ITT: We Post People Who Did Nothing Wrong
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ITT: We Post People Who Did Nothing Wrong
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Other urls found in this thread:
first for hitler
second for arthas
third for Kim
north korea is already great
>Muslims have conquered spain and now are comung for france
>Let's go genocide pagan germans instead
>Implying that's a bad thing
Vikangz BTFO Kek
To the Lions
To the Helicopters
Edict of Expulsion, 1290
>this triggers the scotcuck
>People Who Did Nothing Wrong
>literally cucked by rasputin
>hindered economic progress
>shit military commander
>allowed bolsheviks to take over russia
>executed by commies in his cuckshed
Worst leader of history
>literally cucked by rasputin
just not true
>hindered economic progress
no, read french economist edmont terrie
>shit military commander
>allowed bolsheviks to take over russia
it was kerensky and provisional government
>>executed by commies in his cuckshed
Worst historian of history
It's not genocide when they are niggers
Has anyone ever claimed Karl did something wrong?
Only whiny pagans
>Nicolas II
>emancipated tatars and allowed them to move to the city
>allowed mosque construction in European Russia
>build Cathedral mosque in Saint-Petersburg which was biggest European mosque at the time
>he left to ball after massacre incident in public(Hodinka) instead of speaking to his people
>dragged Russian Empire into pointless war with Japan
>dragged Russian Empire into pointless war with Germany
You wont do any wrong.
Nicolae Ceausescu, the only good and non-jewish president Romania ever had.
He and his wife's execution video was the first of such kind that I ever saw on the Interwebs c. 1995. Shit was cash.
The only thing he did wrong was not doing anything about that shit stain on his dome.
Always hated seeing him on TV back in the day for that reason.
Stop killing pagan Saxons
Also this
Peter I - mass murderer of the Russian people. introduced shit load of tortures and corporal punishments to the legal code, waged stupid wars, enforced massive slavery mascaraded as serfdom, introduced conscription to army "as long as recruit is healthy" ("дoкoлe cилы и здopoвьe пoзвoлят")
kys cuck
That's actually true, those citizens were all infected and it was only a matter of hours for them to become undead under the service of the scourge.
fcuking russians shitting up another thread
>tfw varg is the spirit of charlemane returned to redeem himself for destroying the true germanic faith
giving russians internet access was a mistake
He was proven right.
Pretty stupid to kill your cousins because they don't want to convert while the muzzies are getting ready to attack your country.
Stay mad.
We should be same state anyway.
never going to happen
Don't be so rude. We love finka oblast.
Even reunification with Belarus is not going to happen as long as you have North Caucasus and various buryat filth as part of the Federation, Ivan. Russians are tired of them and homogenous countries don't want to have a free flow with 75% European nation. USSR scenario soon
Exactly. Jaina was a fucking medieval social justice warrior.
people often grow attached to their grandparents graveyard :^)
>enforced massive slavery mascaraded as serfdom,
It wasn't masqueraded as serfdom, everyone knew it was serfdom.
Peter was pretty good. 7/10
I love new Jaina so much.
"Wow you're a garbage king, dude. GAS THE ORCS, RACE WAR NOW" and just teleports out.
I almost came.
Every teenager has a difficult period but at the end they always return back home :^)
Learn history, shart. There were nothing good about him except construction of the fleet.
This never happenned in Warcraft history
When did she say that? She used to be best pals with Thrall, a fucking orc.
He went to Spain, but killed Basques instead of Moors and left.
Do Russians still call St. Petersburg the City of Bones?
>Thread devolves into constant Russian Shitposting
Are you sure these guys aren't better than the Canadians at this?
Underrated person
Best king
That's the guy from Community.
She became a lesbian and a racist after Garrosh fucked up Theramore with a manabomb.
> a lesbian and a racist
You win some, you lose some.
It's weird to think about how old the game is already. I used to have no life. I still don't, but back then I did still have some hope.
> introduced shit load of tortures and corporal punishments to the legal code, waged stupid wars, enforced massive slavery mascaraded as serfdom, introduced conscription to army "as long as recruit is healthy" ("дoкoлe cилы и здopoвьe пoзвoлят")
>punishing cheating bureaucrats and aristocracy
>acquiring trade ports on seas, expanding it's country borders and influence
>having the same economic system as half of Europe at that time
>building a strong and professional army
>bad things
hmm, I guess someone doesn't know how reality works
This man made Finnland Great Again, and was loyal to Russ crown like 10/10
Same guy, I'm sure.
That guy preserved the Finnish greatness. This guy made Finland great again.
Feanor literally did nothing wrong.
how many jews this guy killed? If 0 thats not him.
Also i wish popes still wore the papal tiara
The Vilebloods were shit tier degenerates. None of them were innocent.
Also, Jef Geeraerts did nothing wrong.
I don't know. I'm not that interested in Hollywood drama.
also this
>unprecedented cruelty
Even if the rest of Europe had similar systems(its didn't)
>Mooooom, Billy and Katie smoked crack too!!! That's why it's not bad
How about this dude right here?
Gaius Julius Caesar Dictator did nothing wrong.
Tay did nothing wrong.
Didn't he ally with the undead chick?
Ethelred the Unready was worse.
uther was just a globalist pawn on a quest to prevent the happening
Too soon.
Yeah, but all his ministers were jews in disguise.
Jeremy Clarkson did nothing wrong
What about Medivh? The Merkel of Azeroth.
Peter I was the worst Russian ruler ever.