareness of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
yes, and the currently uncounscious person was conscious before and will reurn to that state when factor surpressing consciousness stops working
>what grows in her vagina is her child not her body.
is it capable of sustaing itself and its homeostatsis when outside the uterus?
Are humans and sheep crossbreedable?
I do like those Alleppo threads so maybe I was inspired without realizing it. I really appreciate anons being useful and helping each other staying up to date on major world events here.
If the baby is a separate entity, what legal right does it have to be inside another person's vagina? Foetuses are technically rapists. She never consented to that.
Nice sound and objective argument there buddy.
>It's icky and disgusting my feelfeels don't approve
There is nothing wrong with murdering and eating babies they're not human. Give me one good rational reasons that is not muhfeels on why I'm wrong.
And child will have it's consciousness too. That's why it's appear immoral to kill it. So you invalidated your own argument.
>is it capable of sustaining itself and its homeostasis when outside the uterus
No. And?
It looks like Aleppo