Literally this.
Literally this
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Grumfp btfo!!
Seriously though, we cant let this guy near the nuclear codes.
>liberals are complaining that he is doing his best to bring back jobs,
> And not asking why these jobs are leaving in the first place.
Fuck this gay Earth
What's stopping business owners to take advantage of the situation?
>Thinking 7 millions in taxes is something big
We will surely have 4 years of these media idiots trying to stump Trump at the smallest flaw
>everyone is happy
they already started attacking him because he tapes his tie together
>*8 years
Fixed it for ya
I wonder how much money the government makes in taxes through the 1000 jobs. Every employee is paying taxes, it has to be more than 7 million.
>Obama orchestrates a bailout and even arranges for some of the TARP funds to pay for HIllary's campaign
>Costs taxpayers billions, tons of media praise
>Trump isn't even president and he negotiated a deal at $700USD/yr per job, salvaging 30 million USD/yr in taxable income
>"Worst deal ever, I literally can't read but the MSM tells me it's bad"
>Extorting money by threatening to move jobs to Mexico
FFS, it's not like carrier said: "maybe we're gonna go," they have a plant under construction/already finished in Mexico
Also, where were these faggots when the Auto industry did just fucking that with Obama? And then went to Mexico anyway because Obama's a retard?
>taking less money from someone is giving it away
really fired my synapses
Terrible. Businesses need to be paying MORE in taxes, not less.
Doesn't he know how business works? More taxes for businesses makes them run better.
We fucking want businesses to take advantage of reduced taxes and bring other businesses to the U.S. instead of the shithole you live in Pedro.
The massive bad publicity.
Also, one Hell of a gamble. Think Trump wouldn't name and shame if he thought a company was trying this?
>lose money
>companies can do well making their shit elsewhere
>usa doesnt have to suck their dicks and give them free shit so they can stay
>now losing shittons of tax money because of some dumbass spray tan nationalist gets to be president
but letting iran extort us for billions of dollars for hostage ransoms is ok
Leftist can't stand that trump is a winning man.
Obama gave billions to Iran with NOTHING in return. Thanks obama.
Trump cuts a small tax break deal and SAVE 1000 jobs in america. 1000 people able to support themselves and their families. Pay for health care.. etc...
You guys are just fucking mad that Obama didn't get shit done
You're right, we should make barter and trade illegal. #stillwithher
>Think Trump wouldn't name and shame if he thought a company was trying this?
He should start with Carrier
Oh look it's malaysia!
obama said it had nothing to do with that though dont you trust his word? :^)
If wallstreet and the big corporations love him then why didn't they help fund him. They seem very against him during the election.
>losing tax money
>by keeping income tax paying jobs in America
Nigga you retarded as hell
well those cartoons are lying for starters, completely leaving out that the government has a lot of valuable contracts with Carrier's parent company that Trump almost certainly threatened to tamper with
>Muh evil businesses that keep people employed
You know what is better? Taxing them at 100% so they go bankrupt. That will show them. Fucking greedy companies, not wanting to give free money to the government. When everyone will be unemployed, everyone will be rich.
7 million in taxes is barely anything too considering the state is going to make it back in 2 years
they won't even feel it at all because those tax incentives are rolled out over 10 years
its a pretty fucking good deal
It's technically crony capitalism which is a form of socialism but it could just be a stop gap until Trump can get into office and implement a real business friendly tax policy that encourage all companies to stay here. I don't like the government picking and choosing winners but I just love how the left is all for socialism until a Republican does it. They're a bunch of hypocritical fucks.
What's particularly strange about this one is that if we assume that each of those jobs paid just $30,000/yr., the $24 million in income dwarfs the incentive depicted. I assume the artist doesn't expect people to do basic math?
Yeah no, the message is more like
> Carrot: You can get tax breaks if you don't move jobs to Mexico
> Stick: You can lose government contracts and face tariffs if you do move jobs to Mexico
When negotiating with someone it's always best to offer a carrot and a stick, rather than just beating them about the head with a stick - especially when you can't exactly use that stick with impunity (If the government dropped all government contracts then it would have problems getting shit done)
>lets not tax the company at all
this is why niggers like you must not be allowed on the internet
>Keeping your own money is extorting the government
Wew lad
>Trump helps both workers and businesses
cool I'm glad we're on the same page!
personal income doesn't matter to them, only government income
>crony capitalism
Pick one nigga
>tons of media praise for the bailout
it's like watching a retarded child slam a square peg in a round hole
>the problem here is that Trump isn't being treated FAIRLY by the media!
