A France 24 reporter was searching for the location of Hamas' rocket launchers in Gaza. He found one in a residential area next to a UN building. Share this screenshot. Tell the world how Hamas operates.
A France 24 reporter was searching for the location of Hamas' rocket launchers in Gaza...
>trusting the palestinians to not commit warcrimes
i disagree with the jews on many things but honestly the gaza strip should be glassed
Don't let this slide
>Reporter was searching for jewish weapon caches in the Warsaw Ghetto 1943, he found one in the basement of a residential building.
oyyy vey.
I don't get it
>facing an overwhelmingly more power army
>not cheating
That's unAmerican!
Hamas shoots a ton of rockets into Israel (that's why Israel has their rocket defense system), and to avoid getting bombed back by Israel they've put their rocket launchers next to residential buildings.
AKA a war crime. More or less the same as hiding your troops inside a hospital to avoid retribution.
>homemade fireworks
Cant deny Israels right to defend itself against SATANIC ISLAMIC INVADERS
That's how all these hook nosed cunts operate, cold steel is all any of them understand. You can put the Jews in that basket as well.
Yah because conspiratard photos of sewer pipes next to the UN building is so news worthy.
Cant deny this proof
what are you? an anti semite?
>Trust in the jews
>against Israel, a pseudo gibsmedat country created by faking a war crime
It sure gives the ol' noggin a joggin
Did you know that israel wants peace but is denied it by warmongering palestine?
Fuck off, shill
thats false, Israel is a genocide gibsmedat shithole, israeli people is savage and unedacted, also they are all jews (people who killed Jesus Christ)
Cant deny this evidence
MIFF vennligst heng dere
Hahahah how much does palestine terrorist pay you?????
Muslim detected
Tell me about the Jews. How much did they pay you to post this?
Posts memes from the official propganda arm of the idf
> the donkey`s headband
Nothing :^)
Did you know that israeli girls love western men who support them in their war against warmongering palestine?
You didn't negotiate with the jews very well. You should have held out for at least 2 shekels per post. That is the going rate for correcting the record online right now.
Surely this will make a woman want to touch me!
>France 24
Never trust french media about this conflict, war and diplomaty user. It's 100% jewden propaganda to these subjects.
What whould you do?
>israeli girls
>degenerate whores
Why would someone pimp Israeli whores, while posting on an anti-semetic Tibeaten pottery image board?
How ignorant are you? Did you know that israeli girls are white of nature?
except this is not the basement a of residential building.
its the lawn of a UN building...
I'd stop stop bullying them and banking my entire existence on NATO coming to bail me out every time I made a dipshit move in my local conflicts.
it actually checks out because the jews of modern day israel are impostors and way more european than semitic 99% of the time
did you know that 100% of palestinians live withing range of indiscriminate Israeli terrorist airstrikes?
That's the same as all the americans, all the italians, all the french and all the british, except for expats, living abroad, and some people on boats, in the ocean.
get out kike
so now we feel sorry for the settlers ? kek fuck off
It doesn't matter who the enemy is, what matters is the plan to wipe them out. If I was the head of Israel would stop pussy footing around, nuke Palestine without any survivors, take the land, and tell the world to fuck off when the Hague came calling. As it is the tide is turning against Israel in these matters. They better hurry up and make Palestine theirs. Why are Jews so chicken shit to just get the situation remedied?
>What whould you do?
Litteraly fucking nothing!!!
Here, they spend their day insulting us and spitting on us in their rotten media. They can get fucked.
I fucking hate the Arabs, support Israel wherever you can.
They are the European bastion against Islam.
Did you know jewish women are evolved to entice white men into providing for their jewish offspring? Why do you think jews beleive that jewishness is only inherited from the mother?
because jewishness is a sham
And there are no hamas in france. fucktard
is this bait?
Who cares
pick one
What have the Palestinians contributed to the world?
French media have always been pro palestinian, Mouloud.
Retourne dans le pays de tes ancetres, petite crouilles.
hi anders. are the guards letting you shitpost from every prison computer now?
Why ISIS never attack Israel then?
Regarde la proportion de Juifs dans les medias francais et en reparle. De plus je ne suis ni arabe ni un musulmerde, mauvaise pioche.
What does he remember?
wrong reply
They have killed quite a few Jews.
Fuck off you dirty fucking jew. You WILL burn!!!
Second Shoah can't come soon enough.
Many years ago Palis used a open place in besieged city to fire handmade rockets at Jewish terrorists waging war on their country
Jewish shills try to defend the "moderate" Jews with a spin on a old story for some shekels and shitpost with copy pasta white helmets tier propaganda
>muslims hate jews!! we are united against judaism!!
>this means you must love muslims!
nah, all semites are garbage. get fucked.
>responding unironically to JIDF copy pasta propaganda lies
>firing near UN building
Am I supposed to care ?
jews should have a homeland and fuck off to it permanently. Israel are apparently the only western government not afraid to kill mudshits and that kicks ass
>A real organization
Just look at a map. Gaza isnt a fucking problem for israel at all.
The Jews are shooting rockets at themselves from UN buildings so we will give them more money and weapons.
Dirty kike bait thread
Aren't they part of the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service???
Wipe them all out. Because I am not exploiting the lives of my own people for gibs from America.
Jews are what ever color they want to be. It is called a mask.
Why? i dont have a dog in this fight
if a muslim kills a jew or vice versa why would i care?
That's a mortar, not a rocket launcher.
All rational people know that. Unfortunately rational people are the minority.
Urine idiot.
>sven defends ahmed
checks out