Why is Drumpf so scared of a recount?
Why is Drumpf so scared of a recount?
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nobody is scared, just shills pushing it. Hold on to it as long as you can, than finally you will except the god emperor
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He fooled everybody. Trump is a total fake
Wilbur Ross: 25 Years Rothschild Bankster
Steve Mnuchin: 15 Years Goldman Sachs Bankster
Trump fooled US. This is Not anti establishment
It is the takeover of the banksters
I think Trump is more pissed that the lugenpresse and the Democrats are continuing to throw a tantrum
You guys complained about the Repub's failure to unify under Obama and then have the biggest collective conscious breakdown when Trump won
It's pathetic
Well Hillary won by 3,000,000 votes and had experts said she had suspiciously low voter turn out in those states that used electronic voting machines.
It only makes sense why people are pushing for a recount.
So far the WI recount yielded 1 vote for Hillary and a dozen each for Stein and the a Leppo man
They already own everything idiot.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Popular vote is inconsequential.
Actually it hasn't yielded that 1 vote, 1 vote was subtracted from Hillary and 2 from Trump, so his lead has grown smaller by 1 single vote
Because its Clintons people doing the counting
It IS a farce
don't place faith in a plutocrat. you will only be let down.
the meme war was fun, especially Jeb!'s demise.
i'll wait until trump is actually president, but he's no savior.
Because Michigan took ultra long in the regular counting too. They wouldn't finish recounting by when the electors are voting, throwing them out
I wouldn't say Trump's scared. More like insulted.
Plus the integrity of future presidential elections is damaged by Stein. She's ruined it for future minorities in politics like women and blacks who might want to be president because women and black president's cannot concede without grace. Nice one, Jill.
>Well Hillary won by 3,000,000 votes
Where do those votes keep coming from? A million seems to be added every week
Four possible outcomes of a recount:
1. Trump wins by larger margin
>See we need national voter ID laws
2. Trump wins by smaller margin
>See we need national voter ID laws
3. Nothing Changes
>His favorite talking point in 2020 election about democratic hypocrisy
4. Hillary "finds" that she actually "wins"
>Trump tweets his 50 million gun owner supporters to invade DC, we now have a king
By seeming to oppose it, he is adding fuel to the fire. 4d chess
The head of the Michigan republican party is looking at the job of RNC chair, it's Romney's niece. Reince is pushing for her.
Trump may be the President, but he must control the party if he wants anything done. That means controlling key people in key positions.
The calls for recounts and the bitching and protesting by people accomplish nothing but create even deeper divisions.
America has the longest history of peaceful transition of power in the world and likes to think of itself as the poster child for democracy.
Lol, medium kek. Because no state has ever been won by 10,000 votes. And the margin of victory only increases with PA, and WI. So this recount is pointless and seeks only to attempt to tarnish GETs victory.
They're (((still counting)))
Fuck off. People should have a right to want a recount, especially in such a consequential election like this.
If someone voted for a lot of democrat senators and shit but also voted Trump they say "Oh they're a democrat, must have made a mistake" and change it from Trump to Clinton
We nuked the Japs twice for being defeatist little cunts, why anyone put up with it in our election?
What exactly do you think a recount is going to accomplish. It doesn't verify that votes are legit. All they do is literally recount numbers. Why it's even a thing to begin with is on me. It's not even possible for some to accidentally give another person an extra 10k+ votes.
People have rights to a lot of things. Doesn't mean you should do it. But I forget that liberalism is a fucking mental illness, and they can't differentiate between a fair election that got Trump elected, and rigging it so that Hillary beat a washed out old commie
Trump for king when?
A trump president for life would be bretty gud. Like putin but with less corruption.
Because no states where Hillary narrowly won are being recounted, you dullard.
i wish i could fast forward my life to December 21 just to see these kind of theads disappear
That's pretty damn corrupt
Nah man, were just "Checking voter intent"
This is actually a good question when you think about it. I mean what does he stand to gain by opposing the recount?
Fuck that we broke from Britain to not have a monarchy.
Of course Canadians who didn't even fight for their independance wouldn't understand that.
Is this legit? Any source on it?
Not trying to b8, I'm genuinly interested in catalogueing the Democrat party's corruption.
fake news
>Fuck off. People should have a right to want a recount, especially in such a consequential election like this.
Except you're missing a key point - This is not Hillary doing a recount. It is Jill Stein. Colluding with another presidential candidate. We have laws against this shit. If it was Hillary, that's one thing. But this shouldn't legally have anything to do with Hillary. And yet everyone is calling it Hillary's recount because everyone knows what's actually going on.
This isn't some legitimate constitutional recount. This is fucking fraud and dishonesty across the board by Stein and Clinton and their posse. You can't support this shit.
Not having it be re-rigged by Shillary.
>First Day Of Wisconsin Recount Nets Hillary One Vote, Stein picked up 17 votes
Not counting Wisconsin because it won't be done by the delegates voting maybe ?