>haha not that he's doing the opposite of what he pledged
I wanna fuck that robot's wife
This. Crony capitalism is the result of capitalism. Just like how socialism ends up like Venezuela
Besides, it is capitalism that creates higher taxation due to usury.
You're a fucking dumbass. 7 million in incentives over a multiple year period is nothing. The company pays way more in corporate taxes.
It's no surprised an America-hating faggot like you is mad about this. We're taking our jobs back from your shit hole country next.
How is taking money away from companies, instead of letting them grow and hire more people, a good thing? Taxing companies means less money for the employees and less money in the economy.
Versus Obama who just gave them millions in tax breaks for free
oy vey goy, that money belongs to the government! tax cuts are theft!
So either the whole company moves to mexico, hires mexican workers and pays tax to mexico, or the company stays in the USA, hires americans and pays less taxes to the US (because american workforce costs more than mexican)
hmm... hard choice from an american point of view
How can you extort someone by asking them to steal less of your money?
Like with individuals, corporations react to higher taxes by avoiding ways of paying them such as moving their money abroad (about 2.9 trillion USD generated by US companies are abroad atm). The USA has the highest corporation tax rate in the world, so no wonder its corporations either move elsewhere totally or just move their money eslewhere.
Time and time again, lowering taxes has shown to increase the revenue generated by tax, because there comes a point where people are actually willing and incentivised to pay (this is roughly 20 percent and lower) rather than try to avoid it all. The principle is the same for corporations as it is for people.
Punishing success and wealth with high taxes is a retarded and ineffectual policy of the Left brought on by their playing the politics of envy, even though they know (or should know) that it'd make more money to lower taxes, especially and including corporation tax.
Look at Ireland with its low, low corporation tax and understand why the "Celtic Tiger" phenomenon is even a thing.
what kind of mental healthcare are we going to provide for libshits when they learn he is going to disband federal agencies?
ECT is Pence's preferred method but that is too labor and time intensive
>Tax cuts are the same as giving money away
Fuck this thinking and fuck these new captchas too.
oy vey goy, let's lower taxes thus tax revenue and make us more behind in debt. Raise interest rates too goy, let's profit off of nothing. Then by next election they will beg for higher taxes so they can pay us for the debt we gave them.
Less retarded version:
>The deal that emerged this week is a relatively standard package of state incentives, according to people familiar with the agreement. In exchange for $7 million in tax breaks, Carrier will invest $16 million in its facilities in the state.
>invest 16 million in its facilities in the state
Which also means 16 million in local contract work they'll have to hire, creating additional jobs and procuring additional tax revenue.
Workers get their jobs and nigs don't get their welfare gibs me days
Everyone wins!
The point is that if many companies outsource their jobs is fault of the strict worker and tax laws of the original country, politics have to learn that if you treat well your companies they won't abandon you. The money used in mantain L.A's welfare could easily incentive most of the companies that have outsourced during the last 20 years
Pedro 2020
If we assume each of the 1,000 jobs pays an average of $30,000 and that the total net *effective* tax rate is 15%--which includes sales taxes, income taxes, and property taxes--the taxes generated in 1 year would be $4.5 million (let's be honest and remember that the effective tax rate on people's incomes in lower brackets are actually quite small after deductions). This analysis, however, does not include taxes for social security contributions because that doesn't go into the general fund which incentives would be pulled from. All-in-all, under these assumptions, the incentive would pay for itself in a bit less than 2 years--which isn't a half-bad.
>7 million in tax break
>tax break is 'giving money'
Really got my neurons firing.
Carrier is also projected to create 10,000 more jobs in the US.
You're dumb. Lowering taxes doesn't necessarily lower revenue if you're experiencing economic growth and growth in employment and real wages.
>muh fucking bonuses
College has failed us
He threatened to take away their government contracts that are worth much more. There should be laws against government contracts going to foreign workers.
Well, the jobs are staying in US. What other methods are there to make them stay?
>malaysia doesn't understand basic economic principles
that's why he's a billionaire and you're not
This is actually a legitimate concern. What if a company bluffs just to get a tax deal?
How come all the (((cartoonists))) push the same narrative and talking points at the same time?
> only the poor and rich exist
Remember without this false dichotomy, the liberal narrative of boiling evrything down into haves vs. have-nots falls on its face.
oy vey don't you know that a nonstop growing government is the solution to all problems. Nevermind that the government is taking in more money that at any point in history, we need more taxes to keep funding the government for things like guaranteeing little johny's penis amputation at age 7
proofs can not be found in this thread
So you'd rather lose your job to a foreigner just because you don't want your boss to negotiate tax breaks? Liberals are fucking dense.
