Stop fapping to traps
Stop fapping to traps
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Stop fapping altogether.
>everyone is filtering argentina except for the argies
from my cold dead hands.
Stop the Fapping and replace that bad habit with a good one. Couldn't agree more. Wisdom that's lost on this gen cuz Jewry is too busy managing the Porn business, Goyim.
or, AT LEAST, masturbate to facebook photos
>using (((facebook)))
Has anyone here fucked a trap before?
I've fucked 2 whilst visiting Sweden. Swedish men in general, are feminised as fuck, hence why they make insane boipussi. Literally just a girl with a dick.
As I'm growing older, I'm also fantasising about dominating or raping qt 16-18 year old 'boy band' looking, feminine boys
I'm a married man with kids btw, but does anyone else have this feel?
hola Lissandro
Det är kvarg timme :DDDdDDD
t. Kvarg-Varg
>I've fucked 2 whilst visiting Sweden.
>, I'm also fantasising about dominating or raping qt 16-18 year old 'boy band' looking, feminine boys
>I'm a married man with kids btw
Don't worry, im sure your wife also took Ahme'ds cock while you were busy sucking a cute twink's cock
>I'm also fantasising about dominating or raping qt 16-18 year old
>t. afghan
Interesting. Tell us more, how did you pick them up?
This is reverse psychology.
Telling a little kid not to get in the cookie jar makes them want to get in the cookie jar.
Nice try tumblerina, I'll fap to whomever I want to. A little scared men are better than womyn in being women?
You just offer enough Money.
anyone willing to commit fornication is willing to commit it for money.
Most British thing I've read in a while
>having cookie jars large enough for kids to get inside
typical amerifat
Neither the dictatorship said such cruel things
I'd fuck young Varg's boipucci. Am I degenerate?
Why is this thread full of Argies? Do Argies have a program where it shills Argie OP threads to the top?
My wife is an Arab Catholic anyway. 3 years younger than me, and loves me like a messiah.
Nope, modern British males are becoming very patriarchal and dominating these days. No wonder why thepolitical spectrum is swinging here.
>half of the gang looks like justin beiber
>autism shoes
>there is a midget to the left
>clearly just tied up their friend to take a shitty photo
this shit is cringe worthy, i bet the guns are replicas and most of those tattoos are fake.
argentinians have a really big problem with the transvestites
it should be "not even the dictatorship", peroncho boludo
I see you kike shill.
Not all the goyim are stupid. YOU Stop promoting this degeneracy.
Varg should stop fraternizing with Gauls.
>Nope, modern British males are becoming very patriarchal and dominating these days.
would you fug me?
>my wife is an Arab
>>united kingdom
Neither en conjunción no se puede usar como el "Ni" en Español, pregunta sincera de una victima de la educación publica en democracia
"neither" would translate to "tampoco"
Are you worth me bashing you, or are you a neckbeard?
Also, one of those Swedish traps I fucked, was a ''racist'' nationalist.
Literally Sup Forums gf, with a dick.
Oe through craigslist, the other one I just ''got to know''
I've never spent money on a woman. Only my wife who's given me 5 children.
She would pass a a local in your country. Also, isn't your home full of Meztitzos?
fun fact=the midget died in a police chase
I'd fuck her.
:') yes, but we are SUPPOSED to be like this
>Are you worth me bashing you, or are you a neckbeard?
I shave
>that Haiti-tier house
>that chin
>that extra body fat
>when you are lecturing against immigration and socialism, and for nationalism, but you are a norwegian man living on welfare in France
u jelly
>yes, but we are SUPPOSED to be like this
Shame, the mestizos come from Paraguay and Bolivia, in Argentina there was no natives when Spain came.
Post this on Sup Forums, Argenta
>you're jealous of something I can obtain but is a sissy
no, masturbation policy is Sup Forums stuff
Shitposting at it's best
the one in gray sweater looks like a freack
>asturbation policy is Sup Forums stuff
I know that it's just this policy fits more for Sup Forums then it does Sup Forums, Agrenta Vagula
>Stop fapping to traps
quality thread OP I just fapped to Trap Varg
Those feet tho
I want some more Argentinian pussy. Hook a burger up.
I hadn't even seen traps till Sup Forums.
No, I wish I could fuck one.
Lose 30kg
Britain is 87% white, and is the future of white man.
Have you heard of Paul Nuttall, Britain's future Prime Minister?
Canadatrap I know you're in here
Nah, bisexual.
Why do you care so much? It affects you none. I think you're the faggot here for being so obsessed with what other men jerk off to.
>not fag
>Why do you care so much? It affects you none
You're in the wrong place
How do you think society would fare if sexual deviancy becomes commonplace
>all this degeneracy
Just fine as long as the faggots keep it to themselves and in the bedroom
Finland always exploring the outskirts of memes...