Suck my dick, soros shill.
Because dems want to do election fraud
Is Stein concerned the Dems were turning Stein votes into Shillary votes?
because liberal subhumans don't deserve a recount. just a one way trip to the gas chambers
That's just not how the game works. You're like the losing side of a baseball team complaining that they got more bases. You can advocate for change in the future, but it's important to accept results as they are today. Clinton also won the popular vote in the primaries of 2008, but she still lost b/c Obama had more delegates. Clinton knew she lost; that's why she conceded at Obama's request. She managed to figure out how important it is in Democracy for the losing side to accept results, and so should you.
Trump got more votes in more of the right places. He inspired massive voter turnout in rural districts where people generally vote less often. Even the Amish community in Pennsylvania, who haven't voted in more than a century, all got up and voted for Trump. Almost all of Clinton's votes were concentrated in urban areas. He played the game better. Pic related.
because it's not just the money she has to spend in Michigan, the state has to use 12 million dollars that could be spent on getting clean water in Flint just to appease that stupid bitch
Because it would waste 12Million on a recount that wont be done by the 13th
Holy shit, that 2nd link ...
>President-elect Trump lost the state by only 27,000 votes. The fraud exposed by Mr. Vaughan represents roughly a third of that number, in just one small district representing 1/42 of the state’s voters.
Why isn't this in the MSM? oh, right, silly me.
The reason Hillary won the popular vote by such a wide margin is because of massive democratic counties like San Bernardino. Also, who are these "experts"? Hillary said it would be terrifying if Trump refused to accept the election results, yet that's exactly what she's doing.
Yes, she even said that when she started the fundraising campaign, citing some screenshots of results coming in where she supposedly LOST votes over time.
Hillary supporters were still stupid enough to give her 7 Million though.
he's not scared of a recount, but if the recount took place it probably wouldn't be finished before the deadline for the electoral college
then the electors can pretty much choose to vote on their own since they're not bound by any votes, which could endanger the integrity of the election
Daily reminder that these millions could have been better spent for more Carrier-like deals.
HRC lost by 74 votes, she didn't win anything.
Wisconsin uses optical scanners. Those "experts" are fucking idiots.
This is a George Soros inspired and funded operation to undermine the elections, there is fuckery afoot and Trump needs to be bitching about it.
After listening to Mnuchin and Ross on Fox Business yesterday I feel much better about their economic insight and what policies they intend to implement. Vastly better than what HRC would have picked. So please, kindly, go fuck yourself and enjoy the Sharia law Germany has just added to your country.
Romney's niece is a huge Trump supporter. She was practically giddy talking to Cavuto yesterday about Trump and gives no fucks about her uncle.
What do you mean 4 million Jews died in the Holocaust? The real number to die was 6 million. Remember the 15 million, goyim!
He's no doubt planning his next 12d move as we speak
Have you started looking for another job yet? Maybe one that isn't morally bankrupt. Perhaps you can actually add value to society.
Because it's clearly an attempt by the elite to steal the election.
She admitted he day after recounting started that it was fueled by "Hillary should have won".
She in on the game just like Trump is in on it from a different side.
still just absolutely shocked that jill stein, someone who promotes crystal healing and homeopathy, doesnt know how hacking works
I saw that interview as well. Impressed me. Mnuchin bought failing banks and turned them around. Ross bought failing steel companies and turned them around. I'm absolutely fine with them working their Jew magic for our cause.
>return of the court Jew nao
Wrong, if the recount isn't done those states do not get to vote, unless there is a law in place.
What happens is a state tied up subtracts from the person they were going to vote for and the overall number of electors needed to win.
If the Dems, because let's face it they are backing this hard, can tie up enough states the can push it to Congress to vote in a President. They then will use this for the next 4 years to divide and destabilize the country with "see he wasn't actually elected because we used stall tactics!"
In my opinion Soros doesn't care how the country is destabilized so long as it is for him to seize more power in the chaos. I honestly think there is a separate group that opposes Soros and his group in how the world should be ran.
Jill (((Stein)) and Hilliery on suicide watch.
Not 100, not 10, not even 2, but a single vote was given to Killary in WI on the first day of recount.
Anonymous Mail-In Ballots.
They just keep mailing anonymous ballots to themself and counting it. They're fake votes.
They would have stolen it the first time around if that's the case.
>I honestly think there is a separate group that opposes Soros and his group in how the world should be ran
To get conspiratorial for a minute, I agree with this. I think Trump was Plan A.
my question is why does the recount even matter if trump won by electoral anyway?
Trips speak truth.