Between retards on the Left who just hate Trump regardless and retards on the Right who now hate Trump because they don't understand economics and taxes, it looks like Trump won't be getting his second term even if he saves a thousand jobs a day because lowering taxes for corporations is apparently a categoric bad.
where are the proofs?
How exactly is that a bad thing?
This really is some amazing stuff. The people of Reddit are clearly some of the top minds of the internet.
What would you do in this situation instead? Oh I would just take that 7 million dollars and train those workers for another profession.
>Productive manufacturing business gets to keep more if it's profits in exchange for jobs in US.
Huh, It's almost like liberals are giant and complete hypocrites.
Neck yourself OP.
Lower taxes are ideal, but only if you have a good balanced economy. That is what the Germans did in the 1930's and it worked well. In the past, lower taxation didn't work because we were still focused on consumption debt based economics. Trump is at least trying to increase production in America so that lower taxation is actually bearable. New jobs in the government or in consumption based jobs just add to debt. New jobs in production will actually create us wealth.
op does not have proofs
well i mean, the middle class is diminishing...
Trickle down economics doesn't work, don't expect businesses to act like humble people, remember it's just business.
Even Trump himself doesn't even use American labor for the shit that he stamps his name on, but maybe now that'll he'll get a tax break, he will or not, who knows?
This is why the POTUS should be able to send special forces teams to hunt down and kill business owners who don't comply.
I fucking guarantee you that after you offed two of them, the rest would stop whining about their profits not being as enormous and come scampering back with their tail between their legs
Violence is the ultimate power
Idiots didn't watch hannity last night the company is dropping almost at 35m into upgrading and expanding their company...7m from gov doesn't do shit
> * forever
Fixed again
>A Gun behind their head
t. Communism
not at all, he got a massive popularity surge just from winning
the MSM bleating about him won't do anything
As a small business owner. If I was able to keep more I could pay more!!!
Instead it goes to the black hole of our government who spends it without one thought of the sweat equity that I had to do to earn that cash!!!!
Like Hillary losing 10 Billion Dollars....
>punishing success and wealth with high taxes
yet on the opposite hand, unfettered wealth gain yields a literal worship of money
money over god, money over country, money over people, money over life, money over beauty
Worse, it leads to corrupt, unstable corporations, which wealthy CEOs pump dry of every dollar then collapse it, destroying jobs and stable homes all in the name of the almighty dollar.
Proposed fix:
1) End corporate tax. Corporations should not be taxed on profits, or the money they spend building their businesses.
2) Increase income tax to 95% at the highest level, and 0% at the median. The common man pays nothing, the wealth man is incentivized to build his business and pay his workers rather than pay himself and jump.
3) Grant cities the right to outright deny big businesses the right to build, so that small businesses can thrive.
And a lot of that is due to thinking that there are only two classes.
> we need to raise taxes on the rich!
> so let's only target wages!
Truly rich people laugh to the bank because they don't make a wage, your doctor or small business owner gets raped, and in response has to cut wages and raise prices, pushing the burden downwards.
>Things that will never become common knowledge
Just have to keep that link handy whenever a retard comes a'babbling.
>Grant cities the right to outright deny big businesses the right to build, so that small businesses can thrive.
Already exists. Called zoning law.
Not bad ideas tho.
Liberals care about how the government spends tax dollars all of a sudden.
>Oh I would just take that 7 million dollars and train those workers for another profession.
I've literally had an app developer friend tell me that we can train factory workers, coal miners and farm hands to make apps once automation kicks in. Completely unironically
Yea fuck logic and rationality.
>Robots take over all the jobs.
>We the niggers now.
Great post. I agree with you.
>And you can *extort* millions in tax breaks by threatening to move jobs to Mexico
Hm. And here I was falsely believing that taxation was extortion.
man, how the fuck are we supposed to protect small businesses when corporations are legally allowed to just pay off government officials
>hey you can't build a mcdonalds there, that's for joe and sally's burger joint that they live off and give four other teens in the area decent paying jobs
>well here's 10 million dollars
>oh well by all means then, let me evict them for you
Don't lump Zyklon Ben in with them. #notAllCartoonists
In the early 2000's my division was moved to Singapore, and hundreds lost their jobs. Why did they move offshore? The US Government was offering the company "Pioneer" status: They allowed them 10 years of tax-free status.
Maybe a good start is to stop subsidizing and incentivising offshore moves.