>literally all jews
what the fuck
The three states that were "selected," if all three could be tied up with recounts, it would possibly call into question those 46 EV's, which would keep Trump below 270, thus sending it to the House of Representatives. This is just a Soros-funded ploy to deny Trump his EV majority, and further erode the perceived legitimacy of his presidency. Imagine the optics of it all, he loses the popular vote, but not really a big deal since neither candidate got a majority there, it's all determined by the electoral college. But then, if the electoral college is fucked with by denying the EV's in those three states, the House has to decide it. Then the next 4 years the press and dems can say, derp derp Trump lost the popular vote and the electoral votes and his buddies in the house gave him the presidency. This is all about perception and framing now.
Plan A for Soros? Honestly I was of the opinion that Soros was backing Hillary for the potential of world wide chaos to bring several plans together.
To me this I plan B to atleast destabilize the region here and then use the new gained hold to succeed in four years.
I know Trump isn't on his own, he's too risky without the right backing. I honestly believe an ideological difference has sprung up between those wanting to pull the strings. Some want to run the NWO one way, others believe it should be done differently. The problem is they play this game with nations and it's people. They're more entrenched, better funded, and far more reaching than people realize
I don't think for a second Trump isn't part of this struggle, he's a figure head they use. Just like Hillary was Soros's.
There's different power plays amongst the ELITE, of which Soros isn't a part of. I think Trump was Plan A for the Western families.
He's not scared of a recount, he's scared of a (((recount))).
Select counties, that are the major metropolitan areas, last I heard he was also going to push a recount in Florida.
It's all far too convenient that they target major states Trump won, at the last second. Not 100% if the person pushing for that can get Florida to recount now.
Is that pic an actual news story or a MS paint you did?
I am pretty sure there are a few local news stations which reported machines doing this.
On a phone right now, but a quick youtube search should yield some results. Unless it was pulled for 'muh fagh newz!'
Would make sense, the problem is I see Soros in on this because the opposition to Trump would easily serve his purposes. He may not be the main one but to me his is definitely connected to it in some way.
If Hillary cheats the recount she will not live to be sworn in.There are thousands of Trump Patriots who would give their freedom and their lives for America.Dont even think about it Hillary.
Looks like that district with the major discrepancies reported is on the recount list. Here's hoping.
it's fake senpai
Trump should push for a recount in NH and VA. Play the same game they are and show how pointless both sides are.
Just let Hillary win
in a few years Liberats will asking for asylam in the Great South Federation
>fast forward to my birthday
y-you too
Jill Stein's motives are obvious. She didn't run for office to get elected. She knew that would not happen. She has received national attention instead. This recount has kept her name in the news as well. She is expanding her profile on a national level.
She's attention whoring.
No one wants war.
And those who do would change their mind the moment a bomb dropped next to them.
>They already own everything idiot.
Good thing Trump rolled over and took it in the ass from them then.
It would have been ugly had he actually tried to do something different.
>Make America Great Again
More importantly, why are you so mad?
Soros and Koch bros. are "opposites". They're part of the "Elites", the donor class which pulls the strings of the "elites", the public face of celebrities and politicians who believe themselves of power. The ELITES are the old families which own the money, they're definitely above it all.
If Plato's cave might be a simulation,
>Plebs=those of us who stare at the images. It knowing they're a facsimile of the truth.
>elites=those who make the images dance, but still only see those images themselves
>Elites light the fires and create the images from their memories of the truth, but still exist within the cave.
>ELITES are those who exist above it all, outside the cave, and leave the Elites to play puppeteer. There are eastern and western families at war right now, however.
So here's my thoughts: Trump is an emissary. He exists outside this system. He can't be touched by Soros and Koch, because their tools are monetary and Trump's wealth is real property scattered throughout the world. Even the ELITES can't touch him because it would require simultaneous market crashes around the world. He is truly transnational, without borders, he has become the Jew.
Anyway. I think Soros and Koch's are working towards the NWO. The ELITES are old world order really, and have no use for a dumbed down, multiracial slave race. Perhaps the theories are right and they want to move to the stars. Can't do that with 10billion shit skins working for you. The best you can do is build some pyramids and play gods.
So what do we need for that to happen? A culling. Trump is Plan A.
This. Remember when CNN called the popular vote for Trump? They had it on their election page for quite awhile.
Then it disappeared from the election results. Since then, 90% of the votes being added were for Hillary. And they still keep going up. Hillary goes up 2 million, Trump goes up a few hundred thousand.
And it is still happening. The election was almost a month ago. Can anyone honestly provide an explanation for this phenomenon outside of fraud? Because I can't think of anything.
Especially considering that republicans tend to vote on election day, while dems vote early... so if anything, late votes should be the complete opposite of what we are seeing.
We also have laws against colluding with PACs, but get what dickbreath? We have video evidence indicating that Clinton did it anyway.
"Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a statement Wednesday that “The recount effort is non-partisan ..."
Honestly, I just don't get it. How can these people say these things with a straight face? It is mindblowing. People aren't stupid enough to buy this shit. So why are these crooks and liars getting away with it?
California. It takes a while to count all the votes and then you have to translate the numbers out of Spanish.